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Created July 31, 2013 02:09
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Mixpanel - Trying to get Event properties and People to track correctly The athlete controller is where I am recording events and people, could that be the issue?
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var analytics=analytics||[];(function(){var e=["identify","track","trackLink","trackForm","trackClick","trackSubmit","page","pageview","ab","alias","ready","group"],t=function(e){return function(){analytics.push([e].concat(,0)))}};for(var n=0;n<e.length;n++)analytics[e[n]]=t(e[n])})(),analytics.load=function(e){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript",t.async=!0,t.src=("https:"===document.location.protocol?"https://":"http://")+""+e+"/analytics.min.js";var n=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(t,n)};
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class AthletesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :find_user_id
before_filter :find_ath_id
def edit
@sport = @user.athlete
def show
@sport = @user.athlete
def ncaa_form
send_file("#{Rails.root}/public/pdfs/ncaa_form.pdf", :disposition => "inline" , :target => '_blank', type: "application/pdf")
#should move this out of the controller and use the mixpanel ruby or javascript library?
def update
if @athlete.update(athletes_params)
redirect_to @athlete, notice: "Your information was updated successfully"
mixpanel.track 'User Updated', {
:distinct_id =>,
:time => @user.updated_at
mixpanel.set ({ :distinct_id =>, :email =>, :first_name => @user.first_name, :last_name => @user.last_name})
flash[:error] = "Opps! Sorry #{@user.first_name} you forgot something on the, please complete all the required fields"
@sport = @user.athlete
render :show
def find_ath_id
@athlete = @user.athlete
def find_user_id
@user = current_user
# Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
def athletes_params
params.require(:athlete).permit(:race, :college, :perm_address, :perm_citystzip,
:perm_nation, :perm_phone, :cell_phone, :campus_box, :off_campus_address, :off_campus_citystzip,
:off_campus_rm, :parent_guardian_1_first, :parent_guardian_1_last, :parent_guardian_1_email, :parent_guardian_1_address,
:parent_guardian_1_citystzip, :parent_guardian_1_nation, :parent_guardian_2_first, :parent_guardian_2_last,
:parent_guardian_2_email, :parent_guardian_2_address, :parent_guardian_2_citystzip, :parent_guardian_2_nation, :ncaa, :ncaa_drug,
:ivy, :ins, :med, :sa_conduct
<title><%= page_title %></title>
<table class="table no-border">
<% @sport.sports.each do |s| %>
<td class="blue-text strong"><%= %></td>
<% end %>
<td class="blue-text strong"><%= current_user.athlete.grad_yr %></td>
<td ><%= current_user.athlete.race %></td>
<td><%= %></td>
<td>Campus Box:</td>
<td><%= current_user.athlete.campus_box %></td>
<td><strong>Current Address:</strong></td>
<%= current_user.athlete.perm_address %><br>
<%= current_user.athlete.perm_citystzip %> <%= current_user.athlete.perm_nation %> <br>
<abbr title="Home Phone">P:</abbr> <%= current_user.athlete.perm_phone %><br>
<abbr title="Cell Phone">C:</abbr> <%= current_user.athlete.cell_phone %>
<td><strong>Off-Campus Address:</strong></td>
<%= current_user.athlete.off_campus_address %><br>
<%= current_user.athlete.off_campus_citystzip %><br>
<abbr title="Off Campus Room/Unit/Apt#">RM:</abbr> <%= current_user.athlete.perm_phone %><br>
<td>Your Avatar</td>
<%= image_tag @user.avatar.url %>
<td colspan="2">
<div class="clearfix" style="padding: 0 5px;">
<div class="pull-left">
<a data-toggle="modal" href="#athlete_update" class="btn btn-medium light-blue inverse" type="button">Update</a>
<%= render 'athletes/athlete_update' %>
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If I am going to use the mixpanel JS library, where should I put the snippets to record events? Or should I stick with using the Ruby gem?

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