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Forked from onnimonni/rename-uploads.php
Last active June 28, 2022 08:11
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Remove accents from Wordpress uploads. This renames all files and replaces corresponding attachment in WordPress database. This helps to avoid possible problems with *EXITSTING* filenames. To avoid this in future install mu-plugin which hooks in 'sanitize_file_name'
* Replace-uploads.php
* This replaces all accents from your uploads
* you can run this with wp-cli: $ php wp-cli.phar eval-file rename-uploads.php
* You may need to run the outputted move commands in order to update the filenames.
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CLI' ) || ! WP_CLI ) {
// Bail.
// Change to right path before making changes.
if ( defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) ) {
chdir( WP_CONTENT_DIR );
} else {
chdir( ABSPATH );
// Get all uploads.
$uploads = get_posts(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'numberposts' => -1,
'include' => array( _______POST_IDS_HERE________ ), // TODO.
global $wpdb;
// Get upload path.
$path = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'];
echo 'Found: ' . count( $uploads ) . " attachments...\n";
echo "This may take a while...\n\n";
// Loop through all upload images.
foreach ( $uploads as $upload ) {
// Reset flag.
$replace_name = false;
foreach ( get_post_meta( $upload->ID, '_wp_attached_file', false ) as $index => $file ) {
echo "# Processing ID: {$upload->ID}\n";
$full_path = $path . '/' . $file;
$ascii_file = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\-\_\.]/', '', ( remove_accents( $file ) ) ) );
$ascii_full_path = $path . '/' . $ascii_file;
// This replaces main file.
if ( $file !== $ascii_file ) {
$replace_name = true;
echo "mv '{$full_path}' {$ascii_full_path}\n";
// NOTE: This doesn't seem to work in some cases.
rename( utf8_decode( $full_path ), $ascii_full_path );
// Also replace the thumbnails versions.
$file_path = dirname( $full_path );
$metadata = get_post_meta( $upload->ID, '_wp_attachment_metadata', false )[ $index ];
// Update main file.
$metadata['file'] = $ascii_file;
if ( isset( $metadata['sizes'] ) ) {
foreach ( $metadata['sizes'] as $name => $thumbnail ) {
$metadata['sizes'][ $name ]['file'];
$thumbnail_path = $file_path . '/' . $thumbnail['file'];
$ascii_thumbnail = strtolower( preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\/\-\_\.]/', '', ( remove_accents( $thumbnail['file'] ) ) ) );
// Update metadata on thumbnail so we can push it back to database.
$metadata['sizes'][ $name ]['file'] = $ascii_thumbnail;
$ascii_thumbnail_path = $file_path . '/' . $ascii_thumbnail;
echo "mv {$thumbnail_path} {$ascii_thumbnail_path}\n";
// NOTE: This doesn't seem to work in some cases.
rename( utf8_decode( $thumbnail_path ), $ascii_thumbnail_path );
$fixed_metadata = serialize( $metadata );
$file_basename = basename( $file );
$replace_file_basename = basename( $ascii_file );
// Replace in DB...
// Replace main file.
$sql = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta SET meta_value = '{$ascii_file}' WHERE post_id={$upload->ID} and meta_key='_wp_attached_file';";
$wpdb->query( $sql );
// Replace thumbnail fields.
$sql = "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta SET meta_value = '{$fixed_metadata}' WHERE post_id={$upload->ID} and meta_key='_wp_attachment_metadata';";
$wpdb->query( $sql );
// Space out each set of commands.
echo "\n";
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