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Last active November 2, 2017 00:39
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govCMS Site Sync
# Expects x paramters (drush alias of remote site | netXXX number | docroot of local instance | DB name)
# e.g. bash ~/ 2111 ~/Desktop/govCMS/govcms.local govcms
if [ "$#" != "4" ]; then
echo "Requires 4 Paramters: "
echo "{drush alias} {netXXX number - get this from source code of ACSF site} {docroot of local instance} {DB name}"
echo "e.g. ~/ 2111 ~/Desktop/govCMS/govcms.local govcms"
echo "⏳ SQL Sync"
echo " Downloading SQL dump"
drush @$ALIAS sql-dump > $SQL_DUMP || echo "⚠️ Error downloading SQL dump"
echo " Tidying up SQL export"
# removes warning that tends to apear as the first line of the export
sed -i.bak '/Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure./d' $SQL_DUMP
echo " Importing SQL"
drush -r $DOCROOT sql-cli < $SQL_DUMP || echo "⚠️ Error importing SQL dump"
echo " Deleting SQL"
rm $SQL_DUMP || echo "⚠️ Error deleting temporary SQL dump"
rm $SQL_DUMP.bak || echo "⚠️ Error deleting backup SQL dump"
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
echo "⏳ Files Sync"
drush -y -r $DOCROOT rsync -avz @$ALIAS:/var/www/html/govcms.01live/docroot/sites/g/files/net$NET_FILE/f/ $DOCROOT/sites/default/files/
mkdir -p $DOCROOT/sites/g/files/net$NET_FILE
ln -s $DOCROOT/sites/default/files $DOCROOT/sites/g/files/net$NET_FILE/f &> /dev/null
# creates symlinks so theme imgs etc work locally
mkdir -p $DOCROOT/sites/g/files/net$NET_FILE/themes/site/ >> /dev/null
ln -s $DOCROOT/sites/all/themes/ $DOCROOT/sites/g/files/net$NET_FILE/themes/site >> /dev/null
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
# Stops the "The following module is missing from the file system: acsf"* warnings from showing up locally
echo "⏳ Remove ACSF plugin rows from DB"
echo "DELETE FROM system WHERE name LIKE 'acsf%';" | $(drush sql-connect) && drush cc all
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
echo "⏳ Remove govCMS tweaks plugin row from DB"
echo "DELETE FROM system WHERE name LIKE 'govcms_tweaks';" | $(drush sql-connect) && drush cc all
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
echo "⏳ Disable Shield and set tmp dir"
drush dis shield -y
drush vset "file_temporary_path" "/tmp/"
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
echo "⏳ Clear and disable Caches"
drush cc all
drush vset cache 0 --yes
drush vset preprocess_css 0 --yes
drush vset preprocess_js 0 --yes
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
echo "⏳ Truncating DB cache tables"
echo "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'cache%'" | $(drush sql-connect) | tail -n +2 | xargs -L1 -I% echo "DELETE FROM %;" | $(drush sql-connect)
echo "☑️ "
echo ""
echo "✅ Done."
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