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Created February 9, 2024 07:03
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  • Save fricklerhandwerk/723de760cd8a943d40c9a175d03a0d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fricklerhandwerk/723de760cd8a943d40c9a175d03a0d4f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scripts to obtain raw data on Nix maintenance activities

Show all merged pull requests

gh pr list --state merged --search "NOT Backport merged:2023-04-01..2024-01-08" --json number,title --jq '.[] |  "- [#\( .number )](\( .number )) \( .title )"' --limit 1000 | sort

Show merged pull requests by selected labels (categories will have overlap)

for label in bug tests documentation UX error-messages performance contributor-experience build-problem new-cli installer language process feature; do echo -e "\n## [$label]($label+merged%3A2023-03-31..2024-01-08+)\n"; gh pr list --state merged --label "$label" --search "NOT Backport merged:2023-04-01..2024-01-08" --json number,title --jq '.[] |  "- [#\( .number )](\( .number )) \( .title )"' --limit 500 | sort

Show closed issues

gh issue list --state closed --search "closed:2023-04-01..2024-01-08" --json number,title --jq '.[] | "- [#\( .number )](\( .number )) \( .title )"' --limit 500 | sort

List authors of merged pull requests

gh pr list --state merged --search "merged:2023-04-01..2024-01-08" --json author --jq '.[] | .author.login' --limit 1000 | sort -u

List everyone involved in closed issues



issues=$(gh issue list --state closed --search "closed:$START_DATE..$END_DATE" --json number,author --jq '.[] | {number: .number, author: .author.login}' --limit 1000)

get_commenters() {
    echo "$issue" >&2
    gh issue view $issue --json comments --jq '.comments[].user.login'

export -f get_commenters

    echo "$issues" | jq -r '.author'
    echo "$issues" | jq -r '.number' | xargs -I {} -P 10 -n 1 bash -c 'get_commenters "$@"' _ {}
} | grep -v '^$' | sort -u

List new and regular contributors


export START_DATE="2023-04-01"
export END_DATE="2024-01-08"

contributors=$(gh pr list --state merged --search "merged:$START_DATE..$END_DATE" --json author --limit 1000 --jq '.[].author.login' | sort -u)


cleanup() {
    rm -f "$temp_new" "$temp_regular"

trap cleanup EXIT

process_contributor() {
    first_pr_date=$(gh pr list --author "$contributor" --state merged --limit 1000 --json mergedAt --jq '.[].mergedAt' | sort | head -n 1 | cut -c 1-10)
    pr_count=$(gh pr list --author "$contributor" --state merged --search "merged:$START_DATE..$END_DATE" --limit 1000 --json number | jq 'length')

    echo "- @$contributor ($pr_count)" >&2

    if [[ "$first_pr_date" > "$START_DATE" ]]; then
        echo "- @$contributor ($pr_count)" >> "$temp_new"
    elif [[ "$pr_count" -gt 0 ]]; then
        echo "- @$contributor ($pr_count)" >> "$temp_regular"

export -f process_contributor
export temp_new
export temp_regular

echo "$contributors" | xargs -I {} -P 10 -n 1 bash -c 'process_contributor "$@"' _ {}

echo "# New Contributors"
cat "$temp_new" | sort -t '(' -k 2,2nr
echo "# Regulars"
cat "$temp_regular" | sort -t '(' -k 2,2nr

Get list and count of issues and pull requests per assignee


GH_TOKEN=$(gh auth token)

team_members=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GH_TOKEN" "$org_name/teams/$team_name/members" | jq -r '.[].login')

declare -A assignee_data

for assignee in $team_members; do
    issues=$(gh search issues --include-prs --repo=NixOS/nix --assignee=$assignee --state=open --limit=200 --json number,title)
    count=$(echo "$issues" | jq 'length')
    assignee_data["$assignee,$count"]=$(echo "$issues" | jq -r '.[] | "- [#\( .number )](\( .number )) \( .title )"')

for key in $(printf "%s\n" "${!assignee_data[@]}" | sort -t, -k2 -nr); do
    IFS=',' read -r assignee count <<< "$key"
    echo "<details><summary><a href=\"$assignee\">@$assignee: $count</a></summary>"
    echo "${assignee_data[$key]}"
    echo "</details>"
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