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Unity ExposedReference Example
## Unity Exposed Reference Example
namespace ScriptableObjectExample
public class MoveTarget : MonoBehaviour
namespace ScriptableObjectExample
public class TimeLineClip : ScriptableObject
public string clipName;
public float startTime;
public float duration;
namespace ScriptableObjectExample
[CreateAssetMenuAttribute(fileName = "New Play Animation Clip", menuName = "Example/PlayAnimationClip")]
public class PlayAnimationClip : TimeLineClip
public AnimationClip clip;
public ExposedReference<GameObject> target;
public ExposedReference<MoveTarget> moveTarget;
private void OnEnable()
namespace ScriptableObjectExample
public class TimeLineManager : MonoBehaviour, IExposedPropertyTable
public PlayAnimationClip playAniClip;
public List<PropertyName> listPropertyName;
public List<UnityEngine.Object> listReference;
public void ClearReferenceValue(PropertyName id)
int index = listPropertyName.IndexOf(id);
if (index != -1)
public Object GetReferenceValue(PropertyName id, out bool idValid)
int index = listPropertyName.IndexOf(id);
if (index != -1)
idValid = true;
return listReference[index];
idValid = false;
return null;
public void SetReferenceValue(PropertyName id, Object value)
int index = listPropertyName.IndexOf(id);
if (index != -1)
listReference[index] = value;
-------------------------------------- Asssets/Editor/TimeLineManagerInspector.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
namespace ScriptableObjectExample
public class TimeLineManagerInspector : Editor
private SerializedProperty playAniClip;
private SerializedObject assetSo;
private void OnEnable()
playAniClip = serializedObject.FindProperty("playAniClip");
private void SetAssetSo()
if (playAniClip.objectReferenceValue != null)
assetSo = new SerializedObject(playAniClip.objectReferenceValue, serializedObject.targetObject);
Debug.Log("Create new SerializedObject");
assetSo = null;
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(playAniClip, new GUIContent("Target Asset"));
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
if (assetSo != null)
SerializedProperty sp = assetSo.GetIterator();
bool enterChild = true;
while (sp.NextVisible(enterChild))
enterChild = false;
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(sp, true);
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