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Forked from AngryAnt/EditorWindowExample.cs
Created July 5, 2017 05:43
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EditorWindowExample from the Unity Asia Bootcamp 12 talk "Streamlining your Unity editor". A simple node based editor.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class EditorWindowExample : EditorWindow
List<Node> nodes = new List<Node> ();
[MenuItem ("Window/EditorWindow example")]
static void Launch ()
GetWindow<EditorWindowExample> ().title = "Example";
void OnGUI ()
GUILayout.Label ("This is an editor window - the base of any completely custom GUI work.", EditorStyles.wordWrappedMiniLabel);
// Render all connections first //
if (Event.current.type == EventType.repaint)
foreach (Node node in nodes)
foreach (Node target in node.Targets)
Node.DrawConnection (node.Position, target.Position);
GUI.changed = false;
foreach (Node node in nodes)
// Handle all nodes
node.OnGUI ();
wantsMouseMove = Node.Selection != null;
// If we have a selection, we're doing an operation which requires an update each mouse move
switch (Event.current.type)
case EventType.mouseUp:
// If we had a mouse up event which was not handled by the nodes, clear our selection
Node.Selection = null;
Event.current.Use ();
case EventType.mouseDown:
if (Event.current.clickCount == 2)
// If we double-click and no node handles the event, create a new node there
Node.Selection = new Node ("Node " + nodes.Count, Event.current.mousePosition);
nodes.Add (Node.Selection);
Event.current.Use ();
if (GUI.changed)
// Repaint if we changed anything
Repaint ();
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
public class Node
const float kNodeSize = 50.0f;
static Node selection = null;
static bool connecting = false;
Vector2 position;
Rect nodeRect;
string name;
List<Node> targets = new List<Node> ();
public Node (string name, Vector2 position)
{ = name;
Position = position;
public static Node Selection
return selection;
selection = value;
if (selection == null)
connecting = false;
public Vector2 Position
return position;
position = value;
nodeRect = new Rect (
position.x - kNodeSize * 0.5f,
position.y - kNodeSize * 0.5f,
public ReadOnlyCollection<Node> Targets
return targets.AsReadOnly ();
public void ConnectTo (Node target)
if (targets.Contains (target))
targets.Add (target);
public void OnGUI ()
switch (Event.current.type)
case EventType.mouseDown:
if (nodeRect.Contains (Event.current.mousePosition))
// Select this node if we clicked it
selection = this;
if (Event.current.clickCount == 2)
// If we double-clicked it, enter connect mode
connecting = true;
Event.current.Use ();
case EventType.mouseUp:
// If we released the mouse button...
if (selection == null)
// ... with no active selection, ignore the event
else if (selection == this)
// ... while this node was active selection...
if (!connecting)
// ... and we were not in connect mode, clear the selection
Selection = null;
Event.current.Use ();
else if (connecting && nodeRect.Contains (Event.current.mousePosition))
// ... over this component while in connect mode, connect selection to this node and clear selection
selection.ConnectTo (this);
Selection = null;
Event.current.Use ();
case EventType.mouseDrag:
if (selection == this)
// If doing a mouse drag with this component selected...
if (connecting)
// ... and in connect mode, just use the event as we'll be painting the new connection
Event.current.Use ();
// ... and not in connect mode, drag the component
Position +=;
Event.current.Use ();
case EventType.repaint: (nodeRect, new GUIContent (name), false, false, false, false);
// The component box
if (selection == this && connecting)
// The new connection
GUI.color =;
DrawConnection (position, Event.current.mousePosition);
GUI.color = Color.white;
public static void DrawConnection (Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
// Render a node connection between the two given points
bool left = from.x > to.x;
new Vector3 (from.x + (left ? -kNodeSize : kNodeSize) * 0.5f, from.y, 0.0f),
new Vector3 (to.x + (left ? kNodeSize : -kNodeSize) * 0.5f, to.y, 0.0f),
new Vector3 (from.x, from.y, 0.0f) + Vector3.right * 50.0f * (left ? -1.0f : 1.0f),
new Vector3 (to.x, to.y, 0.0f) + Vector3.right * 50.0f * (left ? 1.0f : -1.0f),
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