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Last active September 12, 2021 14:22
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{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
-- | Basic memoization.
-- Functions yielded by 'memoize' and 'memoizeRec' may continue to allocate
-- memory without bound as long as they remain in scope. That is, you can keep
-- them around in a single short-lived thread, such as responding to an HTTP
-- request, but if kept at top-level will cause memory leaks. Use 'runMemRec'
-- to free memory as soon as the result is computed (i.e. forced).
module Memoize (Mem, memoize, MemRec, memoizeRec, runMemRec) where
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map as Map
-- | A value of type @'Mem' A@ is a memoized @A@.
newtype Mem a = Mem (IO a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) via IO
-- | Memoize a non-recursive function.
memoize :: Ord a => (a -> Mem b) -> IO (a -> IO b)
memoize f = do
storeRef <- newIORef mempty
let recall = makeRecall storeRef f
return recall
-- | A memoized recursive function, with the recursive call provided as an argument.
type MemRec a b = (a -> Mem b) -> a -> Mem b
-- | Memoize a recursive function.
memoizeRec :: Ord a => MemRec a b -> IO (a -> IO b)
memoizeRec f = do
storeRef <- newIORef mempty
let recall = makeRecall storeRef . f $ coerce recall
return recall
-- | Compute a value from a memoized recursive function,
-- and free memory once the computation yields.
runMemRec :: Ord a => MemRec a b -> a -> IO b
runMemRec f x = memoizeRec f >>= ($ x)
makeRecall :: Ord a => IORef (Map a b) -> (a -> Mem b) -> a -> IO b
makeRecall storeRef f x = do
store <- readIORef storeRef
case Map.lookup x store of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> do
y <- coerce $ f x
store' <- readIORef storeRef
writeIORef storeRef $ Map.insert x y store'
return y
fibRec :: MemRec Integer Integer
fibRec _ 0 = pure 0
fibRec _ 1 = pure 1
fibRec rec n = (+) <$> rec (n - 1) <*> rec (n - 2)
-- creates a function whose memory footprint grows without bound
-- as long as that function stays in scope.
makeFib :: IO (Integer -> IO Integer)
makeFib = memoizeRec fibRec
-- still uses memory (bounded by a function of the input) but frees
-- its memory as soon as the return value is used.
getFib :: Integer -> IO Integer
getFib = runMemRec fibRec
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