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Last active April 4, 2024 16:57
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MonadState Example
-- monadstate-example.hs
-- Load this program in GHCi:
-- stack repl \
-- --resolver nightly \
-- --package transformers \
-- --package mtl \
-- monadstate-example.hs
-- Then try `test` and `main`.
-- GHCi> test
-- ...
-- GHCi> main
-- ...
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.IORef
import Text.Printf
-- Imagine that this is the entry point of a large program.
-- Notice that `m` is abstract. This program works with any `m`
-- as long as `MonadState Int m` is implemented.
program :: MonadState Int m => m ()
program = do
n <- get
if | n == 10 -> return ()
| even n -> put (n `div` 2 + 1) >> program
| otherwise -> put (3*n + 1) >> program
-- In our test, we'll go ahead and run our `program` using
-- `State Int` for `m`. This test doesn't do any I/O to use
-- `program`; it's only using `IO` in order to print the
-- results and signal failure.
test :: IO ()
test =
initialState = 0
expectedResult = 10
-- execState :: State s a -> s -> s
-- `execState m s` will run the action `m` by
-- supplying `s` as the initial state and will
-- return the ending state.
actualResult = execState (program :: State Int ()) initialState
if actualResult == expectedResult then
putStrLn "Test Passed!"
-- Using printf in a test: fine, whatever.
-- Using printf in production: OMG! are you crazy?!
error $ printf
"Test Failed: expectedResult = %d, actualResult = %d"
-- We need to define a type that `program` can use in our
-- `main`. While `State` is fine for testing, it's not memory-
-- safe. Our program can run in bounded memory if we keep the
-- state in an `IORef` instead.
newtype App a = App { runApp :: IORef Int -> IO a }
deriving (
Functor, Applicative, Monad,
-- `MonadIO` gives us `liftIO :: IO a -> App a`.
-- Having `liftIO` essentially means our custom `App` type
-- gets to inherit all of the built-in `IO` operations.
-- `MonadReader (IORef Int)` gives us `ask :: App (IORef Int)`
-- `ask` allows us to get an `IORef Int` inside an `App` do block
-- any time we want, deterministically (i.e., we'll get the same
-- one every time we ask).
MonadReader (IORef Int)
-- We're able to derive all of these wonderful instances because
-- these instances already exist for `ReaderT (IORef Int) IO` and
-- because `App a` and `ReaderT (IORef Int) IO a` have identical
-- underlying implementations, namely `IORef Int -> IO a`.
) via ReaderT (IORef Int) IO
-- We need to implement `MonadState Int App` so that we can
-- use our `program` using `App` in place of the abstract `m`.
instance MonadState Int App where
get :: App Int
get = do
stateRef <- ask -- ask for the state ref
currentState <- liftIO (readIORef stateRef) -- read the current state
return currentState -- return the current state
put :: Int -> App ()
put newState = do
stateRef <- ask -- ask for the state ref
liftIO (writeIORef stateRef newState) -- write the new state
return () -- return nothin'
-- Haskell won't let us write `main :: App ()`. What would it
-- even mean if we could? An `App ()` is really a function
-- `IORef Int -> IO ()`. To run an `App ()`, we first need to
-- create an `IORef Int`, then we can plug it into the function
-- and get the `IO ()` out.
main :: IO ()
main = do
stateRef <- newIORef 0
-- runApp :: App a -> IORef Int -> IO a
-- We use `runApp` to turn our `App ()` into a
-- function `IORef Int -> IO ()` so that we can
-- evaluate it by plugging in `stateRef`.
runApp (program :: App ()) stateRef
endState <- readIORef stateRef
print endState
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runState :: State s a -> s -> (s, a) (c.f. That gives you a tuple with the final state and a payload.

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friedbrice commented Apr 4, 2024

@asarkar you want to see the intermediate states, right? You can do something like this

type StepsT :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype StepsT s m a = StepsT {un :: StateT ([s], s) m a}
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad) via StateT ([s], s) m

instance Monad m => MonadState s (StepsT s m) where
  get = StepsT $ fmap snd get
  put s = StepsT $ modify $ \(ss, s') -> (s' : ss, s)

runStepsT :: Functor m => StepsT s m a -> s -> m (a, [s])
runStepsT (StepsT m) s = fmap (\(a, (ss, s')) -> (a, reverse (s' : ss))) (runStateT m ([], s))

then runStepsT preserves all the intermediate states.

> runStepsT program 0

No modification to program is necessary.

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