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Last active November 16, 2018 21:50
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-- Lift (reusable instance)
-- | Lift an instance through an applicative functor.
-- |
-- | Applicative functors preserve identities and associativity, though
-- | perhaps not commutativity. The most well-known example is perhaps
-- | that functions into a monoid themselves form a monoid.
-- |
-- | Under the lifting, 'pure' becomes a lawful homomorphism.
newtype Lift f a = Lift { getLift :: f a }
instance (Applicative f, PreSemigroup a) => PreSemigroup (Lift f a) where
(<>) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (<>)
instance (Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Lift f a)
instance (Applicative f, PreMonoid a) => PreMonoid (Lift f a) where
identity = coerce $ pure @f @a identity
instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (Lift f a)
instance (Applicative f, PreGroup a) => PreGroup (Lift f a) where
inverse = coerce $ fmap @f @a inverse
(//) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (//)
instance (Applicative f, PreNearsemiring a) => PreNearsemiring (Lift f a) where
zero = coerce $ pure @f @a zero
unit = coerce $ pure @f @a unit
(+) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (+)
(*) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (*)
instance (Applicative f, Nearsemiring a) => Nearsemiring (Lift f a)
instance (Applicative f, PreNearring a) => PreNearring (Lift f a) where
negate = coerce $ fmap @f @a negate
(-) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (-)
fromInteger = coerce $ pure @f @a . fromInteger
instance (Applicative f, PreHeyting a) => PreHeyting (Lift f a) where
top = coerce $ pure @f @a top
bottom = coerce $ pure @f @a bottom
(\/) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (\/)
(/\) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (/\)
(~>) = coerce $ liftA2 @f @a (~>)
instance (Applicative f, PreBoolean a) => PreBoolean (Lift f a) where
not = coerce $ fmap @f @a not
-- abstract syntax
class PreNearsemiring a where
zero :: a
unit :: a
(+) :: a -> a -> a
infixl 6 +
(*) :: a -> a -> a
infixl 7 *
-- addition is associative and has an identity
-- multiplication is associative and has an identity
-- multiplication distributes over addition
class PreNearsemiring a => Nearsemiring a where
associativeAddition_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> a -> a -> t
associativeAddition_Nearsemiring = associative (+)
leftIdentityAddition_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> t
leftIdentityAddition_Nearsemiring = leftIdentity (+) zero
rightIdentityAddition_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> t
rightIdentityAddition_Nearsemiring = rightIdentity (+) zero
associativeMultiplication_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> a -> a -> t
associativeMultiplication_Nearsemiring = associative (*)
leftIdentityMultiplication_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> t
leftIdentityMultiplication_Nearsemiring = leftIdentity (*) unit
rightIdentityMultiplication_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> t
rightIdentityMultiplication_Nearsemiring = rightIdentity (*) unit
leftDistributive_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> a -> a -> t
leftDistributive_Nearsemiring = leftDistributive (*) (+)
rightDistributive_Nearsemiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> a -> a -> t
rightDistributive_Nearsemiring = rightDistributive (*) (+)
-- addition is commutative
class Nearsemiring a => Semiring a where
commutativeAddition_Semiring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> a -> t
commutativeAddition_Semiring = commutative (+)
-- abstract syntax
class PreNearsemiring a => PreNearring a where
negate :: a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
x - y = x + negate y
infixl 6 -
-- default is lawful but may be overriden for efficiency
fromInteger :: Integer -> a
fromInteger = defaultFromInteger
defaultFromInteger :: (PreNearring a) => Integer -> a
defaultFromInteger n | n < 0 = negate . fromInteger . negate $ n
| otherwise = helper n zero where
helper 0 x = x
helper i x =
let i' = i - 1
x' = x + unit
in seq i' $ seq x' $ helper i' x'
-- addition is invertible
-- every nearring has an embedded copy of the integers (possibly modulo n)
-- fromInteger 0 is zero
-- fromInteger 1 is unit
-- fromInteger n (positive) is unit + ... + unit (n terms)
-- fromInteger n (negative) is negate (unit + ... + unit (n terms))
class (PreNearring a, Nearsemiring a) => Nearring a where
leftInverse_Nearring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> t
leftInverse_Nearring = leftInverse (+) zero negate id
rightInverse_Nearring :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> t
rightInverse_Nearring = rightInverse (+) zero negate id
integerEmbedding_Nearring :: (a -> a -> t) -> Integer -> t
integerEmbedding_Nearring eq n = fromInteger n `eq` defaultFromInteger n
-- class alias
class (Nearring a, Semiring a) => Ring a
instance (Nearring a, Semiring a) => Ring a
-- multiplication is commutative
class Ring a => CommutativeRing a where
commutative_CommutativeRing :: (a -> a -> t) -> a -> a -> t
commutative_CommutativeRing = commutative (*)
-- TODO: we can do better
newtype Nonzero a = Nonzero { getNonzero :: a }
-- abstract syntax
class PreNearring a => PreDivisionRing a where
recip :: Nonzero a -> Nonzero a
(/) :: a -> Nonzero a -> a
x / y = x * getNonzero (recip y)
infixl 7 /
-- default is lawful but may be overriden for efficiency
fromRational :: Rational -> a
fromRational = defaultFromRational
defaultFromRational :: (PreDivisionRing a) => Rational -> a
defaultFromRational q = num q / den q where
num = fromInteger . numerator
den = Nonzero . fromInteger . denominator
-- multiplication is invertible
class (PreDivisionRing a, Ring a) => DivisionRing a where
leftInverse_DivisionRing :: (a -> a -> t) -> Nonzero a -> t
leftInverse_DivisionRing = leftInverse (*) unit recip getNonzero
rightInverse_DivisionRing :: (a -> a -> t) -> Nonzero a -> t
rightInverse_DivisionRing = rightInverse (*) unit recip getNonzero
-- TODO: check if this is necessarily true
rationalEmbedding_DivisionRing :: (a -> a -> t) -> Rational -> t
rationalEmbedding_DivisionRing eq q =
fromRational q `eq` defaultFromRational q
-- class alias
class (CommutativeRing a, DivisionRing a) => Field a
instance (CommutativeRing a, DivisionRing a) => Field a
instance PreNearsemiring Integer where
zero = Num.fromInteger 0
unit = Num.fromInteger 1
(+) = (Num.+)
(*) = (Num.*)
instance PreNearring Integer where
negate = Num.negate
(-) = (Num.-)
fromInteger = Num.fromInteger
instance Nearsemiring Integer
instance Semiring Integer
instance Nearring Integer
instance CommutativeRing Integer
instance PreNearsemiring Rational where
zero = Num.fromInteger 0
unit = Num.fromInteger 1
(+) = (Num.+)
(*) = (Num.*)
instance PreNearring Rational where
negate = Num.negate
(-) = (Num.-)
fromInteger = Num.fromInteger
instance PreDivisionRing Rational where
recip = Nonzero . Fractional.recip . getNonzero
x / Nonzero y = x Fractional./ y
fromRational = Fractional.fromRational
instance Nearsemiring Rational
instance Semiring Rational
instance Nearring Rational
instance CommutativeRing Rational
instance DivisionRing Rational
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