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Last active October 21, 2022 02:24
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Looking for a Needle That Might Not Be in an Infinite Haystack
-- Based on "Infinite sets that admit fast exhaustive search" by Martín Escardó
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Escardo where
import Prelude hiding (Real)
import Data.Bool
import Numeric.Natural
instance Num Bool where
p + q = p && not q || not p && q
p * q = p && q
negate p = p
abs p = p
signum p = 1
fromInteger = not . even
type Quantifier a = (a -> Bool) -> Bool
type Searcher a = (a -> Bool) -> a
class Searchable a where
-- Law:
-- if at least one member of `a` satisfies `p`
-- then `p (query p) = True`.
query :: Searcher a
search :: Searchable a => (a -> Bool) -> Maybe a
search p =
case query p of
x | p x -> Just x
| otherwise -> Nothing
exists :: Searchable a => Quantifier a
exists = not . null . search
forAll :: Searchable a => Quantifier a
forAll p = (not . exists) (not . p)
instance Searchable Bool where
-- case 1)
-- if p True = True
-- then p (query p) = p (p True) = p True = True
-- case 2)
-- if p True = False && p False = True
-- then p (query p) = p (p True) = p False = True
-- case 3)
-- if p True = False && p False = False
-- then p (query p) = p (p True) = False = False
query p = p True
instance (Searchable a, Searchable b) =>
Searchable (a, b) where
query p = (a0, b0)
a0 = query (\a -> exists (\b -> p ( a, b)))
b0 = query (\b -> p (a0, b) )
type Sequence a = Natural -> a
instance Searchable a => Searchable (Sequence a) where
query = tychonoff (const query)
data Tree a = Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
tychonoff :: forall a.
Sequence (Searcher a) -> Searcher (Sequence a)
tychonoff searchers cond = res
res :: Sequence a
res = decode . encode $ \i ->
searchers i $ \a ->
rev a i $
(\i' -> searchers (i' + i + 1))
(rev a i)
rev :: a -> Natural -> Sequence a -> Bool
rev a i as =
cond $ \i' -> if | i' < i -> res i'
| i' == i -> a
| otherwise -> as (i' - i - 1)
encode :: Sequence a -> Tree a
encode f =
Branch (f 0) (encode (\n -> f (2 * n + 1)))
(encode (\n -> f (2 * n + 2)))
decode :: Tree a -> Sequence a
decode (Branch x l r) n =
case n of
0 -> x
n | odd n -> decode l ((n - 1) `div` 2)
| otherwise -> decode r ((n - 2) `div` 2)
type Real = Sequence Bool
f :: Real -> Integer
f x =
$ 10 * x' (3 ^ 80)
+ 100 * x' (4 ^ 80)
+ 1000 * x' (5 ^ 80)
x' = ints x
g :: Real -> Integer
g x =
$ 10 * x' (3 ^ 80)
+ 100 * x' (4 ^ 80)
+ 1000 * x' (6 ^ 80)
x' = ints x
h :: Real -> Integer
h x =
if x' (4 ^ 80) == 0
then x' j
else x' (100 + j)
i = if x' (5 ^ 80) == 0 then 0 else 1000
j = if x' (3 ^ 80) == 1 then 10 + i else i
x' = ints x
ints :: Sequence Bool -> Integer -> Integer
ints x = bool 0 1 . x . fromIntegral
instance (Searchable a, Eq b) => Eq (a -> b) where
f == g = forAll (\a -> f a == g a)
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