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Last active June 12, 2017 11:48
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declaration file for Google Cloud PubSub
declare module '@google-cloud/pubsub' {
import stream from 'stream'
import events from 'events'
interface ConfigurationObject extends Object {
projectId?: string
keyFilename?: string
email?: string
credentials?: CredentialsObject
autoRetry?: boolean
maxRetries?: number
promise?: Function
interface CredentialsObject extends Object {
client_email?: string
private_key?: string
interface QueryOptions extends Object {
autoPaginate?: boolean
maxApiCalls?: number
maxResults?: number
pageSize?: number
pageToken?: string
interface SnapshotQueryOptions extends QueryOptions { }
interface TopicsQueryOptions extends Object { }
interface SubscriptionQueryOptions extends Object {
topic?: string
interface SubscribeOptions extends Object {
ackDeadlineSeconds: number
autoAck: boolean
encoding: string
interval: number
maxInProgress: number
pushEndpoint: string
timeout: number
interface SubscriptionOptions extends Object {
autoAck?: boolean
encoding?: string
interval?: number
maxInProgress?: number
timeout?: number
interface SubscriptionObject extends Object {
name: string
topic: string
pushConfig: PushConfigObject
ackDeadlineSeconds: number
interface PushConfigObject extends Object {
pushEndpoint: string
attributes: {
[key: string]: string
interface TopicObject extends Object {
name: string
interface SnapshotObject extends Object {
name: string
interface Message {
id: string
ackId: string
data: any
attributes: any
timestamp: number
ack(callback: Function): void
skip(): void
type ApiCallbackFunction<T> = (err: Error | null, data: T, apiResponse: any) => void
type CallbackFunction<T> = (err: Error | null, data: T) => void
type ApiPromiseResult<T> = [T, any]
class Subscription extends events.EventEmitter {
ackIds: string | string[],
options?: {
timeout: number
callback?: () => void
): Promise<void> | void
options?: SubscribeOptions,
callback?: ApiCallbackFunction<SubscriptionObject>
): Promise<ApiPromiseResult<SubscriptionObject>> | void
name: string,
callback?: ApiCallbackFunction<SnapshotObject>
): Promise<ApiPromiseResult<SnapshotObject>> | void
class PubSub {
config: ConfigurationObject
name: string,
callback?: ApiCallbackFunction<TopicObject>
): Promise<ApiPromiseResult<TopicObject>> | void
options?: SnapshotQueryOptions,
callback?: CallbackFunction<SnapshotObject[]>
): Promise<any[]> | void
options?: SnapshotQueryOptions
): stream.Readable
options?: SubscriptionQueryOptions,
callback?: ApiCallbackFunction<SubscriptionObject[]>
): Promise<ApiPromiseResult<SubscriptionObject[]>> | void
options?: SubscriptionQueryOptions
): stream.Readable
options?: TopicsQueryOptions,
callback?: ApiCallbackFunction<TopicObject[]>
): Promise<ApiPromiseResult<TopicObject[]>> | void
options?: TopicsQueryOptions
): stream.Readable
name: string
): any
topic: TopicObject | string,
subName?: stream,
options?: SubscribeOptions,
callback?: ApiCallbackFunction<SubscriptionObject>
): Promise<ApiPromiseResult<SubscriptionObject>> | void
name?: string,
options?: SubscriptionOptions
): void
name: string
): TopicObject
function PubSubFn(config: ConfigurationObject): PubSub
export = PubSubFn
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