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Last active June 29, 2024 02:36
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Generate Outline Documentation for a Data Set in Roxygen Format
#' Generate Outline Documentation for a Data Set in Roxygen Format
#' Generates a shell of documentation for a data set or other object in roxygen format.
#' This function was created by editing \code{\link[utils]{promptData}} to replace
#' the old style \code{.Rd} formatting with code suitable for processing with \code{\link[devtools]{document}}.
#' @details
#' Unless \code{filename} is \code{NA}, a documentation shell for \code{object} is written in roxygen format to the file specified
#' by \code{filename}, and a message about this is given.
#' If \code{filename} is \code{NA}, a list-style representation of the documentation shell is created
#' and returned. Writing the shell to a file amounts to \code{cat(unlist(x), file = filename, sep = "\n")},
#' where \code{x} is the list-style representation.
#' Currently, only data frames are handled explicitly by the code.
#' @param object an R object to be documented as a data set
#' @param filename usually, a \code{connection} or a character string giving the name of the file
#' to which the documentation shell should be written. The default corresponds to a file
#' whose name is \code{name} followed by \code{".R"}. Can also be \code{NA} (see details below).
#' @param name a character string specifying the name of the object. Defaults to the name of \code{object}.
#' @param labels a character vector of variable labels or strings describing each column in the data set.
#' @return If \code{filename} is \code{NA}, a list-style representation of the documentation shell.
#' Otherwise, the name of the file written to is returned invisibly.
#' @seealso \code{\link[utils]{promptData}}
#' @author Michael Friendly
#' @export
#' @examples
#' use_data_doc(iris)
#' unlink("iris.R")
#' # using variable labels
#' labels <- c("Sepal length (mm)", "Sepal width (mm)", "Petal length (mm)", "Petal width (mm)", "Iris species" )
#' # console output
#' zz <- use_data_doc(iris, filename=NA, labels=labels)
#' cat(unlist(zz), sep="\n")
use_data_doc <- function (object,
filename = NULL,
name = NULL,
labels = NULL)
if (missing(name))
name <- if (is.character(object))
else {
name <- substitute(object)
if (
else stop("cannot determine a usable name")
if (is.null(filename))
filename <- paste0(name, ".R")
x <- if (!missing(object))
else {
x <- get(name, envir = parent.frame())
if ( {
make_item_tag <- function(s) {
if (grepl("^([[:alpha:]]|[.][[:alpha:]._])[[:alnum:]._]*$",
s)) {
paste0("\\code{", s, "}")
else {
paste0("\\samp{", gsub("([%{}])", "\\\\\\1",
s), "}")
if (!is.null(labels)) {
if(length(labels) < ncol(x))
nl <- length(labels)
labels <- c(labels, rep("", out.length = ncol(x) - length(labels)))
# warning(paste0("There are ", ncol(x), " variables but only ", nl, " labels were supplied."))
fmt <- c("#' @format", paste("#' A data frame with", nrow(x),
"observations on the following", ifelse(ncol(x) ==
1, "variable.", paste(ncol(x), "variables."))),
"#' \\describe{")
j <- 0
for (i in names(x)) {
j <- j+1
xi <- x[[i]]
fmt <- c(fmt, paste0("#' \\item{", make_item_tag(i),
if(![j]) & nchar(labels[j])>0) paste0(labels[j], ", "),
if (inherits(xi, "ordered")) {
paste("an", data.class(xi), "factor with levels",
paste0("\\code{", levels(xi), "}", collapse = " < "),
collapse = " ")
} else if (inherits(xi, "factor")) {
paste("a factor with levels", paste0("\\code{",
levels(xi), "}", collapse = " "), collapse = " ")
} else if (is.vector(xi)) {
paste("a", data.class(xi), "vector")
} else if (is.matrix(xi)) {
paste("a matrix with", ncol(xi), "columns")
} else {
paste("a", data.class(xi))
}, "}"))
fmt <- c(fmt, "#' }\n#'")
else {
tf <- tempfile()
fmt <- c("#' @format", " The format is:", scan(tf, "",
quiet = !getOption("verbose"), sep = "\n"))
Rdtxt <- list(
name = paste0("#' @name ", name),
aliases = paste0("#' @aliases ", name),
docType = "#' @docType data",
title = "#' @title\n#' %% ~~ data name/kind ... ~~\n#'",
description = c("#' @description", "#' %% ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of the dataset. ~~\n#'"),
usage = paste0("#' @usage data(\"", name, "\")"),
format = fmt,
details = c("#' @details ", paste("#' %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the", "__description__ above ~~")),
source = c("#' @source ", paste("#' %% ~~ reference to a publication or URL", "from which the data were obtained ~~")),
references = c("#' @references", "#' %% ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~\n#'"),
concepts = "#' @concept %% non-keyword concepts, one per line",
examples = c("#' @examples", paste0("#' data(", name, ")"), paste0("#' ## maybe str(", name, ") ; plot(", name, ") ...\n#'")),
keywords = "#' @keywords datasets\nNULL"
if (
cat(unlist(Rdtxt), file = filename, sep = "\n")
message(gettextf("Created file named %s.", sQuote(filename)),
"\n", gettext("Edit the file and move it to the appropriate directory."),
domain = NA)
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