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Created November 17, 2023 18:09
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Measurement error demonstration
#' Demonstrate Effect of Measurement Error in Regression
#' This function takes a variables x and y and demonstrates the effect of adding random normal errors
#' to one or both of the coordinates. For each level of \code{err}, it adds \code{rnorm(0, err * SD)}
#' to the corresponding x and/or y and displays the data points, a data ellipse and the fitted
#' regression line overlaid on the corresponding plot of the un-perturbed data.
#' My thought was to make this general, to be used either in an interactive demonstration or an animated
#' graphic using the \pkg{animate} package. There is something wrong with my logic, because it doesn't
#' work for an interactive demo.
#' @param x predictor variable, a vector
#' @param y response variable, a vector
#' @param err a vector of error factors, as a multiple of the sd() of x and/or y
#' @param character, the coordinate to add the errors to. One of "x", "y" or "both"
#' @param cols vector of colors to be used to draw sequential plots
#' @param lev coverage level of the data ellipse
#' @param pch plotting symbol
#' @param cex size of plot symbol
#' @param xlim x limits, a vector of length 2
#' @param ylim y limits, a vector of length 2
#' @param xlab label for x axis
#' @param ylab label for y axis
#' @param start_loop function to run at the start of each loop. Use \code{dev.hold()} for
#' use with the \pkg{animate} package
#' @param end_loop function to run at the end of each loop. The default is \code{Sys.sleep(3)}
#' Use \code{ani.pause()}
#' for use with the animate package, or \code{readkey()} for interactive demo.
#' @return A data frame containing the intercepts, slopes and standard errors of the regressions
#' @export
#' @examples
measerr_demo <- function(x, y,
err, = c("x", "y", "both"),
pch = 16,
cex = 1.2,
xlim, ylim,
xlab, ylab,
start_loop = NULL,
end_loop = Sys.sleep(3)
) {
if(missing(xlim)) {
rx <- range(x)
xlim <-c(rx[1] - .2 * diff(rx),
rx[2] + .2 * diff(rx))
if(missing(ylim)) {
ry <- range(y)
ylim <-c(ry[1] - .2 * diff(ry),
ry[2] + .2 * diff(ry))
if(missing(xlab)) xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
if(missing(ylab)) ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))
for(i in 1:length(err)) {
# print(paste("i =", i, "error = ", err[i]))
# plot the original data with fitted regression line
E1 <- dataEllipse(x, y,
col = "black",
lev = lev,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2,
cex.lab = 1.4,
pch = pch, cex = cex
abline(fit <- lm(y ~ x), col="black", lwd=3)
if (i==1) res <- data.frame(error = 0,
intercept = coef(fit)[1],
slope = coef(fit)[2],
sigma = summary(fit)$sigma)
# create a new version of x, or y with added error, N(0 err[i] * sd(x)) = match.arg(
xx <- x; yy <- y
if( %in% c("x", "both")) xx <- add_error(x, err[i])
if( %in% c("y", "both")) yy <- add_error(x, err[i])
# plot the perturbed data with fitted regression line
E2 <- dataEllipse(xx, yy,
col = cols[i],
lev = lev,
add = TRUE,
fill = TRUE, fill.alpha = 0.2,
pch = pch, cex = cex
abline(fit <- lm(yy ~ xx), col=cols[i], lwd=3)
res <- rbind( res, c(err[i], coef(fit), summary(fit)$sigma) )
segments(x0=xx, y0=yy,
x1=xx, y1=yy, lty=2, col=cols[i])
text(x = xlim[2] - .01*diff(xlim),
y = min(y) + .01 * diff(range(y)),
label = paste("Error factor:", err[i],
"\nSlope:", round(coef(fit)[2], 2)),
pos=2, cex=1.2)
# Sys.sleep(1)
row.names(res) <- 1:nrow(res)
# Add a N(0, SD) error, but keep the mean unchanged
add_error <- function(x, factor) {
n <- length(x)
mean <- mean(x)
SD <- sd(x)
x <- x + round(rnorm(n, sd=factor*SD))
x <- mean + as.vector(scale(x, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE))
# function to prompt before continuing
readkey <- function()
cat ("Press [enter] to continue")
line <- readline()
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