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Last active December 17, 2020 21:55
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  • Save friendlyanon/d597dfee40184ec6f963c3b4c47a965f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Ideally, Map would have this as a method, but the proposal is still only on
// stage 2:
function emplace<K, V>(
map: Map<K, V>,
key: K,
supplier: (key: K) => V,
): V;
function emplace<K, V, This>(
map: Map<K, V>,
key: K,
supplier: (this: This, key: K) => V,
thisArg: This,
): V;
function emplace<K, V, This>(
map: Map<K, V>,
key: K,
supplier: (this: This | undefined, key: K) => V,
thisArg?: This,
): V {
if (map.has(key)) {
return map.get(key)!;
const value =, key);
map.set(key, value);
return value;
type TrieNode<K> = {
occupied: false;
value: null;
children: Map<K, TrieNode<K>>;
} | {
occupied: true;
value: Iterable<K>;
children: Map<K, TrieNode<K>> | null;
export class Trie<K = never> {
// This assertion is safe, because `head` is only used inside the class and
// we only ever access its `children` property.
private readonly _head = { children: null } as TrieNode<K>;
private _size = 0;
constructor(values?: Iterable<Iterable<K>>) {
if (values != null) {
for (const value of values) {
get size(): number {
return this._size;
* If multiple values are inserted that are made up of the same referentially
* equal elements, then only the first value is stored in the trie.
* @example
* const trie = new Trie();
* const sentinel = {};
* const a = [sentinel];
* const b = [sentinel];
* const [value,] = trie.add(a).add(b);
* a === value; // true
* rest.length === 0; // true
add(iterable: Iterable<K>): this {
let node = this._head;
for (const value of iterable) {
const children = this._ensureChildren(node);
node = emplace(children, value, this._newNode);
if (node !== this._head && !node.occupied) {
this._occupyWith(node, iterable);
return this;
get(iterable: Iterable<K>): Iterable<K> | undefined {
const node = this._find(iterable);
return node != null && node.occupied ? node.value : void 0;
has(iterable: Iterable<K>): boolean {
return this._isOccupied(this._find(iterable));
delete(iterable: Iterable<K>): boolean {
const stack: [K, TrieNode<K>][] = [];
const node = this._find(iterable, this._accumulator, stack)!;
if (!this._isOccupied(node)) {
// This guarantees that `node` isn't null for the rest of the method.
return false;
if (this.size === 1) {
return true;
if (node.children != null) {
node.occupied = false;
node.value = null;
return true;
// The stack is guaranteed to contain at least one pair.
for (let k = stack.length - 1, p = k - 1; ; --k, --p) {
if (p === -1) {
const children = stack[p][1].children!;
if (children.size !== 1) {
return true;
* Empty iterables will not match anything.
isPrefix(iterable: Iterable<K>): boolean {
return this._find(iterable) != null;
clear(): void {
this._size = 0;
this._head.children = null;
* Empty iterables will not match anything.
*find(iterable: Iterable<K>): IterableIterator<Iterable<K>> {
const node = this._find(iterable);
if (node != null) {
if (node.occupied) {
yield node.value;
yield* this._walker(node.children);
values(): IterableIterator<Iterable<K>> {
return this._walker(this._head.children);
toJSON(): string {
return JSON.stringify([...this]);
private _isOccupied(node: TrieNode<K> | null): boolean {
return node != null && node.occupied;
* This method cannot be inlined, because the code would be inside a block
* with a type guard.
private _occupyWith(node: TrieNode<K>, value: Iterable<K>): void {
node.occupied = true;
node.value = value;
private _identity(node: TrieNode<K>): TrieNode<K> {
return node;
private _accumulator(
this: [K, TrieNode<K>][],
node: TrieNode<K>,
key: K,
): TrieNode<K> {
this.push([key, node]);
return node;
private _find(
iterable: Iterable<K>,
nodeMapper: (node: TrieNode<K>, key: K) => TrieNode<K> = this._identity,
thisArg?: any,
): TrieNode<K> | null {
let node = this._head;
for (const value of iterable) {
const { children } = node;
if (children == null) {
return null;
const leaf = children.get(value);
if (leaf == null) {
return null;
node =, leaf, value);
return node === this._head ? null : node;
private _newNode(): TrieNode<K> {
// This assertion is safe, because either `occupied` will be left false and
// more children are appended to this node or this is the last node in the
// chain and in Trie#add() `occupied` is set to true.
const children = null as unknown as Map<K, TrieNode<K>>;
return { occupied: false, value: null, children };
private _ensureChildren(node: TrieNode<K>): Map<K, TrieNode<K>> {
if (node.children == null) {
node.children = new Map();
return node.children;
private *_walker(
map: Map<K, TrieNode<K>> | null,
): IterableIterator<Iterable<K>> {
if (map == null) {
for (const node of map.values()) {
if (node.occupied) {
yield node.value;
yield* this._walker(node.children);
Object.defineProperty(Trie.prototype, Symbol.iterator, {
value: Trie.prototype.values,
writable: true,
configurable: true,
export interface Trie<K> extends Iterable<Iterable<K>> {
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<Iterable<K>>;
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