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Last active August 23, 2022 15:43
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#Loading Tweaks in the Simulator

With the latest updates to the simulator, this turns out to be pretty simple:

You need to be using kirb/theos

In order not to require MobileSubstrate to be loaded and your tweak to be compiled for i386/x86_64, add

In your makefile:

TARGET = simulator:clang:latest:7.0
tweakname_USE_SUBSTRATE = 0

Then run the simulator and enter in terminal:

xcrun simctl spawn booted launchctl debug system/ --environment DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=.theos/obj/debug/Blah.dylib
xcrun simctl spawn booted launchctl stop

(from conradev)

This should work for any process, though I havent tried.

DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is a colon seperated list, so multiple dylibs can be loaded.

If deploying to the iOS 9 simulator you'll need to replace




in $THEOS/prefix.pch as TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR is deprecated in iOS 9 (fixed in the latest version of kirb/theos)

If you're having any further problems it's probably due to a dodgy theos setup - I'd recommend installing fresh from kirb/theos

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@CreativityKills @CFarzaneh You need to use the iOS 9 sim, anything else won't work (at this point in time)

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Any way to load PreferenceBundles too? Need to test a tweak with settings!

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