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Last active August 23, 2017 14:56
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Aurora Scheduler / Mesos Master SSL and Auth solution


Aurora Scheduler consists of 5 instances across 5 nodes usually. Usually there is a zookeeper instance on each of those 5. Maybe you also have 5x Mesos Master instances on the same nodes.

Now you want SSL ... and AUTH on those!? Tough luck ...

The documentation discuss making the scheduler listen on and putting an nginx on each of the nodes listening on or the node IP. I forget which. Now you'll think - ok - what happens to "sane hostnames", "hostnames matching certificate CN"?

Look no further

The concept is simple, the implementations can vary in which components one uses. I will list an example one:

First iteration

  • Standard Nginx - point a new DNS record to its IP address:
  • Make it configured for HTTPS, with whatever fancy certificate you have.
  • Enabled Basic auth and create a nice aurora.htpasswd file.
  • Configure it to proxy to a backend DNS record:
  • Create a nice little python? script which fetches the http://your-aurora-nodes:8081/scheduler address and extract the redirect target host name. Have the script update DNS if the new leader doesn't match the currently DNS-set leader
  • Now you'll have the currently elected leader always available on the address.

Second iteration

  • Replace the standard Nginx with
  • Fancy up your python script to instead be a zookeeper-watcher (zk:/aurora/scheduler) which updates this Redis back-end "in real time" via its REST API!

Third iteration

  • Plug the potential race condition where a leader election may happen while a request is coming in to the aurora scheduler by triggering the leader-lookup explicitly on a 307 redirect (Aurora non-elected scheduler sends those on http requests).

Aurora CLI configuration:

  • ~/.aurora/clusters.json:
  • ~/.netrc:
    login username
    password password
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