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Created September 17, 2019 17:56
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Local K3D (k3s) cluster base
# Install k3d
k3d --version || wget -q -O - | bash
# verify it
k3d check-tools
# create a volume and cluster
docker volume create kube-volume
k3d create --name "${CLUSTER_NAME}" --workers 3 --volume kube-volume:/opt/local-path-provisioner --wait 0
KUBECONFIG=$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name "${CLUSTER_NAME}")
echo "Replacing 'default' with '$CLUSTER_NAME' in $KUBECONFIG ..."
sed -i "s/\bdefault\b/${CLUSTER_NAME}/" "${KUBECONFIG}"
kubectl cluster-info
kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins environments/dev | kubectl apply -f -
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For me kubectl only started working after exporting $KUBECONFIG with

export KUBECONFIG=$(k3d get-kubeconfig --name "${CLUSTER_NAME}")

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