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fREW Schmidt frioux

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pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: Original argv:
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: 0: '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier/pressure-vessel/bin/pressure-vessel-wrap'
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: 1: '--env-if-host=PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games'
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: 2: '--'
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: 3: 'steam-runtime-system-info'
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: 4: '--verbose'
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: Current working directory:
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: Physical: /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: Logical: /home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_soldier
pressure-vessel-wrap[2593]: Environment variables:
frioux /
Created June 13, 2020 17:58
You can run this (using to rename all default branches from master to main; run from a fresh, empty repo or the repo you run it from will get all bloated with garbage refs.
set -e
for r in $(git hub repos -r --all); do
json=$(git hub repo "$r" --json)
# ignore forks
if [ -n "$(echo "$json" | jq -r '.["source/full_name"]+""')" ]; then
echo "skipping $r; fork"
  • Brazil Dry Process Fazenda Campos Altos: Fruited notes are somewhat edgy, but with convincing sweetness underneath -overripe berry, dried prune, dark baking chocolate, roasted nut, and creamy body. City+ to Full City+. Good for espresso.

  • Sweet Maria's New Classic Espresso: A classic, balanced espresso, but without the baggage of the old world espresso conventions ...and without robusta! The espresso has balanced

frioux / client-script.lua
Last active May 24, 2019 15:10
sharetags = require("sharetags")
local function screen_tag_state(s)
for i, t in ipairs(s.selected_tags) do
local activated = "NOT"
if t.activated then
activated = "IS"
print("AC: screen " .. s.index .. " has tag " ..
  1. RTS
  2. arcade
  3. ARPG
  4. JRPG
  5. minigame
  6. sandbox
  7. platformer
  8. voxel
  9. racing
  10. first person
frioux /
Created May 9, 2017 14:47
Example for IAM slide
use Paws;
use POSIX 'strftime';
use Net::Amazon::Signature::V4;
# ...
has credential_provider => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
frioux /
Created January 7, 2016 19:01
How many stars do you have in total?
for repo in $(git hub repos --raw $ego); do
inner_count=$(git hub stars $repo --raw | grep -v $ego | wc -l)
count=$(($count + $inner_count))
echo "$repo: $inner_count"
frioux / unfollow
Last active January 23, 2020 17:57
Unfollow repos that are not mine
# NOTE: This assumes you have installed and configured git-hub; get it here:
for org in $(git hub orgs -Ar); do
for repo in $(git hub org-repos $org -Ar); do
git hub unwatch $repo
frioux / gist:8f84b5277306a00ed37b
Created May 25, 2015 01:46
Export passwords from Firefox into Keepass
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.20.0;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use experimental 'postderef';
use File::KeePass;
use Text::CSV;
frioux / hot-toddy.mkdn
Last active August 29, 2015 14:13 — forked from rjbs/hot-toddy.mkdn

Ultimate hot buttered rum recipe

Brian Reid, 1985-07-21

I started making hot buttered rum from a Trader Vic recipe 15 years ago, and I have gradually evolved it by adding more spices, more butter, and less rum.

The way you make a hot buttered rum is to add some “batter” to some rum, and heat it. I like to keep a made-up batch of the batter in the refrigerator in an old margarine tub. For parties I make up a fresh batch.