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Last active September 1, 2019 13:55
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Unity InputControl
//InputControl.cs by Azuline Studios© All Rights Reserved
//Manages button and axis input to be read by the other scripts.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class InputControl : MonoBehaviour {
private FPSPlayer FPSPlayerComponent;
//button states that are accessed by the other scripts
public bool fireHold;
public bool firePress;
public bool reloadPress;
public bool fireModePress;
public bool jumpHold;
public bool jumpPress;
public bool crouchHold;
public bool proneHold;
public bool sprintHold;
public bool zoomHold;
public bool zoomPress;
public bool leanLeftHold;
public bool leanRightHold;
public bool useHold;
public bool usePress;
public bool usePressUp;
public bool toggleCameraHold;
public bool toggleCameraDown;
public bool grenadeHold;
public bool deadzonePress;
public bool meleePress;
public bool flashlightPress;
public bool holsterPress;
public bool dropPress;
public bool bulletTimePress;
public bool moveHold;
public bool movePress;
public bool throwHold;
public bool helpPress;
public bool menuPress;
public bool pausePress;
public bool selectNextPress;
public bool selectPrevPress;
public bool selectGrenPress;
public bool selectWeap1Press;
public bool selectWeap2Press;
public bool selectWeap3Press;
public bool selectWeap4Press;
public bool selectWeap5Press;
public bool selectWeap6Press;
public bool selectWeap7Press;
public bool selectWeap8Press;
public bool selectWeap9Press;
public bool selectWeap0Press;
public float mouseWheel;
public bool leftHold;
public bool rightHold;
public bool forwardHold;
public bool backHold;
public float moveXButton;
public float moveYButton;
//gamepad input axes
public float deadzone = 0.25f;
private Vector2 moveInput;
private Vector2 lookInput;
//combined button and axis inputs for moving
public float moveX;
public float moveY;
//combined button and axis inputs for looking
public float lookX;
public float lookY;
//Xbox 360 dpad controls (button held)
public bool xboxDpadLeftHold;
public bool xboxDpadRightHold;
public bool xboxDpadUpHold;
public bool xboxDpadDownHold;
//Xbox 360 dpad controls (button press)
public bool xboxDpadLeftPress;
public bool xboxDpadRightPress;
public bool xboxDpadUpPress;
public bool xboxDpadDownPress;
private bool xbdpLstate;
private bool xbdpRstate;
private bool xbdpUstate;
private bool xbdpDstate;
void Start () {
FPSPlayerComponent = GetComponent<FPSPlayer>();
void Update () {
if(FPSPlayerComponent && !FPSPlayerComponent.restarting){
//player movement buttons
leftHold = Input.GetButton("Left");
rightHold = Input.GetButton("Right");
forwardHold = Input.GetButton("Forward");
backHold = Input.GetButton("Back");
//cancel player movement if opposite buttons are held at the same time
if(leftHold && !rightHold){
moveXButton = -1.0f;
}else if(rightHold && !leftHold){
moveXButton = 1.0f;
moveXButton = 0.0f;
if(forwardHold && !backHold){
moveYButton = 1.0f;
}else if(backHold && !forwardHold){
moveYButton = -1.0f;
moveYButton = 0.0f;
//scaled radial deadzone for joysticks for smooth player movement ramp from deadzone
moveInput = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Joystick Move X"), Input.GetAxis("Joystick Move Y"));
if(moveInput.magnitude < deadzone){
moveInput =;
moveInput = moveInput.normalized * ((moveInput.magnitude - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone));
lookInput = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis("Joystick Look X"), Input.GetAxis("Joystick Look Y"));
if(lookInput.magnitude < deadzone){
lookInput =;
lookInput = lookInput.normalized * ((lookInput.magnitude - deadzone) / (1 - deadzone));
//combine button and axis input for player movement
moveX = moveXButton + moveInput.x;
moveY = moveYButton + moveInput.y;
//combine mouse and axis input for player looking (accelerate axis input)
lookX = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X") + AccelerateInput(lookInput.x);
lookY = Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y") + AccelerateInput(lookInput.y);
//manage zoom and fire inputs and determine if xbox 360 triggers have been pressed or held
if(Input.GetAxisRaw("Xbox R Trigger") > 0.1f || Input.GetButton("Fire")){
fireHold = true;
fireHold = false;
if(Input.GetAxisRaw("Xbox L Trigger") > 0.1f || Input.GetButton("Zoom")){
zoomHold = true;
zoomHold = false;
//determine if the Xbox 360 dpad buttons have been pressed or held
if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad X") > 0.0f){
xboxDpadRightHold = true;
xboxDpadLeftHold = false;
xbdpLstate = false;
xboxDpadRightPress = true;
xbdpRstate = true;
xboxDpadRightPress = false;
}else if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad X") < 0.0f){
xboxDpadRightHold = false;
xboxDpadLeftHold = true;
xbdpRstate = false;
xboxDpadLeftPress = true;
xbdpLstate = true;
xboxDpadLeftPress = false;
xboxDpadRightHold = false;
xboxDpadLeftHold = false;
xboxDpadRightPress = false;
xboxDpadLeftPress = false;
xbdpLstate = false;
xbdpRstate = false;
if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad Y") > 0.0f){
xboxDpadUpHold = true;
xboxDpadDownHold = false;
xbdpDstate = false;
xboxDpadUpPress = true;
xbdpUstate = true;
xboxDpadUpPress = false;
}else if(Input.GetAxis("Xbox Dpad Y") < 0.0f){
xboxDpadUpHold = false;
xboxDpadDownHold = true;
xbdpUstate = false;
xboxDpadDownPress = true;
xbdpDstate = true;
xboxDpadDownPress = false;
xboxDpadUpHold = false;
xboxDpadDownHold = false;
xboxDpadUpPress = false;
xboxDpadDownPress = false;
xbdpUstate = false;
xbdpDstate = false;
//read button input and set the button state vars for use by the other scripts
mouseWheel = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Scroll Wheel");
firePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire");
zoomPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Zoom");
reloadPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Reload");
fireModePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Fire Mode");
jumpHold = Input.GetButton("Jump");
jumpPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Jump");
crouchHold = Input.GetButton("Crouch");
proneHold = Input.GetButton("Prone");
sprintHold = Input.GetButton("Sprint");
leanLeftHold = Input.GetButton("Lean Left");
leanRightHold = Input.GetButton("Lean Right");
useHold = Input.GetButton("Use");
usePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Use");
usePressUp = Input.GetButtonUp("Use");
toggleCameraHold = Input.GetButton("Toggle Camera");
toggleCameraDown = Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Camera");
grenadeHold = Input.GetButton("Throw Grenade");
meleePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Melee Attack");
flashlightPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Flashlight");
holsterPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Holster Weapon");
dropPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Drop Weapon");
bulletTimePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Bullet Time");
deadzonePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Toggle Deadzone Aiming");
helpPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Help");
menuPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Main Menu");
pausePress = Input.GetButtonDown("Pause");
selectNextPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Next Weapon");
selectPrevPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Previous Weapon");
selectGrenPress = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Next Grenade");
selectWeap1Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 1");
selectWeap2Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 2");
selectWeap3Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 3");
selectWeap4Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 4");
selectWeap5Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 5");
selectWeap6Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 6");
selectWeap7Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 7");
selectWeap8Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 8");
selectWeap9Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 9");
selectWeap0Press = Input.GetButtonDown("Select Weapon 0");
fireHold = false;//stop shooting if level is restarting
//accelerate axis input for easier control and reduction of axis drift (deadzone improvement)
float AccelerateInput(float input){
float inputAccel;
inputAccel = ((1.0f/4.0f) * input * (Mathf.Abs(input)*4.0f)) * Time.smoothDeltaTime * 60.0f;
return inputAccel;
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