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Created September 28, 2021 18:16
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# flame stack grapher.
# This takes stack samples and renders a call graph, allowing hot functions
# and codepaths to be quickly identified. Stack samples can be generated using
# tools such as DTrace, perf, SystemTap, and Instruments.
# USAGE: ./ [options] input.txt > graph.svg
# grep funcA input.txt | ./ [options] > graph.svg
# Then open the resulting .svg in a web browser, for interactivity: mouse-over
# frames for info, click to zoom, and ctrl-F to search.
# Options are listed in the usage message (--help).
# The input is stack frames and sample counts formatted as single lines. Each
# frame in the stack is semicolon separated, with a space and count at the end
# of the line. These can be generated for Linux perf script output using
#, for DTrace using, and for other tools
# using the other stackcollapse programs. Example input:
# swapper;start_kernel;rest_init;cpu_idle;default_idle;native_safe_halt 1
# An optional extra column of counts can be provided to generate a differential
# flame graph of the counts, colored red for more, and blue for less. This
# can be useful when using flame graphs for non-regression testing.
# See the header comment in the program for instructions.
# The input functions can optionally have annotations at the end of each
# function name, following a precedent by some tools (Linux perf's _[k]):
# _[k] for kernel
# _[i] for inlined
# _[j] for jit
# _[w] for waker
# Some of the stackcollapse programs support adding these annotations, eg,
# --kernel --jit. They are used merely for colors by
# some palettes, eg, --color=java.
# The output flame graph shows relative presence of functions in stack samples.
# The ordering on the x-axis has no meaning; since the data is samples, time
# order of events is not known. The order used sorts function names
# alphabetically.
# While intended to process stack samples, this can also process stack traces.
# For example, tracing stacks for memory allocation, or resource usage. You
# can use --title to set the title to reflect the content, and --countname
# to change "samples" to "bytes" etc.
# There are a few different palettes, selectable using --color. By default,
# the colors are selected at random (except for differentials). Functions
# called "-" will be printed gray, which can be used for stack separators (eg,
# between user and kernel stacks).
# This was inspired by Neelakanth Nadgir's excellent function_call_graph.rb
# program, which visualized function entry and return trace events. As Neel
# wrote: "The output displayed is inspired by Roch's CallStackAnalyzer which
# was in turn inspired by the work on vftrace by Jan Boerhout". See:
# Copyright 2016 Netflix, Inc.
# Copyright 2011 Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2011 Brendan Gregg. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at docs/cddl1.txt or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at docs/cddl1.txt.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# 11-Oct-2014 Adrien Mahieux Added zoom.
# 21-Nov-2013 Shawn Sterling Added consistent palette file option
# 17-Mar-2013 Tim Bunce Added options and more tunables.
# 15-Dec-2011 Dave Pacheco Support for frames with whitespace.
# 10-Sep-2011 Brendan Gregg Created this.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
# tunables
my $encoding;
my $fonttype = "Verdana";
my $imagewidth = 1200; # max width, pixels
my $frameheight = 16; # max height is dynamic
my $fontsize = 12; # base text size
my $fontwidth = 0.59; # avg width relative to fontsize
my $minwidth = 0.1; # min function width, pixels
my $nametype = "Function:"; # what are the names in the data?
my $countname = "samples"; # what are the counts in the data?
my $colors = "hot"; # color theme
my $bgcolors = ""; # background color theme
my $nameattrfile; # file holding function attributes
my $timemax; # (override the) sum of the counts
my $factor = 1; # factor to scale counts by
my $hash = 0; # color by function name
my $palette = 0; # if we use consistent palettes (default off)
my %palette_map; # palette map hash
my $pal_file = ""; # palette map file name
my $stackreverse = 0; # reverse stack order, switching merge end
my $inverted = 0; # icicle graph
my $flamechart = 0; # produce a flame chart (sort by time, do not merge stacks)
my $negate = 0; # switch differential hues
my $titletext = ""; # centered heading
my $titledefault = "Flame Graph"; # overwritten by --title
my $titleinverted = "Icicle Graph"; # " "
my $searchcolor = "rgb(230,0,230)"; # color for search highlighting
my $notestext = ""; # embedded notes in SVG
my $subtitletext = ""; # second level title (optional)
my $help = 0;
sub usage {
die <<USAGE_END;
USAGE: $0 [options] infile > outfile.svg\n
--title TEXT # change title text
--subtitle TEXT # second level title (optional)
--width NUM # width of image (default 1200)
--height NUM # height of each frame (default 16)
--minwidth NUM # omit smaller functions (default 0.1 pixels)
--fonttype FONT # font type (default "Verdana")
--fontsize NUM # font size (default 12)
--countname TEXT # count type label (default "samples")
--nametype TEXT # name type label (default "Function:")
--colors PALETTE # set color palette. choices are: hot (default), mem,
# io, wakeup, chain, java, js, perl, red, green, blue,
# aqua, yellow, purple, orange
--bgcolors COLOR # set background colors. gradient choices are yellow
# (default), blue, green, grey; flat colors use "#rrggbb"
--hash # colors are keyed by function name hash
--cp # use consistent palette (
--reverse # generate stack-reversed flame graph
--inverted # icicle graph
--flamechart # produce a flame chart (sort by time, do not merge stacks)
--negate # switch differential hues (blue<->red)
--notes TEXT # add notes comment in SVG (for debugging)
--help # this message
$0 --title="Flame Graph: malloc()" trace.txt > graph.svg
'fonttype=s' => \$fonttype,
'width=i' => \$imagewidth,
'height=i' => \$frameheight,
'encoding=s' => \$encoding,
'fontsize=f' => \$fontsize,
'fontwidth=f' => \$fontwidth,
'minwidth=f' => \$minwidth,
'title=s' => \$titletext,
'subtitle=s' => \$subtitletext,
'nametype=s' => \$nametype,
'countname=s' => \$countname,
'nameattr=s' => \$nameattrfile,
'total=s' => \$timemax,
'factor=f' => \$factor,
'colors=s' => \$colors,
'bgcolors=s' => \$bgcolors,
'hash' => \$hash,
'cp' => \$palette,
'reverse' => \$stackreverse,
'inverted' => \$inverted,
'flamechart' => \$flamechart,
'negate' => \$negate,
'notes=s' => \$notestext,
'help' => \$help,
) or usage();
$help && usage();
# internals
my $ypad1 = $fontsize * 3; # pad top, include title
my $ypad2 = $fontsize * 2 + 10; # pad bottom, include labels
my $ypad3 = $fontsize * 2; # pad top, include subtitle (optional)
my $xpad = 10; # pad lefm and right
my $framepad = 1; # vertical padding for frames
my $depthmax = 0;
my %Events;
my %nameattr;
if ($flamechart && $titletext eq "") {
$titletext = "Flame Chart";
if ($titletext eq "") {
unless ($inverted) {
$titletext = $titledefault;
} else {
$titletext = $titleinverted;
if ($nameattrfile) {
# The name-attribute file format is a function name followed by a tab then
# a sequence of tab separated name=value pairs.
open my $attrfh, $nameattrfile or die "Can't read $nameattrfile: $!\n";
while (<$attrfh>) {
my ($funcname, $attrstr) = split /\t/, $_, 2;
die "Invalid format in $nameattrfile" unless defined $attrstr;
$nameattr{$funcname} = { map { split /=/, $_, 2 } split /\t/, $attrstr };
if ($notestext =~ /[<>]/) {
die "Notes string can't contain < or >"
# background colors:
# - yellow gradient: default (hot, java, js, perl)
# - green gradient: mem
# - blue gradient: io, wakeup, chain
# - gray gradient: flat colors (red, green, blue, ...)
if ($bgcolors eq "") {
# choose a default
if ($colors eq "mem") {
$bgcolors = "green";
} elsif ($colors =~ /^(io|wakeup|chain)$/) {
$bgcolors = "blue";
} elsif ($colors =~ /^(red|green|blue|aqua|yellow|purple|orange)$/) {
$bgcolors = "grey";
} else {
$bgcolors = "yellow";
my ($bgcolor1, $bgcolor2);
if ($bgcolors eq "yellow") {
$bgcolor1 = "#eeeeee"; # background color gradient start
$bgcolor2 = "#eeeeb0"; # background color gradient stop
} elsif ($bgcolors eq "blue") {
$bgcolor1 = "#eeeeee"; $bgcolor2 = "#e0e0ff";
} elsif ($bgcolors eq "green") {
$bgcolor1 = "#eef2ee"; $bgcolor2 = "#e0ffe0";
} elsif ($bgcolors eq "grey") {
$bgcolor1 = "#f8f8f8"; $bgcolor2 = "#e8e8e8";
} elsif ($bgcolors =~ /^#......$/) {
$bgcolor1 = $bgcolor2 = $bgcolors;
} else {
die "Unrecognized bgcolor option \"$bgcolors\""
# SVG functions
{ package SVG;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub header {
my ($self, $w, $h) = @_;
my $enc_attr = '';
if (defined $encoding) {
$enc_attr = qq{ encoding="$encoding"};
$self->{svg} .= <<SVG;
<?xml version="1.0"$enc_attr standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg version="1.1" width="$w" height="$h" onload="init(evt)" viewBox="0 0 $w $h" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Flame graph stack visualization. See for latest version, and for examples. -->
<!-- NOTES: $notestext -->
sub include {
my ($self, $content) = @_;
$self->{svg} .= $content;
sub colorAllocate {
my ($self, $r, $g, $b) = @_;
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
sub group_start {
my ($self, $attr) = @_;
my @g_attr = map {
exists $attr->{$_} ? sprintf(qq/$_="%s"/, $attr->{$_}) : ()
} qw(id class);
push @g_attr, $attr->{g_extra} if $attr->{g_extra};
if ($attr->{href}) {
my @a_attr;
push @a_attr, sprintf qq/xlink:href="%s"/, $attr->{href} if $attr->{href};
# default target=_top else links will open within SVG <object>
push @a_attr, sprintf qq/target="%s"/, $attr->{target} || "_top";
push @a_attr, $attr->{a_extra} if $attr->{a_extra};
$self->{svg} .= sprintf qq/<a %s>\n/, join(' ', (@a_attr, @g_attr));
} else {
$self->{svg} .= sprintf qq/<g %s>\n/, join(' ', @g_attr);
$self->{svg} .= sprintf qq/<title>%s<\/title>/, $attr->{title}
if $attr->{title}; # should be first element within g container
sub group_end {
my ($self, $attr) = @_;
$self->{svg} .= $attr->{href} ? qq/<\/a>\n/ : qq/<\/g>\n/;
sub filledRectangle {
my ($self, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $fill, $extra) = @_;
$x1 = sprintf "%0.1f", $x1;
$x2 = sprintf "%0.1f", $x2;
my $w = sprintf "%0.1f", $x2 - $x1;
my $h = sprintf "%0.1f", $y2 - $y1;
$extra = defined $extra ? $extra : "";
$self->{svg} .= qq/<rect x="$x1" y="$y1" width="$w" height="$h" fill="$fill" $extra \/>\n/;
sub stringTTF {
my ($self, $id, $x, $y, $str, $extra) = @_;
$x = sprintf "%0.2f", $x;
$id = defined $id ? qq/id="$id"/ : "";
$extra ||= "";
$self->{svg} .= qq/<text $id x="$x" y="$y" $extra>$str<\/text>\n/;
sub svg {
my $self = shift;
return "$self->{svg}</svg>\n";
sub namehash {
# Generate a vector hash for the name string, weighting early over
# later characters. We want to pick the same colors for function
# names across different flame graphs.
my $name = shift;
my $vector = 0;
my $weight = 1;
my $max = 1;
my $mod = 10;
# if module name present, trunc to 1st char
$name =~ s/.(.*?)`//;
foreach my $c (split //, $name) {
my $i = (ord $c) % $mod;
$vector += ($i / ($mod++ - 1)) * $weight;
$max += 1 * $weight;
$weight *= 0.70;
last if $mod > 12;
return (1 - $vector / $max)
sub color {
my ($type, $hash, $name) = @_;
my ($v1, $v2, $v3);
if ($hash) {
$v1 = namehash($name);
$v2 = $v3 = namehash(scalar reverse $name);
} else {
$v1 = rand(1);
$v2 = rand(1);
$v3 = rand(1);
# theme palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "hot") {
my $r = 205 + int(50 * $v3);
my $g = 0 + int(230 * $v1);
my $b = 0 + int(55 * $v2);
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "mem") {
my $r = 0;
my $g = 190 + int(50 * $v2);
my $b = 0 + int(210 * $v1);
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "io") {
my $r = 80 + int(60 * $v1);
my $g = $r;
my $b = 190 + int(55 * $v2);
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
# multi palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "java") {
# Handle both annotations (_[j], _[i], ...; which are
# accurate), as well as input that lacks any annotations, as
# best as possible. Without annotations, we get a little hacky
# and match on java|org|com, etc.
if ($name =~ m:_\[j\]$:) { # jit annotation
$type = "green";
} elsif ($name =~ m:_\[i\]$:) { # inline annotation
$type = "aqua";
} elsif ($name =~ m:^L?(java|javax|jdk|net|org|com|io|sun)/:) { # Java
$type = "green";
} elsif ($name =~ /:::/) { # Java, typical perf-map-agent method separator
$type = "green";
} elsif ($name =~ /::/) { # C++
$type = "yellow";
} elsif ($name =~ m:_\[k\]$:) { # kernel annotation
$type = "orange";
} elsif ($name =~ /::/) { # C++
$type = "yellow";
} else { # system
$type = "red";
# fall-through to color palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "perl") {
if ($name =~ /::/) { # C++
$type = "yellow";
} elsif ($name =~ m:Perl: or $name =~ m:\.pl:) { # Perl
$type = "green";
} elsif ($name =~ m:_\[k\]$:) { # kernel
$type = "orange";
} else { # system
$type = "red";
# fall-through to color palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "js") {
# Handle both annotations (_[j], _[i], ...; which are
# accurate), as well as input that lacks any annotations, as
# best as possible. Without annotations, we get a little hacky,
# and match on a "/" with a ".js", etc.
if ($name =~ m:_\[j\]$:) { # jit annotation
if ($name =~ m:/:) {
$type = "green"; # source
} else {
$type = "aqua"; # builtin
} elsif ($name =~ /::/) { # C++
$type = "yellow";
} elsif ($name =~ m:/.*\.js:) { # JavaScript (match "/" in path)
$type = "green";
} elsif ($name =~ m/:/) { # JavaScript (match ":" in builtin)
$type = "aqua";
} elsif ($name =~ m/^ $/) { # Missing symbol
$type = "green";
} elsif ($name =~ m:_\[k\]:) { # kernel
$type = "orange";
} else { # system
$type = "red";
# fall-through to color palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "wakeup") {
$type = "aqua";
# fall-through to color palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "chain") {
if ($name =~ m:_\[w\]:) { # waker
$type = "aqua"
} else { # off-CPU
$type = "blue";
# fall-through to color palettes
# color palettes
if (defined $type and $type eq "red") {
my $r = 200 + int(55 * $v1);
my $x = 50 + int(80 * $v1);
return "rgb($r,$x,$x)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "green") {
my $g = 200 + int(55 * $v1);
my $x = 50 + int(60 * $v1);
return "rgb($x,$g,$x)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "blue") {
my $b = 205 + int(50 * $v1);
my $x = 80 + int(60 * $v1);
return "rgb($x,$x,$b)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "yellow") {
my $x = 175 + int(55 * $v1);
my $b = 50 + int(20 * $v1);
return "rgb($x,$x,$b)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "purple") {
my $x = 190 + int(65 * $v1);
my $g = 80 + int(60 * $v1);
return "rgb($x,$g,$x)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "aqua") {
my $r = 50 + int(60 * $v1);
my $g = 165 + int(55 * $v1);
my $b = 165 + int(55 * $v1);
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
if (defined $type and $type eq "orange") {
my $r = 190 + int(65 * $v1);
my $g = 90 + int(65 * $v1);
return "rgb($r,$g,0)";
return "rgb(0,0,0)";
sub color_scale {
my ($value, $max) = @_;
my ($r, $g, $b) = (255, 255, 255);
$value = -$value if $negate;
if ($value > 0) {
$g = $b = int(210 * ($max - $value) / $max);
} elsif ($value < 0) {
$r = $g = int(210 * ($max + $value) / $max);
return "rgb($r,$g,$b)";
sub color_map {
my ($colors, $func) = @_;
if (exists $palette_map{$func}) {
return $palette_map{$func};
} else {
$palette_map{$func} = color($colors, $hash, $func);
return $palette_map{$func};
sub write_palette {
open(FILE, ">$pal_file");
foreach my $key (sort keys %palette_map) {
print FILE $key."->".$palette_map{$key}."\n";
sub read_palette {
if (-e $pal_file) {
open(FILE, $pal_file) or die "can't open file $pal_file: $!";
while ( my $line = <FILE>) {
(my $key, my $value) = split("->",$line);
my %Node; # Hash of merged frame data
my %Tmp;
# flow() merges two stacks, storing the merged frames and value data in %Node.
sub flow {
my ($last, $this, $v, $d) = @_;
my $len_a = @$last - 1;
my $len_b = @$this - 1;
my $i = 0;
my $len_same;
for (; $i <= $len_a; $i++) {
last if $i > $len_b;
last if $last->[$i] ne $this->[$i];
$len_same = $i;
for ($i = $len_a; $i >= $len_same; $i--) {
my $k = "$last->[$i];$i";
# a unique ID is constructed from "func;depth;etime";
# func-depth isn't unique, it may be repeated later.
$Node{"$k;$v"}->{stime} = delete $Tmp{$k}->{stime};
if (defined $Tmp{$k}->{delta}) {
$Node{"$k;$v"}->{delta} = delete $Tmp{$k}->{delta};
delete $Tmp{$k};
for ($i = $len_same; $i <= $len_b; $i++) {
my $k = "$this->[$i];$i";
$Tmp{$k}->{stime} = $v;
if (defined $d) {
$Tmp{$k}->{delta} += $i == $len_b ? $d : 0;
return $this;
# parse input
my @Data;
my @SortedData;
my $last = [];
my $time = 0;
my $delta = undef;
my $ignored = 0;
my $line;
my $maxdelta = 1;
# reverse if needed
foreach (<>) {
$line = $_;
if ($stackreverse) {
# there may be an extra samples column for differentials
# XXX todo: redo these REs as one. It's repeated below.
my($stack, $samples) = (/^(.*)\s+?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/);
my $samples2 = undef;
if ($stack =~ /^(.*)\s+?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/) {
$samples2 = $samples;
($stack, $samples) = $stack =~ (/^(.*)\s+?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/);
unshift @Data, join(";", reverse split(";", $stack)) . " $samples $samples2";
} else {
unshift @Data, join(";", reverse split(";", $stack)) . " $samples";
} else {
unshift @Data, $line;
if ($flamechart) {
# In flame chart mode, just reverse the data so time moves from left to right.
@SortedData = reverse @Data;
} else {
@SortedData = sort @Data;
# process and merge frames
foreach (@SortedData) {
# process: folded_stack count
# eg: func_a;func_b;func_c 31
my ($stack, $samples) = (/^(.*)\s+?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/);
unless (defined $samples and defined $stack) {
# there may be an extra samples column for differentials:
my $samples2 = undef;
if ($stack =~ /^(.*)\s+?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/) {
$samples2 = $samples;
($stack, $samples) = $stack =~ (/^(.*)\s+?(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/);
$delta = undef;
if (defined $samples2) {
$delta = $samples2 - $samples;
$maxdelta = abs($delta) if abs($delta) > $maxdelta;
# for chain graphs, annotate waker frames with "_[w]", for later
# coloring. This is a hack, but has a precedent ("_[k]" from perf).
if ($colors eq "chain") {
my @parts = split ";--;", $stack;
my @newparts = ();
$stack = shift @parts;
$stack .= ";--;";
foreach my $part (@parts) {
$part =~ s/;/_[w];/g;
$part .= "_[w]";
push @newparts, $part;
$stack .= join ";--;", @parts;
# merge frames and populate %Node:
$last = flow($last, [ '', split ";", $stack ], $time, $delta);
if (defined $samples2) {
$time += $samples2;
} else {
$time += $samples;
flow($last, [], $time, $delta);
warn "Ignored $ignored lines with invalid format\n" if $ignored;
unless ($time) {
warn "ERROR: No stack counts found\n";
my $im = SVG->new();
# emit an error message SVG, for tools automating flamegraph use
my $imageheight = $fontsize * 5;
$im->header($imagewidth, $imageheight);
$im->stringTTF(undef, int($imagewidth / 2), $fontsize * 2,
"ERROR: No valid input provided to");
print $im->svg;
exit 2;
if ($timemax and $timemax < $time) {
warn "Specified --total $timemax is less than actual total $time, so ignored\n"
if $timemax/$time > 0.02; # only warn is significant (e.g., not rounding etc)
undef $timemax;
$timemax ||= $time;
my $widthpertime = ($imagewidth - 2 * $xpad) / $timemax;
my $minwidth_time = $minwidth / $widthpertime;
# prune blocks that are too narrow and determine max depth
while (my ($id, $node) = each %Node) {
my ($func, $depth, $etime) = split ";", $id;
my $stime = $node->{stime};
die "missing start for $id" if not defined $stime;
if (($etime-$stime) < $minwidth_time) {
delete $Node{$id};
$depthmax = $depth if $depth > $depthmax;
# draw canvas, and embed interactive JavaScript program
my $imageheight = (($depthmax + 1) * $frameheight) + $ypad1 + $ypad2;
$imageheight += $ypad3 if $subtitletext ne "";
my $titlesize = $fontsize + 5;
my $im = SVG->new();
my ($black, $vdgrey, $dgrey) = (
$im->colorAllocate(0, 0, 0),
$im->colorAllocate(160, 160, 160),
$im->colorAllocate(200, 200, 200),
$im->header($imagewidth, $imageheight);
my $inc = <<INC;
<linearGradient id="background" y1="0" y2="1" x1="0" x2="0" >
<stop stop-color="$bgcolor1" offset="5%" />
<stop stop-color="$bgcolor2" offset="95%" />
<style type="text/css">
text { font-family:$fonttype; font-size:${fontsize}px; fill:$black; }
#search, #ignorecase { opacity:0.1; cursor:pointer; }
#search:hover,, #ignorecase:hover, { opacity:1; }
#subtitle { text-anchor:middle; font-color:$vdgrey; }
#title { text-anchor:middle; font-size:${titlesize}px}
#unzoom { cursor:pointer; }
#frames > *:hover { stroke:black; stroke-width:0.5; cursor:pointer; }
.hide { display:none; }
.parent { opacity:0.5; }
<script type="text/ecmascript">
"use strict";
var details, searchbtn, unzoombtn, matchedtxt, svg, searching, currentSearchTerm, ignorecase, ignorecaseBtn;
function init(evt) {
details = document.getElementById("details").firstChild;
searchbtn = document.getElementById("search");
ignorecaseBtn = document.getElementById("ignorecase");
unzoombtn = document.getElementById("unzoom");
matchedtxt = document.getElementById("matched");
svg = document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
searching = 0;
currentSearchTerm = null;
// use GET parameters to restore a flamegraphs state.
var params = get_params();
if (params.x && params.y)
zoom(find_group(document.querySelector('[x="' + params.x + '"][y="' + params.y + '"]')));
if (params.s) search(params.s);
// event listeners
window.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var target = find_group(;
if (target) {
if (target.nodeName == "a") {
if (e.ctrlKey === false) return;
if (target.classList.contains("parent")) unzoom();
if (!document.querySelector('.parent')) {
// set parameters for zoom state
var el = target.querySelector("rect");
if (el && el.attributes && el.attributes.y && el.attributes._orig_x) {
var params = get_params()
params.x = el.attributes._orig_x.value;
params.y = el.attributes.y.value;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
else if ( == "unzoom") clearzoom();
else if ( == "search") search_prompt();
else if ( == "ignorecase") toggle_ignorecase();
}, false)
// mouse-over for info
// show
window.addEventListener("mouseover", function(e) {
var target = find_group(;
if (target) details.nodeValue = "$nametype " + g_to_text(target);
}, false)
// clear
window.addEventListener("mouseout", function(e) {
var target = find_group(;
if (target) details.nodeValue = ' ';
}, false)
// ctrl-F for search
// ctrl-I to toggle case-sensitive search
window.addEventListener("keydown",function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 114 || (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 70)) {
else if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode === 73) {
}, false)
// functions
function get_params() {
var params = {};
var paramsarr ='&');
for (var i = 0; i < paramsarr.length; ++i) {
var tmp = paramsarr[i].split("=");
if (!tmp[0] || !tmp[1]) continue;
params[tmp[0]] = decodeURIComponent(tmp[1]);
return params;
function parse_params(params) {
var uri = "?";
for (var key in params) {
uri += key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]) + '&';
if (uri.slice(-1) == "&")
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.length - 1);
if (uri == '?')
uri = window.location.href.split('?')[0];
return uri;
function find_child(node, selector) {
var children = node.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (children.length) return children[0];
function find_group(node) {
var parent = node.parentElement;
if (!parent) return;
if ( == "frames") return node;
return find_group(parent);
function orig_save(e, attr, val) {
if (e.attributes["_orig_" + attr] != undefined) return;
if (e.attributes[attr] == undefined) return;
if (val == undefined) val = e.attributes[attr].value;
e.setAttribute("_orig_" + attr, val);
function orig_load(e, attr) {
if (e.attributes["_orig_"+attr] == undefined) return;
e.attributes[attr].value = e.attributes["_orig_" + attr].value;
function g_to_text(e) {
var text = find_child(e, "title").firstChild.nodeValue;
return (text)
function g_to_func(e) {
var func = g_to_text(e);
// if there's any manipulation we want to do to the function
// name before it's searched, do it here before returning.
return (func);
function update_text(e) {
var r = find_child(e, "rect");
var t = find_child(e, "text");
var w = parseFloat(r.attributes.width.value) -3;
var txt = find_child(e, "title").textContent.replace(/\\([^(]*\\)\$/,"");
t.attributes.x.value = parseFloat(r.attributes.x.value) + 3;
// Smaller than this size won't fit anything
if (w < 2 * $fontsize * $fontwidth) {
t.textContent = "";
t.textContent = txt;
// Fit in full text width
if (/^ *\$/.test(txt) || t.getSubStringLength(0, txt.length) < w)
for (var x = txt.length - 2; x > 0; x--) {
if (t.getSubStringLength(0, x + 2) <= w) {
t.textContent = txt.substring(0, x) + "..";
t.textContent = "";
// zoom
function zoom_reset(e) {
if (e.attributes != undefined) {
orig_load(e, "x");
orig_load(e, "width");
if (e.childNodes == undefined) return;
for (var i = 0, c = e.childNodes; i < c.length; i++) {
function zoom_child(e, x, ratio) {
if (e.attributes != undefined) {
if (e.attributes.x != undefined) {
orig_save(e, "x");
e.attributes.x.value = (parseFloat(e.attributes.x.value) - x - $xpad) * ratio + $xpad;
if (e.tagName == "text")
e.attributes.x.value = find_child(e.parentNode, "rect[x]").attributes.x.value + 3;
if (e.attributes.width != undefined) {
orig_save(e, "width");
e.attributes.width.value = parseFloat(e.attributes.width.value) * ratio;
if (e.childNodes == undefined) return;
for (var i = 0, c = e.childNodes; i < c.length; i++) {
zoom_child(c[i], x - $xpad, ratio);
function zoom_parent(e) {
if (e.attributes) {
if (e.attributes.x != undefined) {
orig_save(e, "x");
e.attributes.x.value = $xpad;
if (e.attributes.width != undefined) {
orig_save(e, "width");
e.attributes.width.value = parseInt(svg.width.baseVal.value) - ($xpad * 2);
if (e.childNodes == undefined) return;
for (var i = 0, c = e.childNodes; i < c.length; i++) {
function zoom(node) {
var attr = find_child(node, "rect").attributes;
var width = parseFloat(attr.width.value);
var xmin = parseFloat(attr.x.value);
var xmax = parseFloat(xmin + width);
var ymin = parseFloat(attr.y.value);
var ratio = (svg.width.baseVal.value - 2 * $xpad) / width;
// XXX: Workaround for JavaScript float issues (fix me)
var fudge = 0.0001;
var el = document.getElementById("frames").children;
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
var e = el[i];
var a = find_child(e, "rect").attributes;
var ex = parseFloat(a.x.value);
var ew = parseFloat(a.width.value);
var upstack;
// Is it an ancestor
if ($inverted == 0) {
upstack = parseFloat(a.y.value) > ymin;
} else {
upstack = parseFloat(a.y.value) < ymin;
if (upstack) {
// Direct ancestor
if (ex <= xmin && (ex+ew+fudge) >= xmax) {
// not in current path
// Children maybe
else {
// no common path
if (ex < xmin || ex + fudge >= xmax) {
else {
zoom_child(e, xmin, ratio);
function unzoom() {
var el = document.getElementById("frames").children;
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
function clearzoom() {
// remove zoom state
var params = get_params();
if (params.x) delete params.x;
if (params.y) delete params.y;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
// search
function toggle_ignorecase() {
ignorecase = !ignorecase;
if (ignorecase) {
} else {
function reset_search() {
var el = document.querySelectorAll("#frames rect");
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
orig_load(el[i], "fill")
var params = get_params();
delete params.s;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
function search_prompt() {
if (!searching) {
var term = prompt("Enter a search term (regexp " +
"allowed, eg: ^ext4_)"
+ (ignorecase ? ", ignoring case" : "")
+ "\\nPress Ctrl-i to toggle case sensitivity", "");
if (term != null) search(term);
} else {
searching = 0;
currentSearchTerm = null;
searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Search"
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = ""
function search(term) {
if (term) currentSearchTerm = term;
var re = new RegExp(currentSearchTerm, ignorecase ? 'i' : '');
var el = document.getElementById("frames").children;
var matches = new Object();
var maxwidth = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
var e = el[i];
var func = g_to_func(e);
var rect = find_child(e, "rect");
if (func == null || rect == null)
// Save max width. Only works as we have a root frame
var w = parseFloat(rect.attributes.width.value);
if (w > maxwidth)
maxwidth = w;
if (func.match(re)) {
// highlight
var x = parseFloat(rect.attributes.x.value);
orig_save(rect, "fill");
rect.attributes.fill.value = "$searchcolor";
// remember matches
if (matches[x] == undefined) {
matches[x] = w;
} else {
if (w > matches[x]) {
// overwrite with parent
matches[x] = w;
searching = 1;
if (!searching)
var params = get_params();
params.s = currentSearchTerm;
history.replaceState(null, null, parse_params(params));
searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Reset Search";
// calculate percent matched, excluding vertical overlap
var count = 0;
var lastx = -1;
var lastw = 0;
var keys = Array();
for (k in matches) {
if (matches.hasOwnProperty(k))
// sort the matched frames by their x location
// ascending, then width descending
keys.sort(function(a, b){
return a - b;
// Step through frames saving only the biggest bottom-up frames
// thanks to the sort order. This relies on the tree property
// where children are always smaller than their parents.
var fudge = 0.0001; // JavaScript floating point
for (var k in keys) {
var x = parseFloat(keys[k]);
var w = matches[keys[k]];
if (x >= lastx + lastw - fudge) {
count += w;
lastx = x;
lastw = w;
// display matched percent
var pct = 100 * count / maxwidth;
if (pct != 100) pct = pct.toFixed(1)
matchedtxt.firstChild.nodeValue = "Matched: " + pct + "%";
$im->filledRectangle(0, 0, $imagewidth, $imageheight, 'url(#background)');
$im->stringTTF("title", int($imagewidth / 2), $fontsize * 2, $titletext);
$im->stringTTF("subtitle", int($imagewidth / 2), $fontsize * 4, $subtitletext) if $subtitletext ne "";
$im->stringTTF("details", $xpad, $imageheight - ($ypad2 / 2), " ");
$im->stringTTF("unzoom", $xpad, $fontsize * 2, "Reset Zoom", 'class="hide"');
$im->stringTTF("search", $imagewidth - $xpad - 100, $fontsize * 2, "Search");
$im->stringTTF("ignorecase", $imagewidth - $xpad - 16, $fontsize * 2, "ic");
$im->stringTTF("matched", $imagewidth - $xpad - 100, $imageheight - ($ypad2 / 2), " ");
if ($palette) {
# draw frames
$im->group_start({id => "frames"});
while (my ($id, $node) = each %Node) {
my ($func, $depth, $etime) = split ";", $id;
my $stime = $node->{stime};
my $delta = $node->{delta};
$etime = $timemax if $func eq "" and $depth == 0;
my $x1 = $xpad + $stime * $widthpertime;
my $x2 = $xpad + $etime * $widthpertime;
my ($y1, $y2);
unless ($inverted) {
$y1 = $imageheight - $ypad2 - ($depth + 1) * $frameheight + $framepad;
$y2 = $imageheight - $ypad2 - $depth * $frameheight;
} else {
$y1 = $ypad1 + $depth * $frameheight;
$y2 = $ypad1 + ($depth + 1) * $frameheight - $framepad;
my $samples = sprintf "%.0f", ($etime - $stime) * $factor;
(my $samples_txt = $samples) # add commas per perlfaq5
=~ s/(^[-+]?\d+?(?=(?>(?:\d{3})+)(?!\d))|\G\d{3}(?=\d))/$1,/g;
my $info;
if ($func eq "" and $depth == 0) {
$info = "all ($samples_txt $countname, 100%)";
} else {
my $pct = sprintf "%.2f", ((100 * $samples) / ($timemax * $factor));
my $escaped_func = $func;
# clean up SVG breaking characters:
$escaped_func =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$escaped_func =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$escaped_func =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$escaped_func =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
$escaped_func =~ s/_\[[kwij]\]$//; # strip any annotation
unless (defined $delta) {
$info = "$escaped_func ($samples_txt $countname, $pct%)";
} else {
my $d = $negate ? -$delta : $delta;
my $deltapct = sprintf "%.2f", ((100 * $d) / ($timemax * $factor));
$deltapct = $d > 0 ? "+$deltapct" : $deltapct;
$info = "$escaped_func ($samples_txt $countname, $pct%; $deltapct%)";
my $nameattr = { %{ $nameattr{$func}||{} } }; # shallow clone
$nameattr->{title} ||= $info;
my $color;
if ($func eq "--") {
$color = $vdgrey;
} elsif ($func eq "-") {
$color = $dgrey;
} elsif (defined $delta) {
$color = color_scale($delta, $maxdelta);
} elsif ($palette) {
$color = color_map($colors, $func);
} else {
$color = color($colors, $hash, $func);
$im->filledRectangle($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, 'rx="2" ry="2"');
my $chars = int( ($x2 - $x1) / ($fontsize * $fontwidth));
my $text = "";
if ($chars >= 3) { # room for one char plus two dots
$func =~ s/_\[[kwij]\]$//; # strip any annotation
$text = substr $func, 0, $chars;
substr($text, -2, 2) = ".." if $chars < length $func;
$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$im->stringTTF(undef, $x1 + 3, 3 + ($y1 + $y2) / 2, $text);
print $im->svg;
if ($palette) {
# vim: ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# collapse perf samples into single lines.
# Parses a list of multiline stacks generated by "perf script", and
# outputs a semicolon separated stack followed by a space and a count.
# If memory addresses (+0xd) are present, they are stripped, and resulting
# identical stacks are colased with their counts summed.
# USAGE: ./ [options] infile > outfile
# Run "./ -h" to list options.
# Example input:
# swapper 0 [000] 158665.570607: cpu-clock:
# ffffffff8103ce3b native_safe_halt ([kernel.kallsyms])
# ffffffff8101c6a3 default_idle ([kernel.kallsyms])
# ffffffff81013236 cpu_idle ([kernel.kallsyms])
# ffffffff815bf03e rest_init ([kernel.kallsyms])
# ffffffff81aebbfe start_kernel ([kernel.kallsyms].init.text)
# [...]
# Example output:
# swapper;start_kernel;rest_init;cpu_idle;default_idle;native_safe_halt 1
# Input may be created and processed using:
# perf record -a -g -F 997 sleep 60
# perf script | ./ > out.stacks-folded
# The output of "perf script" should include stack traces. If these are missing
# for you, try manually selecting the perf script output; eg:
# perf script -f comm,pid,tid,cpu,time,event,ip,sym,dso,trace | ...
# This is also required for the --pid or --tid options, so that the output has
# both the PID and TID.
# Copyright 2012 Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2012 Brendan Gregg. All rights reserved.
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at docs/cddl1.txt or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at docs/cddl1.txt.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# 02-Mar-2012 Brendan Gregg Created this.
# 02-Jul-2014 " " Added process name to stacks.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
my %collapsed;
sub remember_stack {
my ($stack, $count) = @_;
$collapsed{$stack} += $count;
my $annotate_kernel = 0; # put an annotation on kernel function
my $annotate_jit = 0; # put an annotation on jit symbols
my $annotate_all = 0; # enale all annotations
my $include_pname = 1; # include process names in stacks
my $include_pid = 0; # include process ID with process name
my $include_tid = 0; # include process & thread ID with process name
my $include_addrs = 0; # include raw address where a symbol can't be found
my $tidy_java = 1; # condense Java signatures
my $tidy_generic = 1; # clean up function names a little
my $target_pname; # target process name from perf invocation
my $event_filter = ""; # event type filter, defaults to first encountered event
my $event_defaulted = 0; # whether we defaulted to an event (none provided)
my $event_warning = 0; # if we printed a warning for the event
my $show_inline = 0;
my $show_context = 0;
my $srcline_in_input = 0; # if there are extra lines with source location (perf script -F+srcline)
GetOptions('inline' => \$show_inline,
'context' => \$show_context,
'srcline' => \$srcline_in_input,
'pid' => \$include_pid,
'kernel' => \$annotate_kernel,
'jit' => \$annotate_jit,
'all' => \$annotate_all,
'tid' => \$include_tid,
'addrs' => \$include_addrs,
'event-filter=s' => \$event_filter)
or die <<USAGE_END;
USAGE: $0 [options] infile > outfile\n
--pid # include PID with process names [1]
--tid # include TID and PID with process names [1]
--inline # un-inline using addr2line
--all # all annotations (--kernel --jit)
--kernel # annotate kernel functions with a _[k]
--jit # annotate jit functions with a _[j]
--context # adds source context to --inline
--srcline # parses output of 'perf script -F+srcline' and adds source context
--addrs # include raw addresses where symbols can't be found
--event-filter=EVENT # event name filter\n
[1] perf script must emit both PID and TIDs for these to work; eg, Linux < 4.1:
perf script -f comm,pid,tid,cpu,time,event,ip,sym,dso,trace
for Linux >= 4.1:
perf script -F comm,pid,tid,cpu,time,event,ip,sym,dso,trace
If you save this output add --header on Linux >= 3.14 to include perf info.
if ($annotate_all) {
$annotate_kernel = $annotate_jit = 1;
my %inlineCache;
my %nmCache;
sub inlineCacheAdd {
my ($pc, $mod, $result) = @_;
if (defined($inlineCache{$pc})) {
$inlineCache{$pc}{$mod} = $result;
} else {
$inlineCache{$pc} = {$mod => $result};
# for the --inline option
sub inline {
my ($pc, $rawfunc, $mod) = @_;
return $inlineCache{$pc}{$mod} if defined($inlineCache{$pc}{$mod});
# capture addr2line output
my $a2l_output = `addr2line -a $pc -e $mod -i -f -s -C`;
# remove first line
$a2l_output =~ s/^(.*\n){1}//;
if ($a2l_output =~ /\?\?\n\?\?:0/) {
# if addr2line fails and rawfunc is func+offset, then fall back to it
if ($rawfunc =~ /^(.+)\+0x([0-9a-f]+)$/) {
my $func = $1;
my $addr = hex $2;
$nmCache{$mod}=`nm $mod` unless defined $nmCache{$mod};
if ($nmCache{$mod} =~ /^([0-9a-f]+) . \Q$func\E$/m) {
my $base = hex $1;
my $newPc = sprintf "0x%x", $base+$addr;
my $result = inline($newPc, '', $mod);
inlineCacheAdd($pc, $mod, $result);
return $result;
my @fullfunc;
my $one_item = "";
for (split /^/, $a2l_output) {
chomp $_;
# remove discriminator info if exists
$_ =~ s/ \(discriminator \S+\)//;
if ($one_item eq "") {
$one_item = $_;
} else {
if ($show_context == 1) {
unshift @fullfunc, $one_item . ":$_";
} else {
unshift @fullfunc, $one_item;
$one_item = "";
my $result = join ";" , @fullfunc;
inlineCacheAdd($pc, $mod, $result);
return $result;
my @stack;
my $pname;
my $m_pid;
my $m_tid;
# Main loop
while (defined($_ = <>)) {
# find the name of the process launched by perf, by stepping backwards
# over the args to find the first non-option (no dash):
if (/^# cmdline/) {
my @args = split ' ', $_;
foreach my $arg (reverse @args) {
if ($arg !~ /^-/) {
$target_pname = $arg;
$target_pname =~ s:.*/::; # strip pathname
# skip remaining comments
next if m/^#/;
# end of stack. save cached data.
if (m/^$/) {
# ignore filtered samples
next if not $pname;
if ($include_pname) {
if (defined $pname) {
unshift @stack, $pname;
} else {
unshift @stack, "";
remember_stack(join(";", @stack), 1) if @stack;
undef @stack;
undef $pname;
# event record start
if (/^(\S.+?)\s+(\d+)\/*(\d+)*\s+/) {
# default "perf script" output has TID but not PID
# eg, "java 25607 4794564.109216: cycles:"
# eg, "java 12688 [002] 6544038.708352: cpu-clock:"
# eg, "V8 WorkerThread 25607 4794564.109216: cycles:"
# eg, "java 24636/25607 [000] 4794564.109216: cycles:"
# eg, "java 12688/12764 6544038.708352: cpu-clock:"
# eg, "V8 WorkerThread 24636/25607 [000] 94564.109216: cycles:"
# other combinations possible
my ($comm, $pid, $tid) = ($1, $2, $3);
if (not $tid) {
$tid = $pid;
$pid = "?";
if (/(\S+):\s*$/) {
my $event = $1;
if ($event_filter eq "") {
# By default only show events of the first encountered
# event type. Merging together different types, such as
# instructions and cycles, produces misleading results.
$event_filter = $event;
$event_defaulted = 1;
} elsif ($event ne $event_filter) {
if ($event_defaulted and $event_warning == 0) {
# only print this warning if necessary:
# when we defaulted and there was
# multiple event types.
print STDERR "Filtering for events of type: $event\n";
$event_warning = 1;
($m_pid, $m_tid) = ($pid, $tid);
if ($include_tid) {
$pname = "$comm-$m_pid/$m_tid";
} elsif ($include_pid) {
$pname = "$comm-$m_pid";
} else {
$pname = "$comm";
$pname =~ tr/ /_/;
# stack line
} elsif (/^\s*(\w+)\s*(.+) \((\S*)\)/) {
# ignore filtered samples
next if not $pname;
my ($pc, $rawfunc, $mod) = ($1, $2, $3);
if ($show_inline == 1 && $mod !~ m/(perf-\|kernel\.|\[[^\]]+\])/) {
my $inlineRes = inline($pc, $rawfunc, $mod);
# - empty result this happens e.g., when $mod does not exist or is a path to a compressed kernel module
# if this happens, the user will see error message from addr2line written to stderr
# - if addr2line results in "??" , then it's much more sane to fall back than produce a '??' in graph
if($inlineRes ne "" and $inlineRes ne "??" and $inlineRes ne "??:??:0" ) {
unshift @stack, $inlineRes;
# Linux 4.8 included symbol offsets in perf script output by default, eg:
# 7fffb84c9afc cpu_startup_entry+0x800047c022ec ([kernel.kallsyms])
# strip these off:
$rawfunc =~ s/\+0x[\da-f]+$//;
next if $rawfunc =~ /^\(/; # skip process names
my $is_unknown=0;
my @inline;
for (split /\->/, $rawfunc) {
my $func = $_;
if ($func eq "[unknown]") {
if ($mod ne "[unknown]") { # use module name instead, if known
$func = $mod;
$func =~ s/.*\///;
} else {
$func = "unknown";
if ($include_addrs) {
$func = "\[$func \<$pc\>\]";
} else {
$func = "\[$func\]";
if ($tidy_generic) {
$func =~ s/;/:/g;
if ($func !~ m/\.\(.*\)\./) {
# This doesn't look like a Go method name (such as
# "net/http.(*Client).Do"), so everything after the first open
# paren (that is not part of an "(anonymous namespace)") is
# just noise.
$func =~ s/\((?!anonymous namespace\)).*//;
# now tidy this horrible thing:
# 13a80b608e0a RegExp:[&<>\"\'] (/tmp/
$func =~ tr/"\'//d;
# fall through to $tidy_java
if ($tidy_java and $pname eq "java") {
# along with $tidy_generic, converts the following:
# Lorg/mozilla/javascript/ContextFactory;.call(Lorg/mozilla/javascript/ContextAction;)Ljava/lang/Object;
# Lorg/mozilla/javascript/ContextFactory;.call(Lorg/mozilla/javascript/C
# Lorg/mozilla/javascript/MemberBox;.<init>(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;)V
# into:
# org/mozilla/javascript/
# org/mozilla/javascript/
# org/mozilla/javascript/MemberBox:.init
$func =~ s/^L// if $func =~ m:/:;
# Annotations
# detect inlined from the @inline array
# detect kernel from the module name; eg, frames to parse include:
# ffffffff8103ce3b native_safe_halt ([kernel.kallsyms])
# 8c3453 tcp_sendmsg (/lib/modules/4.3.0-rc1-virtual/build/vmlinux)
# 7d8 ipv4_conntrack_local+0x7f8f80b8 ([nf_conntrack_ipv4])
# detect jit from the module name; eg:
# 7f722d142778 Ljava/io/PrintStream;::print (/tmp/
if (scalar(@inline) > 0) {
$func .= "_[i]"; # inlined
} elsif ($annotate_kernel == 1 && $mod =~ m/(^\[|vmlinux$)/ && $mod !~ /unknown/) {
$func .= "_[k]"; # kernel
} elsif ($annotate_jit == 1 && $mod =~ m:/tmp/perf-\d+\.map:) {
$func .= "_[j]"; # jitted
# Source lines
# Sample outputs:
# | a.out 35081 252436.005167: 667783 cycles:
# | 408ebb some_method_name+0x8b (/full/path/to/a.out)
# | uniform_int_dist.h:300
# | 4069f5 main+0x935 (/full/path/to/a.out)
# | file.cpp:137
# | 7f6d2148eb25 __libc_start_main+0xd5 (/lib64/
# |[27b25]
# | a.out 35081 252435.738165: 306459 cycles:
# | 7f6d213c2750 [unknown] (/usr/lib64/
# |[6750]
# | a.out 35081 252435.738373: 315813 cycles:
# | 7f6d215ca51b __strlen_avx2+0x4b (/lib64/
# |[16351b]
# | 7ffc71ee9580 [unknown] ([unknown])
# |
# | a.out 35081 252435.718940: 247984 cycles:
# | ffffffff814f9302 up_write+0x32 ([kernel.kallsyms])
# | [kernel.kallsyms][ffffffff814f9302]
if($srcline_in_input and not $is_unknown){
$_ = <>;
$func.=':'.$_ unless $_ eq "";
push @inline, $func;
unshift @stack, @inline;
} else {
warn "Unrecognized line: $_";
foreach my $k (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %collapsed) {
print "$k $collapsed{$k}\n";
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