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Created November 14, 2012 13:49
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Colocated cokriging in python with r
def cokriging_in_r(self, x, y, z):
Cokriging (and ordinary kriging) is quite fast in R.
This would anyway be more pragmatic than rewriting/porting it to Python.
For the moment this will be the 'best' way as R makes it very easy to
use kriging without fitting a variogram model, but using a standard
import rpy2
import rpy2.robjects as robj
import time
time0 = time.time()
xi, yi = robj.FloatVector(self.xi.tolist()), robj.FloatVector(self.yi.tolist())
dataset = self.dataloader.dataset.ReadAsArray().flatten()
mask = numpy.equal(dataset, -9999)
rxi = robj.FloatVector(dataset.tolist())
radar = self.get_radar_for_locations()
radar = robj.FloatVector(radar)
x,y,z = robj.FloatVector(x), robj.FloatVector(y), robj.FloatVector(z)
rain_frame = robj.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y, 'z':z})
radar_frame = robj.DataFrame({'x': xi, 'y': yi, 'radar': rxi})
target_frame = robj.DataFrame({'x':xi, 'y':yi})
vgm_args = {'model_type': 'Sph', 'range1': 20000, 'range2':1040000}
# following command gives a python output to r functions
vgm_args['nugget'] = 0.035
vgm_args['sill1'] = 0.473
vgm_args['sill2'] = 8.994
radar_variance = dataset[~mask].var()
rain_variance = robj.r.var(z)[0]
correlation_radar_rain = numpy.abs(robj.r.cor(z, radar))
variance_correction = numpy.sqrt(rain_variance * radar_variance)
# The cross coefficient is used in the cross variogram (crossgram)
cross_coef = (correlation_radar_rain * variance_correction)[0]
# change it back to rpy strict
# The variogram is combined. This is a bit awkward in Rpy.
# So one way is change the args manually (see below)
# or load variables in R before hand.
variogram_radar = robj.r.vgm(vgm_args['sill1'] * radar_variance,
vgm_args['model_type'], vgm_args['range1'], vgm_args['nugget'],
robj.r(""+ str(vgm_args['sill2'] * radar_variance)
+ ", 'Sph', 1040000, " + str(vgm_args['nugget'] *
variogram_rain = robj.r.vgm(vgm_args['sill1'] * rain_variance,
vgm_args['model_type'], vgm_args['range1'], vgm_args['nugget'],
robj.r(""+ str(vgm_args['sill2'] * rain_variance)
+ ", 'Sph', 1040000, " + str(vgm_args['nugget'] *
crossgram = robj.r.vgm(vgm_args['sill1'] * cross_coef,
vgm_args['model_type'], vgm_args['range1'], vgm_args['nugget'],
robj.r(""+ str(vgm_args['sill2'] * cross_coef)
+ ", 'Sph', 1040000, " + str(vgm_args['nugget'] * cross_coef) + ")"))
# #waarde van de radar op de modelnodes (=predictielocatie), nodig voor colocated cokriging (betekent sec. variabele op elke predictie locatie bekend)
# mn.radar=krige(rain~1,rads,mn,nmax=1)
# names(mn.radar)[1]='radar.rain'
# # gstat object voor colocated cokriging
# g.cck=NULL
# g.cck=gstat(g.cck,id='gauge',formula=sqrt(rain)~1,data=raingauge,model=vgm.raing,nmax = 40)
# g.cck=gstat(g.cck,id='radar',sqrt(radar.rain)~1,data=mn.radar,model=vgm.radar,merge=c('gauge','radar'),nmax=1)
# g.cck=gstat(g.cck,id=c('gauge','radar'),model=vgm.cross,nmax = 40)
# #cokriging naar modelknooppunten (mn)
# cck.out=predict(g.cck,mn,nsim=0)
# radar_krige = (robj.r.krige(robj.r('radar ~ 1'), robj.r('~ x + y'),
# radar_frame, target_frame, nmax=1))
cck = robj.r('NULL')
cck = robj.r.gstat(cck, "rain", robj.r('z ~ 1'), robj.r('~ x + y'),
data=rain_frame, model=variogram_rain, nmax=40)
cck = robj.r.gstat(cck, "radar", robj.r('radar~ 1'), robj.r('~ x + y'),
data=radar_frame, model=variogram_radar,
merge=robj.r("c('rain','radar')"), nmax=1)
cck = robj.r.gstat(cck, robj.r('c("rain", "radar")'), model=crossgram, nmax=40)
# pdb.set_trace()
result = robj.r.predict(cck, target_frame)
time1 = time.time()
deltatime = time1-time0
print('Kriging took '+ str(deltatime) + ' seconds')
radar_est = numpy.array(result[4])
radar_est = radar_est.reshape((self.ny, self.nx))
rain_est = numpy.array(result[2])
rain_est = radar_est.reshape((self.ny, self.nx))
return radar_est, rain_est
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