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Last active August 29, 2022 13:31
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JSON Parser
-- Inspired on the video from [Tscoding](
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty, many, (<|>))
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
data JsonValue
= JsonNull
| JsonBool Bool
| JsonInteger Int
| JsonFloat Float
| JsonString String
| JsonArray [JsonValue]
| JsonObject [(String, JsonValue)]
deriving (Show)
newtype Parser a = Parser
{ runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a)
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser a) = Parser $ \input -> do
(input', x) <- a input
return (input', f x)
instance Applicative Parser where
pure a = Parser $ \input -> Just (input, a)
(Parser a) <*> (Parser b) = Parser $ \input -> do
(input', f) <- a input
(input'', x) <- b input'
return (input'', f x)
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ const Nothing
(Parser a) <|> (Parser b) = Parser go
go input = a input <|> b input
charP :: Char -> Parser Char
charP c = Parser go
go :: String -> Maybe (String, Char)
go [] = Nothing
go (x : xs)
| x == c = Just (xs, x)
| otherwise = Nothing
stringP :: String -> Parser String
stringP = traverse charP
spanP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
spanP f = Parser go
go :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
go (x : xs)
| f x = case go xs of
Nothing -> Just (xs, [x])
Just (input, ys) -> Just (input, x : ys)
| otherwise = Nothing
go [] = Nothing
sepBy :: Parser () -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
sepBy sep value =
(:) <$> value <*> many (sep *> value)
<|> pure []
stringLiteral :: Parser String
stringLiteral = charP '"' *> spanP (/= '"') <* charP '"'
ws :: Parser ()
ws = () <$ spanP isSpace
comma :: Parser ()
comma = () <$ charP ','
jsonValue :: Parser JsonValue
jsonValue =
<|> jsonBool
<|> jsonNumber
<|> jsonString
<|> jsonArray
<|> jsonObject
jsonNull :: Parser JsonValue
jsonNull = JsonNull <$ stringP "null"
jsonBool :: Parser JsonValue
jsonBool = true <|> false
true = JsonBool True <$ stringP "true"
false = JsonBool False <$ stringP "false"
jsonNumber :: Parser JsonValue
jsonNumber = jsonFloat <|> jsonInteger
jsonInteger :: Parser JsonValue
jsonInteger = JsonInteger . read <$> spanP isDigit
jsonFloat :: Parser JsonValue
jsonFloat = JsonFloat <$> floatP
floatP :: Parser Float
floatP = toFloat <$> spanP isDigit <*> (charP '.' *> spanP isDigit)
toFloat :: String -> String -> Float
toFloat numerator denominator = read $ numerator ++ "." ++ denominator
jsonString :: Parser JsonValue
jsonString = JsonString <$> stringLiteral
jsonArray :: Parser JsonValue
jsonArray = JsonArray <$> (charP '[' *> elems <* charP ']')
elems :: Parser [JsonValue]
elems = sepBy comma (many ws *> jsonValue <* many ws)
jsonObject :: Parser JsonValue
jsonObject = JsonObject <$> (charP '{' *> pairs <* charP '}')
pairs :: Parser [(String, JsonValue)]
pairs = sepBy comma pair
pair :: Parser (String, JsonValue)
pair =
<$> (many ws *> stringLiteral <* many ws)
<*> (charP ':' *> (many ws *> jsonValue <* many ws))
-- >>> runParser jsonValue "[123 , 123.3444, {}, {\"foo\":[null, false, 1.2, 123]} ]"
-- Just ("",JsonArray [JsonInteger 123,JsonFloat 123.3444,JsonObject [],JsonObject [("foo",JsonArray [JsonNull,JsonBool False,JsonFloat 1.2,JsonInteger 123])]])
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