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Created March 24, 2018 21:18
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adapted from:
TODO implement remove methods
from libcpp cimport bool
from libcpp.vector cimport vector
ctypedef struct Rect:
double x1
double y1
double x2
double y2
ctypedef struct QuadNode:
unsigned int id
Rect rect
cdef struct QuadTree:
# used so we can identify
# uninitialized child quadtrees
bool empty
# center x, center y
double x, y
double width, height
unsigned int depth
vector[QuadNode] nodes
QuadTree* children[4]
cdef QuadTree EMPTY = QuadTree(empty=True)
cdef Rect normalize_rect(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2):
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y1 > y2:
y1, y2 = y2, y1
return Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
cdef class QTree:
QuadTree root
vector[QuadTree] trees
unsigned int max_items
unsigned int max_depth
def __init__(self, tuple bbox, unsigned int max_items=10, unsigned int max_depth=20):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
width, height = abs(x2-x1), abs(y2-y1)
midx, midy = x1+width/2.0, y1+height/2.0
self.root.empty = False
self.root.children[0] = &EMPTY
self.root.children[1] = &EMPTY
self.root.children[2] = &EMPTY
self.root.children[3] = &EMPTY
self.root.x = midx
self.root.y = midy
self.root.width = width
self.root.height = height
self.max_items = max_items
self.max_depth = max_depth
cpdef intersect(self, bbox):
set results = set()
Rect rect = normalize_rect(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
return _intersect(&self.root, rect, results)
cpdef insert(self, unsigned int id, tuple bbox):
cdef Rect rect = normalize_rect(bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
self._insert(&self.root, id, rect)
cdef _insert(self, QuadTree *qtree, unsigned int id, Rect rect, int cdepth=0):
QuadNode node
int n
rect = normalize_rect(rect.x1, rect.y1, rect.x2, rect.y2)
# TODO is this the correct
# way to check if the array is "empty"?
if qtree.children[0].empty:
node = QuadNode(id, rect)
n = qtree.nodes.size()
print('{}NODES SIZE {}'.format(' ' * cdepth, n))
if qtree.nodes.size() > self.max_items and qtree.depth < self.max_depth:
self._split(qtree, cdepth+1)
self._insert_into_children(qtree, id, rect, cdepth+1)
cdef _insert_into_children(self, QuadTree *qtree, unsigned int id, Rect rect, int cdepth):
cdef QuadNode node
# if rect spans center then insert here
if (rect.x1 <= qtree.x and rect.x2 >= qtree.x and
rect.y1 <= qtree.y and rect.y2 >= qtree.y):
node = QuadNode(id, rect)
# try to insert into children
if rect.x1 <= qtree.x:
if rect.y1 <= qtree.y:
self._insert(qtree.children[0], id, rect, cdepth+1)
if rect.y2 >= qtree.y:
self._insert(qtree.children[1], id, rect, cdepth+1)
if rect.x2 > qtree.x:
if rect.y1 <= qtree.y:
self._insert(qtree.children[2], id, rect, cdepth+1)
if rect.y2 >= qtree.y:
self._insert(qtree.children[3], id, rect, cdepth+1)
cdef _split(self, QuadTree *qtree, int cdepth):
double quartwidth = qtree.width / 4.0
double quartheight = qtree.height / 4.0
double halfwidth = qtree.width / 2.0
double halfheight = qtree.height / 2.0
double x1 = qtree.x - quartwidth
double x2 = qtree.x + quartwidth
double y1 = qtree.y - quartheight
double y2 = qtree.y + quartheight
unsigned int new_depth = qtree.depth + 1
QuadTree q1 = QuadTree(x=x1, y=y1, width=halfwidth, height=halfheight, depth=new_depth, empty=False, nodes=[])
QuadTree q2 = QuadTree(x=x1, y=y2, width=halfwidth, height=halfheight, depth=new_depth, empty=False, nodes=[])
QuadTree q3 = QuadTree(x=x2, y=y1, width=halfwidth, height=halfheight, depth=new_depth, empty=False, nodes=[])
QuadTree q4 = QuadTree(x=x2, y=y2, width=halfwidth, height=halfheight, depth=new_depth, empty=False, nodes=[])
vector[QuadNode] nodes
q1.children[0] = &EMPTY
q1.children[1] = &EMPTY
q1.children[2] = &EMPTY
q1.children[3] = &EMPTY
q2.children[0] = &EMPTY
q2.children[1] = &EMPTY
q2.children[2] = &EMPTY
q2.children[3] = &EMPTY
q3.children[0] = &EMPTY
q3.children[1] = &EMPTY
q3.children[2] = &EMPTY
q3.children[3] = &EMPTY
q4.children[0] = &EMPTY
q4.children[1] = &EMPTY
q4.children[2] = &EMPTY
q4.children[3] = &EMPTY
# ...will this cause a memory leak?
qtree.children = [&q1, &q2, &q3, &q4]
for node in nodes:
self._insert_into_children(qtree,, node.rect, cdepth+1)
cdef _intersect(QuadTree *qtree, Rect rect, set results):
# search children
# TODO is this the correct
# way to check if the array is "empty"?
if not qtree.children[0].empty:
if rect.x1 <= qtree.x:
if rect.y1 <= qtree.y:
_intersect(qtree.children[0], rect, results)
if rect.y2 >= qtree.y:
_intersect(qtree.children[1], rect, results)
if rect.x2 >= qtree.x:
if rect.y1 <= qtree.y:
_intersect(qtree.children[2], rect, results)
if rect.y2 >= qtree.y:
_intersect(qtree.children[3], rect, results)
# search node at this level
for node in qtree.nodes:
if (node.rect.x2 >= rect.x1 and node.rect.x1 <= rect.x2 and
node.rect.y2 >= rect.y1 and node.rect.y1 <= rect.y2):
return results
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