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frobs / Fizz_buzz.ex
Created September 10, 2023 15:31
Fizzbuzz with recursion
defmodule FizzBuzz do
@first_number 1
def fizzbuzz(n) do
do_fizzbuzz([], @first_number, n)
def do_fizzbuzz(acc, current_number, limit) when current_number > limit, do: Enum.reverse(acc)
def do_fizzbuzz(acc, current_number, limit) do
do_fizzbuzz([get_value(current_number) | acc], current_number + 1, limit)
defmodule MyTestScript do
@h 7
@fixed_value 37
def decode(num) do
decode_internal(num, "")
defp decode_internal(num, accum) when num == @h do
frobs / testing.ex
Created January 17, 2023 11:23
Testing file
defmodule MyTestScript do
@h 7
@fixed_value 37
def decode(num) do
decode_internal(num, "")
defp decode_internal(num, accum) when rem(num, @fixed_value) == 3 do
decode_internal(get_next_value(num , 3), accum <> "e")
frobs / Dockerfile Postgres
Created June 27, 2015 21:24
A example Dockerfile for Postgres 2.4 downloded from
# vim:set ft=dockerfile:
FROM debian:wheezy
# add our user and group first to make sure their IDs get assigned consistently, regardless of whatever dependencies get added
RUN groupadd -r postgres && useradd -r -g postgres postgres
# grab gosu for easy step-down from root
RUN gpg --keyserver --recv-keys B42F6819007F00F88E364FD4036A9C25BF357DD4
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
&& curl -o /usr/local/bin/gosu -SL "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" \
frobs / bin.xml
Created March 13, 2014 09:02
Packaging with maven .tar.gz .tar.bz2 .zip
frobs / Rakefile
Last active December 16, 2015 05:29
Multibrowser test with capybara using Rake(if set two browser only work the last)
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler'
desc 'Run specs multibrowser test'
task :spec, [:browser] do |t,args|
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'