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Created April 9, 2024 12:33
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Replace 'weight 256' with 'weight 1' for backends with a single server entry
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
my $obfuscate = 0; # No obfuscation by default.
my $fix_singular_weight256 = 0; # Conditionally rewrite 'weight 256'
'o' => \$obfuscate,
'f' => \$fix_singular_weight256
) or die "Error in command line arguments\n";
# Flag to indicate whether the marker has been encountered.
my $found_marker = 0;
# Accumulate backend block lines here.
my @backend_lines = ();
while (my $line = <>) {
if ($line =~ /^##-------------- app level backends ----------------$/) {
# Print accumulated lines for the last backend block before
# the marker.
if (@backend_lines) {
print process_backend_block(@backend_lines);
@backend_lines = ();
print $line;
$found_marker = 1;
if ($found_marker) {
if ($line =~ /^backend /) {
# Process and print the previous backend block if we're
# starting a new one.
if (@backend_lines) {
print process_backend_block(@backend_lines);
@backend_lines = ();
push @backend_lines, $line;
} else {
# Print lines directly before the marker is found.
print $line;
# Process any remaining backend block after the loop terminates.
if (@backend_lines) {
print process_backend_block(@backend_lines);
sub process_backend_block {
my @lines = @_;
my $block = join('', @lines);
# Count server entries and check for the specific weight
# condition.
my $server_count = grep { /^\s*server\s+/ } @lines;
my $has_weight_256 = grep { /weight\s+256/ } @lines;
if ($fix_singular_weight256 && $server_count == 1 && $has_weight_256) {
# Only apply the weight change if there's exactly one server
# with weight 256.
$block =~ s/(weight\s+)256/${1}1 #FIXED/;
if ($obfuscate) {
# Apply obfuscation to the backend name.
$block =~ s/^backend\s+(\S+)/"backend " . md5_hex($1)/em;
return $block;
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