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Created April 22, 2021 02:40
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A minimal test implementation of blockchain (proof of works). p2p based protocols are not implemented.
from hashlib import sha256
from datetime import datetime
from json import dumps
class Block:
def __init__(self, nonce, data, prevHash=None, difficulty=20):
self.nonce = nonce = data
self.timestamp =
self.prevHash = prevHash
self.difficulty = difficulty
def toJSON(self):
return dumps(self.toDict())
def toDict(self):
return {
"nonce": self.nonce,
"timestamp": self.timestamp,
"prev": self.prevHash,
"difficulty": self.difficulty
def toJSONData(self):
return dumps(self.toDict())
def toDictData(self):
return {
"nonce": self.nonce,
"prev": self.prevHash,
"difficulty": self.difficulty
def validate(self):
return int(self.hash, 16) < (1 << (256 - self.difficulty))
def hash(self):
return sha256(self.toJSONData().encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
class Chain:
def __init__(self):
self.blocks = {}
def get_head_block_hash(self):
non_scanned = [*self.blocks]
head = None
head_len = -1
while non_scanned:
current_head = non_scanned.pop()
current_head_len = 0
current = current_head
while True:
current_head_len += 1
prev = self.blocks[current].prevHash
if prev is not None:
current = non_scanned.pop(non_scanned.index(prev))
if current_head_len > head_len:
head = current_head
head_len = current_head_len
return head
def add_block(self, block):
if not block.validate():
return False
self.blocks[block.hash] = block
return True
def mine(self, data):
head = self.get_head_block_hash()
nonce = -1
while True:
nonce += 1
block = Block(nonce, data, head)
if self.add_block(block):
return block
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