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Created March 27, 2022 13:36
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keccak256 implementation in Nim
## keccak256 (sha3-256) implementation in Nim
## for further details of this process:
HashWords {.union.} = object
words: array[25, uint64]
bytes: array[200, uint8]
HashState* = ref object
hw: HashWords
reading: 0..135
const iotaConstants: array[24, uint64] = [
0x0000000000000001'u64, 0x0000000000008082'u64, 0x800000000000808a'u64,
0x8000000080008000'u64, 0x000000000000808b'u64, 0x0000000080000001'u64,
0x8000000080008081'u64, 0x8000000000008009'u64, 0x000000000000008a'u64,
0x0000000000000088'u64, 0x0000000080008009'u64, 0x000000008000000a'u64,
0x000000008000808b'u64, 0x800000000000008b'u64, 0x8000000000008089'u64,
0x8000000000008003'u64, 0x8000000000008002'u64, 0x8000000000000080'u64,
0x000000000000800a'u64, 0x800000008000000a'u64, 0x8000000080008081'u64,
0x8000000000008080'u64, 0x0000000080000001'u64, 0x8000000080008008'u64,
const rotOffsets: array[25, uint64] = [
0'u64, 1'u64, 62'u64, 28'u64, 27'u64,
36'u64, 44'u64, 6'u64, 55'u64, 20'u64,
3'u64, 10'u64, 43'u64, 25'u64, 39'u64,
41'u64, 45'u64, 15'u64, 21'u64, 8'u64,
18'u64, 2'u64, 61'u64, 56'u64, 14'u64,
const hexDigits = "0123456789abcdef"
template rot64(x: uint64, k: uint64): uint64 = (x shl k) or (x shr (64 - k))
template round(state: var HashState, iterations: int) =
var b: array[25, uint64]
var c: array[5, uint64]
var d: array[5, uint64]
for i in 0..4:
c[i] = state.hw.words[i] xor state.hw.words[i + 5] xor state.hw.words[i + 10] xor state.hw.words[i + 15] xor state.hw.words[i + 20]
for i in 0..4:
d[i] = c[(i + 4) mod 5] xor rot64(c[(i + 1) mod 5], 1)
for i in 0..24:
state.hw.words[i] = state.hw.words[i] xor d[i mod 5]
for x in 0..4:
for y in 0..4:
let i = x + 5*y
b[((2*x + 3*y) mod 5) * 5 + y] = rot64(state.hw.words[i], rotOffsets[i])
for x in 0..4:
for y in 0..4:
let i = x + 5*y
state.hw.words[i] = b[i] xor ((not b[(x + 1) mod 5 + y*5]) and b[(x + 2) mod 5 + y*5])
state.hw.words[0] = state.hw.words[0] xor iotaConstants[iterations]
template keccakF1600(state: var HashState) =
for i in 0..23:
round(state, i)
proc initState*(): HashState =
## initialize hash state
var state = initState()
state.update("Hello, World!!")
echo state.digest()
new result
for i in 0..24:
result.hw.words[i] = 0
result.reading = 0
proc update*(state: var HashState, bytes: openArray[uint8]) =
## feed data to hasher
for c in bytes:
state.hw.bytes[state.reading] = state.hw.bytes[state.reading] xor c
state.reading = if (state.reading == 135): 0 else: state.reading + 1
if state.reading == 0:
proc update*[T: string or openArray[byte]](state: var HashState, bytes: T) =
## feed data to hasher
for c in bytes:
state.hw.bytes[state.reading] = state.hw.bytes[state.reading] xor cast[uint8](c)
state.reading = if (state.reading == 135): 0 else: state.reading + 1
if state.reading == 0:
proc digest*(state: var HashState): string =
## calculate digest
## please note this procedure breaks the hasher internal state and re-initializes it.
result = ""
state.hw.bytes[state.reading] = state.hw.bytes[state.reading] xor 0x06
state.hw.bytes[135] = state.hw.bytes[135] xor 0x80
for i in 0..31:
state.reading = 0
for i in 0..24:
state.hw.words[i] = 0
proc hex*(str: string): string =
## convert string to hexadecimal string
result = ""
for c in str:
result.add(hexDigits[cast[uint8](c) shr 4])
result.add(hexDigits[cast[uint8](c) and 0x0f])
when isMainModule:
var state = initState()
state.update("Hello, Nim-lang!!")
let dig = state.digest().hex()
assert dig == "0f3be9c96b48b5e4dd07da8e0141ba75ee3b6fcbc75cb1323225d09084344af1"
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