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Created August 31, 2018 03:33
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Test memory usage in PHP
function get_formatted_memory_peak( $bytes, $precision = 2 ) {
$units = array( 'b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb' );
$bytes = max( $bytes, 0 );
$pow = floor( ( $bytes ? log( $bytes ) : 0 ) / log( 1024 ) );
$pow = min( $pow, count( $units ) - 1 );
$bytes /= ( 1 << ( 10 * $pow ) );
return round( $bytes, $precision ) . ' ' . $units[ $pow ];
$mem_before = memory_get_peak_usage();
// Some code here to test
$mem_after = memory_get_peak_usage();
error_log( get_formatted_memory_peak( $mem_after - $mem_before ) ); //@codingStandardsIgnoreLine
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