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Created July 4, 2012 01:10
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Klingon Chinese Dictionary
LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
AUTHOR: Zrajm C Akfohg <>
from1to9 <from1to9[at]>
bach verb 射,射击 shoot
bach noun 射击 shot
bachHa' verb 【俚语】犯错误 err, make a mistake [slang]
bagh verb 系,绑 tie
baghneQ noun 匙,勺子 spoon
baH verb (鱼雷、火箭、导弹等的)开火 fire (torpedo, rocket, missile)
baHjan noun 发射器;发射台 launcher
baHwI' noun 炮手,枪手;火炮瞄准手 gunner
baj verb (积极地)工作,赚钱 earn, work for (actively)
bal noun 瓶子,水罐 jug, jar, bottle
banan naH noun 香蕉 banana
bang noun 爱;爱人;被爱的人 love, one who is loved, beloved
bang bom noun 情歌 love song
bang pong noun 爱称,昵称;钟爱;亲爱 pet name, endearment
baq verb 结束,终止,停止 terminate, discontinue
baqghol noun 克林贡人的一种茶,用于取暖 type of liquor, bahgol
baQ verb 使成为新的;(水果、蔬菜等)刚刚被采摘 be fresh, be just picked (fruit, vegetable)
baQ verb 投掷;bat'leth 从一只手传到另一只手 toss bat'leth from one hand to the other
baQa' exclamation (一般的)漫骂 (general invective)
barat noun 印度 India
bargh noun (准备食物的)平底的壶、罐子 flat-bottomed pot for food preparation
barot name (名字)巴罗特 Barot
baS noun 金属 metal
baS 'In noun 铃,铃铛(金属制作的打击乐器) bell (percussion instrument made of metal)
batlh adverbial 受尊敬的;尊敬的;体面的;光荣的 honored, with honor, honorably, honorable
batlh noun 荣誉;尊敬 honor
batlhHa' adverbial 不名誉地;卑劣地 dishonorably
bav verb 绕…轨道而行 orbit
bay noun 克林贡语b的发音 Klingon {b} sound
ba' verb 坐;位于 sit
beb noun 屋顶 roof
bech verb 遭受,忍受;受痛苦;经历 suffer
begh noun 导向装置;导向板;偏针仪,导流板 deflectors
beH noun 步枪;来复枪 rifle
bej verb 看,观看 watch
bej verb 【俚语】确信,肯定,确定 be sure, be definite, be positive, be certain [slang]
bel verb 乐于做(某事) be pleased
bel noun 乐意;快乐 pleasure
belHa' verb 不乐意做(某事);使…不快 be displeased
bem noun 脚底板 sole of foot
ben noun (多少)年以前;很久以前 years ago, years old
bep verb 抱怨;反对;发牢骚 complain, object, gripe
bep noun 苦恼,烦恼 agony
beq noun 机组成员;全体人员,全体船员 crew, crewman
beqpuj noun 一种桔黄色矿物 type of mineral, bekpuj (orange in color)
beQ verb 变成平的;使…成为平的 be flat
bergh verb 使…易怒;激怒 be irritable
bertlham noun 结局;(歌曲、戏剧、故事等)最后的部分 ending, final portion (of a song, play, story etc.)
betleH noun 一种手持武器 type of hand weapon, bat'leth
betleH bey' noun 怒号;嚎哭;哀嚎 howl, wail
beylI' noun 银行 bank
bey' noun 仪式 ceremonial display
be' noun 女性;女人 female, woman
be'etor name (名字)B'Etor B'Etor
be'Hom noun 女孩 girl
be'joy' noun (犯人)被女性拷问,被女性折磨 torture-by-women (ritualized torture of prisoners, performed by women)
be'nal noun 妻子,老婆 wife
be'nI' noun 姐妹 sister
be'nI'nal noun 夫或妻的姐妹 sister-in-law
bID noun 一半 half
bIghHa' noun 监狱;监禁 prison, jail
bIH pronoun 他们 they, them (incapable of language)
bIj verb 惩罚 punish
bIj noun 惩罚 punishment
bIm noun 克林贡音乐音阶(共九个音)的第二个音 second tone of nonatonic musical scale
bIng noun 下面,底下 area below, area under
bIp numeral 成千上万 hundred thousand (number-forming element)
bIQ noun 水,比喻弱小或玷污 water
bIQ bal noun 水壶 water jug
bIQDep noun 鱼 fish
bIQSIp noun 氢 hydrogen
bIQSIp 'ugh noun 氘 deuterium isotope
bIQtIq noun 河流 river
bIQ'a' noun 海洋 ocean
bIQ'a' HeH noun 沙滩 beach
bIr verb 使…寒冷;冰冻 be cold
bIraqlul noun 冗余(克林贡哲学术语) brak'lul (redundancy in body parts)
bIreqtal noun Brek'tal仪式,杀死克林贡部落首领的人与部落首领的遗孀结婚从而成为部落的首领 Brek'tal ritual
bIreQtagh noun bregit lung,一种在克林贡战舰上准备的传统食物 bregit lung
bIS'ub noun (内部的)瓶底;底部 bottom (interior bottom)
bIt verb 使…紧张;担心;不安 be nervous, be uneasy
bIv verb 打破(规则等) break (rules)
bI' verb 扫除;横扫 sweep (away)
bI'rel noun B'rel级(战舰) B'rel class (vessel)
bI'reS noun (歌曲、戏剧、故事等)开始,序幕 beginning (of a song, play, story etc.)
bo noun 羽毛 feather
bobcho' noun 模块 module
boch verb 照耀;闪光 shine, be shiny
bochmoHwI' noun 【俚语】马屁精;奉承的人 sycophant, flatterer [slang]
boD noun 前额;额头 forehead [regional]
bogh verb 出生 be born
boH verb 使…焦躁不安 be impatient
boj verb 使烦恼;不断地唠叨 nag
bol verb 口水;梦话 drool
bolwI' noun 【俚语】卖国贼;叛徒 traitor [slang]
bom verb 唱歌;诵扬 sing, chant
bom noun 歌;圣歌 song, chant
bom mu' noun 歌词 lyric, lyrics
bomwI' noun 歌手 singer
bong adverbial 意外地 accidentally, by accident
bop verb 关心(某事);在意 be about (something), be concerned with
boq verb 与…结盟 ally with, form an alliance with
boq noun 盟友;盟军;集团 alliance, bloc, coalition, fusion
boqHa' verb 分裂;与…分离 dissociate from
boqrat noun bokrat,一种克林贡动物,肝脏可食用 type of animal, bokrat
boq ru' noun 联合 coalition
boQ verb 协助,帮助 assist
boQ noun 帮助 aid, assistance
boQ noun 助手;副官 aide
boQDu' noun 副官 aide-de-camp
bor verb (胃里发出的)咕噜声 gurgle (sound from stomach)
borghel noun 一种鸟,非常小,通常被认为它的蛋非常美味 type of bird (very small, its eggs are considered quite tasty)
bortaS noun 复仇 revenge
bortaS DIb noun 复仇的权利,Right of Vengeance Right of Vengeance
boS verb 收集 collect
bot verb 阻止;阻碍;禁止 prevent, block, prohibit
botjan noun (飞船上的)保护盾 shields (force field on ship)
botlh noun 中间 center, middle
bov noun 时代,年代 era
bo'Dagh noun 勺子 scoop, scooping implement (to serve food)
bo'Degh noun 鸟 bird
bo'DIj noun 法庭;法院 court
buD verb 懒于做 be lazy
bup verb 离开,退出 quit
buq noun 包;袋子;口袋 bag, sack, pouch, pocket
buQ verb 威胁 threaten
bur verb 打嗝 hiccup
burgh noun 胃 stomach
burgh quD noun 自然形成的quD(一种酱油) naturally produced qud
buS verb 集中精力与(某事);只想 concentrate on, focus on, think only about
buSHa' verb 忽略 ignore
butlh noun 指甲里面的污垢 dirt under fingernails
buv verb 分类 classify
buv noun 分类,类别 classification
buy' verb 使充满;填满 be full, be filled up
buy' ngop exclamation 好消息;【俚语】听到…真是太好了 good news, it's good to hear that [slang]
bu' noun 军士;中士 sergeant
cha noun 鱼雷 torpedoes
chab noun 派;果馅饼;饺子 pie, tart, dumpling
chab noun 【俚语】发明;创新 invention, innovation [slang]
chach verb 辅助与;用于备用 be auxiliary, be for backup use
chach noun 紧急情况 emergency
chach Duj noun 救护车 ambulance
chaDvay' noun 无线电频率;赫兹 radio frequency, Hertz (unit of frequency)
chagh verb 落;坠落;滴落 drop
chaH pronoun 他们 they, them (capable of using language)
chaj noun 闺蜜(女性的亲密女性朋友) close female friend of a female
chal noun 天空 sky
cham noun 技术 technology
chamwI' noun 机师,技术员 technician
chan noun 东部地区;朝向东方的地方 area eastward, area towards the east
chanDoq noun 卤汁;腌料 marinade
chang'eng noun 一对,一双 pair
chap noun (手)背 back (of hand)
chaq adverbial 可能,也许,大概 perhaps, maybe
chaQ verb (用bat'leth向上)插入;刺入 thrust upward with end of bat'leth
char verb 使黏滑 be slimy
chargh verb 征服 conquer
charghwI' noun 胜利者;征服者 victor, conqueror
chaS noun (手杖或拐杖的)顶端 top (of cane or walking stick)
chatlh noun (稠的)汤 soup (thick)
chatlh noun 【俚语】废话;胡言乱语 nonsense, balderdash [slang]
chav verb 到达;完成 achieve
chav noun 成就 achievement
chaw' verb 允许;许可 allow, permit
chaw' noun 许可证;票 permit, ticket
chay noun ch的发音 Klingon {ch} sound
chay' question word 怎样? how?
cha' verb (图片、幻灯片)展示;显示; show, display (picture), project
cha' numeral 二 two
cha'bIp noun 一种鸟,飞行速度快 type of bird (noted for its speed)
cha'DIch numeral 第二 second
cha'DIch noun 副手;第二 aide, second
cha'Do' noun 一种不为所知的鸟 type of bird (about which little is known)
cha'Hu' noun 前天 day before yesterday
cha'leS noun 后天 day after tomorrow
cha'logh adverbial 两次 twice
cha'naS noun 一种鸟,很小,从地下挖虫子为食 type of bird (small, digs up bugs to eat)
cha'nob noun 仪式祭品 ritual gifts
cha'par noun 一种因叫声出名的鸟 type of bird (noted for its song)
cha'puj noun 达丽星 dilithium
cha'pujqut noun 达丽星水晶 dilithium crystal
cha'qu' noun 一种鸟,叫声吵人且不断重复 type of bird (with a noisy, repetitive cry)
cheb noun 一种重量单位,约合2.25公斤 cheb (unit of weight)
cheb'a' noun 一种重量单位,约为9cheb,合20.25公斤 big cheb (unit of weight)
chech verb 喝醉 be drunk, be intoxicated
chechtlhutlh noun chech'tluth,一种克林贡烈酒,看上去就像冒烟 type of liquor, chech'tluth
chegh verb 返回 return (to)
cheH verb 叛变 defect
chej noun 肝脏 liver
chel verb 加 add
chelwI' noun 【俚语】会计师;金融家 accountant, financier [slang]
chemvaH noun 一种动物,克林贡女性向男性献媚时说话像这种动物 type of animal, chemvah
chen verb 建立,采取…形式 build up, take form
chenmoH verb 形成;建立;创建 form, make, create
chenmoHwI' noun 创始者;建立者 creator, maker
cheng name Chang Chang
chep verb 繁荣,使繁荣 prosper, be prosperous
cher verb 建立,设立 establish, set up
chergh verb 忍受,容忍,宽容 tolerate
cheSvel noun 一种外套 type of coat
cheSvel noun (泛指)外套 coat, jacket (general term) [regional]
chetvI' noun 鱼雷管 torpedo tube
chetvI' noun 一种投掷标枪的器具 chetvi, spear-throwing device
chev verb 分离 separate
chevwI' tlhoy' noun 墙(分割领土,例如柏林墙) territorial wall (e.g. Berlin Wall)
che' verb 管理;主持;运行;领导;统治 rule, reign, run, preside
che'ron noun 战场 battlefield
chIch adverbial 故意的,有意的 purposely, on purpose, intentionally
chID verb 承认 admit
chIj verb 航行,导航,驾驶 navigate
chIjwI' noun 航海家;驾驶员 navigator
chIl verb 浪费;放错;失败 lose, misplace
chIm verb 遗弃;使…空;使…荒废 be empty, be deserted, be uninhabited
chIp verb 修剪(头发) cut, trim (hair)
chIrgh noun 庙;神殿 temple (structure)
chIS verb 成为白色;白化 be white
chob noun 走廊 corridor
chob'a' noun 主走廊 main corridor
choghvat noun 跳板;(船上通向门的)楼梯 stairway leading to door of a ship, gangplank
choH verb 改变;更改 alter, change
choH noun 变化 change
chol verb 接近;靠近 close in, get closer, come nearer
choljaH noun 发圈,簪子 ponytail holder
chom noun 酒保;酒吧侍者 bartender
chon noun 狩猎 hunt
chon bom noun 狩猎曲 hunting song
chonnaQ noun 狩猎用的矛 hunting spear
chontay noun 用于仪式的狩猎 ritual hunt
chong verb 使垂直 be vertical
chong verb 【俚语】彻底;深沉;认真思考 be profound, be thorough, be careful [slang]
chong exclamation 【俚语】非常好;棒极了 good, excellent, admirable [slang]
chop verb 咬 bite
choptaH verb 咬;侵蚀 gnaw
choq verb 保存 preserve, save
choQ noun 甲板 deck (on a ship)
chor noun 腹部 belly
chor noun 陶瓷的平底壶 ceramic flat-bottomed pot [regional]
chor bargh noun 陶瓷的平底壶 ceramic flat-bottomed pot [regional]
chorgh numeral 八 eight
chorgh noun 克林贡音阶(共九个音)中的第八个音 eight tone of nonatonic musical scale
chorghDIch numeral 第八 eighth
choS verb 遗弃 desert
choS noun 暮光;黎明 twilight
chot verb 谋杀 murder
chotwI' noun 谋杀犯 murderer
chov verb 评估,估价 assess, evaluate
chovnatlh noun 样品;标本 specimen
cho' verb 继承(权利) succeed (to authority)
cho' noun 继位 succession
chuch noun 冰 ice
chuH verb 超…投掷;猛投(矛) throw (a spear) at, hurl (a spear) at
chuH verb 【俚语】阐明;解释;澄清 explain clearly to, clarify for, specify for [slang]
chuHchu' verb (用掷出的矛)击中 hit with a thrown spear
chun verb 使无罪;无辜 be innocent
chunDab noun 流星 meteor
chung verb 加速 accelerate
chup verb 推荐;建议 recommend, suggest
chuq noun 范围,距离 range, distance
chuq'a' noun 大范围 long range
chuQun noun 贵族 nobility
chuS verb 吵闹 be noisy
chuS'ugh noun 一种乐器 type of musical instrument
chut noun 法律 law
chuv verb 遗留;剩下来;留下 be left over
chuvmey noun (语法术语)遗留物 leftovers (grammatical term)
chuy verb 打喷嚏 sneeze
chuyDaH noun 推进器 thrusters
chu' verb 成为新的 be new
chu' verb 激活(设备) engage, activate (a device)
chu' verb 演奏(乐器) play (a musical instrument)
chu'wI' noun 扳机 trigger
chu'wI' noun 演奏者 player (of an instrument)
Da verb 以…的名义 behave as, act in the manner of
Dab verb 居住于;定居于 dwell in/at, reside in/at
Dach verb 缺席 be absent
Dach verb 分心;不注意 be not attentive, be distracted, lack focus, to not pay attention
Daghtuj noun (动物的各部分)混合 mixture of animal parts, animal parts mixed together
DaH adverbial 现在 now
DaH noun 银行;大批(武器) bank, array (of weapons)
DaHjaj noun 今天 today
DaHjaj gheD noun catch of the day,饭店里的一道菜 dish in a restaurant, "catch of the day"
Daj verb 对…有兴趣 be interesting
Daj verb 非决定性的测试 test inconclusively
Dal verb 使无聊 be boring
Dan verb (军事术语)占领 occupy (military term)
Dap noun 毫无意义;胡说;废话 nonsense
Dap bom noun 无意义的歌曲 nonsense song
Daq verb 窃听 eavesdrop
Daq noun 地方;地点;位置 site, location, place
Daqtagh noun d'k tahg,一种武士的刀 warrior's knife, d'k tahg
DaQ noun 马尾辫 ponytail
Dargh noun 茶 tea
Dargh HIvje' noun 茶杯 teacup
DarSeq noun 货币单位 darsek (unit of currency)
DaS noun 靴子 boot
DaSpu' noun 靴子上的长钉;鞋钉 boot spike
Dat noun 到处 everywhere, all places
Dav verb 摇摆;移到一边 sway, move to the side (about aircraft)
DavHam noun 坏名声;不好的名誉 false honor
Daw' verb 反抗;叛乱 revolt
Daw' noun 反抗;革命 revolt, revolution
Day noun D的发音 Klingon {D} sound
DayquS noun dikus星球 type of plant, dikus plant
Da' noun 下士等级 corporal (rank)
Da'nal noun 一种鸟,个性古怪反复无常 type of bird (characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior)
Da'vI' noun 一种鸟,个性古怪,反复无常 type of bird (characterized by erratic, unpredictable behavior)
Deb noun 沙漠 desert
Dech verb 环绕 surround
Degh noun 舵 helm
Degh verb 【俚语】即兴;没有计划而实施 act without a plan, improvise [slang]
Degh noun 奖章;徽章;符号;记号;标志 medal, emblem, symbol, insignia
DeghwI' noun 舵手 helmsman
DeH verb (水果、蔬菜)成熟;熟过 be ripe, be overripe (fruit, vegetable)
Dej verb 崩塌;倒塌 collapse
Del verb 描述 describe
DenIb noun Denebia Denebia
DenIbngan noun Denebian,人名 Denebian
DenIb Qatlh noun Denebian slime devil Denebian slime devil
DenIbya' noun Denebia Denebia
DenIbya'ngan noun Denebian Denebian
DenIbya' Qatlh noun Denebian slime devil Denebian slime devil
Denmargh noun 丹麦 Denmark
Dep noun 非人;不是人的状态 being (nonhumanoid)
DeQ noun 货币单位 credit (unit of currency)
Der verb (飞行器)偏航 yaw (about aircraft)
DeS noun 手臂 arm (body part)
DeS noun 柄;斧柄 handle, ax handle
DeSqIv noun 肘部 elbow
Dev verb 引导;带领;指引 lead, guide
DevwI' noun 领导人 leader
De' noun 数据;信息 data, information
De'wI' noun 电脑 computer
DI noun 垃圾;废品 litter, rubble, debris, garbage
DIb noun 特权;权利 privilege, right
DIch noun 必然;确定的事 certainty
DIghna' noun 一个星球 type of plant
DIj verb 剑刃在对手的剑刃上滑过 slide sword blade along opponent's blade
DIj verb 用颜料棒画画 use a pigment stick, paint with pigment stick
DIl verb 为…付款 pay for
DIlyum noun 延龄草 trillium
DIn noun (隧道、沟渠的)入口通道(不是门) entryway (to a tunnel, conduit, etc.; not a door)
DIng verb 旋转 spin
DIp noun 名词 noun
DIr noun 肌肤;皮肤 skin
DIron noun 风笛 bagpipes
DIr 'In noun 鼓(一种打击乐器) drum (percussion instrument with a stretched animal skin)
DIS verb 承认 confess
DIS noun 山洞;洞穴 cave
DIS noun (克林贡)年 year (Klingon)
DIv verb 使有罪;负罪 be guilty
DIvI' noun 联邦;组织;协会;团体 federation, organization, association, league, union
DIvI'may'Duj noun 联邦巡洋战舰 Federation battle cruiser
Do noun 速度 velocity, speed
Doch verb 无礼对待 be rude
Doch noun 事情 thing
DoD noun (在坐标上)标记 mark (in coordinates)
Dogh verb 使愚笨;愚昧 be foolish, be silly
Doghjey noun 无条件投降 unconditional surrender
DoH verb 后退;逃离 back away from, back off, get away from
DoHmoH verb 击退 drive back
Doj verb 给人印象深刻 be impressive
Dol noun 整体 entity, whole
Dom noun radam,粗糙的达丽星晶体 radan (crude dilithium crystal)
Don verb 平行,与…平行 be parallel, go parallel to
Dop noun 边;旁边;侧面 side
Doq verb 成为红色;成为橙色 be orange, be red
DoQ verb 声明领土 claim (territory)
Do Qe' noun 快餐店 velocity restaurant, fast-food restaurant, Dok'e
Dor verb 护送;陪同 escort
Dor verb (一段时间)到达结尾;结束 come to an end (about period of time, e.g. month, year)
DoS noun 目标;靶子 target
Dotlh noun 地位;状态 status
Dov'agh noun 长笛;横笛 flute, fife
DoyIchlan noun 德国 Germany
Doy' verb 劳累 be tired
Doy'yuS noun Troyius Troyius
Do' adverbial 幸运的 luckily, with luck
Do' verb 有幸;幸运的做 be fortunate, be lucky
Do'Ha' adverbial 不幸的 unfortunately
Do'Ha' verb 不幸的的做 be unfortunate, be unlucky
Dub verb 提升;改善;增进 improve
Dub noun (身体)背 back (of body)
DuD verb 混合 mix
DuDwI' noun 搅拌棒 stirring stick, mixing stick
Dugh verb 警惕;注意 be vigilant
DuH verb 使…有可能 be possible
DuH noun 可能性;选项 possibility, option
Duj noun 本能 instincts
Duj noun 船;舰 ship, vessel
Duj ngaDHa' noun 【俚语】不负责任的人;不守规矩的人;未经训练的人 irresponsible person, undisciplined person [slang]
Dum verb 小睡 nap
Dun verb 使…极好;很好 be wonderful, be great
Dung noun 上面;头顶上 area above, area overhead
DungluQ noun 中午 noon
Dup noun 战略 strategy
Duq noun 小碗 bowl (small)
DuQ verb 刺;戳 stab
DuQ verb 感动 touch, move (emotionally)
DuQwI' noun 钉子;长钉 spike
DuQwI'Hommey noun d'k tahg鞍桥上的小钉子 small spikes on the d'k tahg pommel
Duran lung DIr noun Durani lizard skins(总是复数形式),Durani蜥蜴皮,一种食物,干燥切成小片后食用,很美味。 Durani lizard skins (type of food, never takes plural suffix)
DuraS name Duras Duras
DuS noun 鱼雷管 torpedo tube
DuSaQ noun 学校 school
Duv verb 前进 advance
Duy noun 代理人;使者 agent, emissary
Duy' verb 有缺陷 be defective
Duy' noun 缺陷 defect
Duy'a' noun 大使 ambassador
Du' noun 农场 farm
Du' naH noun 农产品 produce
ghab noun (动物腹部的)肉 meat from midsection of animal
ghab tun noun (动物腹部没有骨头的)肉 meat from midsection of animal, no bones [regional]
ghagh verb 漱口 gargle
ghaH pronoun 他,她 he, she, him, her
ghaj verb 占有;拥有 have, possess
ghal verb 嫉妒;妒忌 be jealous (of), envy
gham noun (动物)肢 limb (of an animal)
ghanjaq noun 权杖 mace (stick, club)
ghang verb (事件,例如旅行、战斗、歌曲)过早的结束 prematurely end (an event, e.g. a voyage, battle, song)
ghangwI' noun 地平线;视野 horizon
ghap conjunction 或者(后面跟名词) or, either/or (follows joined nouns)
ghaq verb (经济上)贡献,支持 contribute, support (financially)
ghar verb 进行外交 conduct diplomacy
ghar noun 外交 diplomacy
ghargh noun 蛇;虫子 serpent, worm
gharlIq 'oQqar noun 大蒜 garlic
gharwI' noun 外交家 diplomat
ghatlh verb 控制;支配 dominate
ghawran name Gowron Gowron
ghaw' noun igvah肝脏汤 igvah liver soup
ghaw' noun 自我怀疑者;不自信的人 insecure one, one full of self-doubt, self-doubter
ghay noun gh的发音 Klingon {gh} sound
ghaytan adverbial 大概上 likely, probably
ghaytanHa' adverbial 不太可能 unlikely
ghay'cha' exclamation (骂人的话) (general invective)
gha'tlhIq noun 赞颂的歌赋 ode of respect
gheb noun 喇叭(一种乐器) horn (musical instrument)
gheD noun 捕食 prey
ghegh verb 粗野对待 be rough
ghel verb 问(问题) ask (a question)
ghem noun 午夜甜点;夜宵 midnight snack
gher verb 规划;编译;齐心协力 formulate, compile, pull together
gheS verb 承担责任 assume duties of, take on responsibilities of
ghet verb 扮演(角色);伪装 pretend, role-play
ghetwI' noun 冒牌者 pretender
ghevchoq Sep noun Gevchok地区 Gevchok region
ghevI' noun 酱油 sauce for gagh
ghew noun 虫子;虱子 bug, cootie
ghe'naQ noun 歌剧 opera
ghe'tor noun Gre'thor,类似于地狱,受到耻辱的人精神去的地方 Gre'thor (where spirits of dishonored go)
ghe''or noun 阴间,地狱 netherworld (where dishonored go)
ghIb verb 同意 consent
ghIch noun 鼻子 nose
ghIgh noun 项链 necklace
ghIgh noun 【俚语】作业;任务;职责 assignment, task, duty [slang]
ghIH verb 散乱;粗心做;草率做 be messy, be sloppy
ghIj verb 害怕;惊吓 scare
ghIlab ghew noun 一群苍蝇 glob fly
ghIlaSnoS noun 一种古代政治运动 an ancient political movement
ghIm verb 流放 exile
ghIn noun 修道院 monastery
ghIntaq noun gin'tak,长矛战 battle spear, gin'tak
ghIpDIj verb 军事法庭 court-martial
ghIq adverbial 随后 and then, after that, by then, subsequently
ghIqtal exclamation 【古】(诅咒)去死 to the death [archaic]
ghIQ verb 休假 vacation, take a vacation
ghIr verb 下降 descend
ghIrep naH noun 葡萄 grape
ghIrIlqa' name Grilka Grilka
ghISDen noun 鳞片 scales (animal covering)
ghIt noun 手心 open, flat hand
ghIt noun 斧刃 ax blade, blade of axe
ghItlh verb 写;刻 write, engrave, incise, mark (upon)
ghItlh noun 手稿 manuscript
ghItlhwI' noun 铁笔;书写工具;写字的人 stylus, writing implement, person who writes
gho noun 圈;圆 circle
gho noun 铁环;箍 hoop
ghob verb 战斗;打仗 fight, battle, do battle, wage war
ghob noun 伦理学;美德 ethics, virtue
ghobchuq loDnI'pu' name Brothers Fight One Another,著名雕像 The Brothers Fight One Another (famous statue)
ghobe' exclamation (回答一个问题)不 no (answer to a question)
ghoch verb 追踪 track, track down
ghoch noun 目的地 destination
ghochwI' name 追踪者(一个星座) Tracker (a constellation)
ghoD verb 塞满;吃撑 stuff
ghogh noun 声音 voice
ghogh HablI' noun 电话 telephone
ghoH verb 辩论;争论 argue, dispute
ghoj verb 学习 learn
ghojmeH taj noun 用来学习的小刀 boy's knife
ghojmoH verb 教授;指导 teach, instruct
ghojmoq noun 保姆;护士 nurse, nanny, governess
ghojwI' noun 学生 student
ghol noun 对手 opponent, adversary
ghom verb 遭遇;遇见;约会;集合 meet, encounter, assemble, rendezvous
ghom noun 一群人;团体;聚会 group, party, band (in nonmusical sense)
ghomHa' verb 分散;分开 scatter, disperse
ghom'a' noun 群众;人群 crowd
ghonDoq noun 一种小刀,刀刃细长 type of knife (slender blade)
ghong verb 滥用;虐待;辱骂 abuse
ghong noun 滥用;虐待;恶习 abuse
ghop noun 手 hand
ghopDap noun 小行星 asteroid
ghoq verb 窃听,侦察 spy (on)
ghoqwI' noun 间谍 spy
ghoQ verb (肉)刚刚被杀;新鲜 be fresh, be just killed (meat)
ghor verb 打破;中断 break
ghor noun (星球)表面 surface (of a planet)
ghorgh question word 什么时候? when?
ghoS verb 向前;跟随 go onward, approach, go away from, proceed on a course, come,follow (a course)
ghoS verb 插入;刺入 thrust
ghot noun 人;像人的动物 person (humanoid)
ghotI' noun 鱼 fish
ghov verb 认出;识别 recognize
gho' verb 踏上,踩上 step on
gho'Do noun 亚光速 sublight speed
ghu noun 小孩;婴儿 baby
ghubDaQ noun 长子;长女;第一胎 firstborn
ghuH verb 为…准备;被警告做… prepare for, be alerted to
ghuH noun 警告 alert
ghuHmoH verb 警告 alert, warn
ghum verb 警报声 alarm, sound an alarm
ghum noun 警报 alarm
ghun verb (电脑)程序 program (a computer)
ghun verb 取暖 be warm
ghung verb 饥饿 be hungry
ghup verb 吞咽 swallow
ghur verb 增加 increase
ghuS verb 准备(发射) be prepared, be ready (to launch)
ghuS verb (矛)从下往上攻击 lower (spear) to horizontal to attack
ghuv noun 征召 recruit
ghuy' exclamation 混蛋;该死的 damn (curse)
ghuy'cha' exclamation (诅咒的话)*@$% *@$% (curse)
ghu' noun 情况 situation
Hab verb 使平滑 be smooth
HablI' noun 数据收发装置 data transceiving device
Hach verb (文明)使成熟 be developed (e.g., civilization)
HaD verb 学习 study
Hagh verb 笑 laugh
HaH verb 浸透;湿透 soak, drench
HaH verb 腌泡 marinade
Haj verb 恐惧,惧怕 dread
HajDob noun (做食物的)腿 leg (served as food)
Hal noun 来源 source
HanDogh noun 气球吊篮;飞机驾驶室 nacelle
Hap noun 原因;事件 matter
Haq verb 进行手术 perform surgery (on)
Haq verb 【俚语】干涉 intervene in (a situation) [slang]
Haq noun 手术 surgery
Haqtaj noun 解剖刀,手术刀 scalpel
HaqwI' noun 外科医生 surgeon
HaQchor noun 糖精 saccharin
Har verb 相信 believe
Hargh verb 战争;对抗 fight, battle (major confrontation)
HaSta noun (镜中)虚拟的像 visual display (on monitor)
Hat verb 非法 be illegal
Hat noun 温度 temperature
Hatlh noun 乡下;农村 country, countryside
Haw' verb 逃跑;逃窜 flee, get out, run away
Hay noun H的发音 Klingon {H} sound
Hay' verb 决斗 duel
Hay'chu' verb 决斗到死 duel to the death
Ha' exclamation 让我们走;来吧;走吧 let's go, come on
Ha'DIbaH noun 肉;动物 meat, animal
Ha'DIbaH noun 【俚语】狗;杂狗;坏蛋 dog, cur, inferior person [slang]
Ha'DIbaH ghIH tIr ngogh je noun 汉堡 hamburger
Ha'quj noun 佩带;肩带 baldric, sash
He noun 路径;途径 course, route
Hech verb 意味着;打算做 intend, mean to
HeD verb 撤退 retreat
HeDon noun 平行路线 parallel course
Hegh verb 死 die
Hegh noun 死亡 death
Heghbat noun 仪式上自杀,献身 ritual suicide
Heghba' noun 仪式上自杀,献身 ritual suicide
HeghmoH verb 使…成为致命 be fatal
Heghtay noun 死亡仪式 death ritual
HeH noun 边缘 edge
Hej verb 抢劫 rob
HejwI' noun 抢劫犯 robber
Hem verb 使自豪 be proud
Heng verb 弹拨(洞、弦乐器)使音调变化 finger (holes, strings of instrument) to vary sound
HeQ verb 遵守 comply
Hergh noun 药 medicine
Hergh ngevwI' noun 化学家;药剂师 chemist, apothecary
Hergh QaywI' noun hypo, pneumatic hypo hypo, pneumatic hypo
HerghwI' noun hypo, pneumatic hypo hypo, pneumatic hypo
HeS verb 承认罪行 commit a crime
HeS noun 罪行 crime
HeSwI' noun 犯人 criminal
Hev verb 接受;收到 receive
Hew noun 雕塑 statue
Hew chenmoHwI' noun 雕刻家 sculptor
He' verb 闻;释放气味 smell, emit odor
He'So' verb 发出臭味 stink
HIch noun 手枪 handgun, gun
HIchDal noun 气阀;气塞 airlock
HIDjolev noun 菜单 menu
HIgh verb 下流的战斗 fight dirty
HIj verb 快递;运输货物 deliver, transport goods
HIja' exclamation 对;是的(回答选择疑问句) yes, true (answer to yes/no question)
HIjwI' noun 快递员 delivery person
HIp noun 制服 uniform
HIq noun 酒;啤酒;白酒;麦芽酒 liquor, ale, beer, wine
HISlaH exclamation 对;是的(回答选择疑问句) yes, true (answer to yes/no question)
HIv verb 攻击 attack
HIvDuj noun 攻击舰 attack fighter (vessel)
HIvje' noun 玻璃杯子 glass (tumbler), mug
HIvje' bom noun 祝酒歌 drinking song
HIvneS verb 自杀性行动 honor-attack (suicide mission)
HI' noun 独裁者 dictator
HI'tuy noun 独裁 dictatorship
Hob verb 打哈欠 yawn
Hoch noun 每个;每人;所有 everyone, all, everything, each, every
HochDIch numeral 最后的,最终 allth, final, last
HochHom noun 绝大部分,大部分,大多数 most, greater part
Hochlogh adverbial 总是 all times, always (emphatic)
HoD noun 队长;船长 captain
Hogh noun (克林贡的)星期 week (Klingon)
HoH verb 杀死 kill
HoH noun 杀戮;杀死 killing
HoH'egh verb 犯(自杀) commit suicide
Hoj verb 小心做 be cautious
Hol noun 语言 language
Hol ghoQ noun 俚语;新鲜的语言 slang, "fresh language" (mostly used by younger Klingons)
HolQeD noun 语言学家 linguistics
Hom noun 骨头 bone
Hom noun 【俚语】虚弱的人;小牛;骨瘦如柴的人 weakling, runt, scrawny one, skinny one [slang]
Hom verb 【古】用第二个脚趾 use the second toe [archaic]
HomwI' noun 第二个脚趾 second toe
Hon verb 怀疑 doubt
Hong noun 脉冲力 impulse power
Hong boq chuyDaH noun 冲动融合推进器 impulse fusion thrusters
Hongghor noun 脉冲驱动器 impulse drive
Hop verb 远程 be remote, be far
Hoq noun 远征 expedition
Hoqra' noun 三录仪 tricorder
HoQ verb 错误的敬重;非法的荣耀 be honored falsely, be falsely honorable
HoS verb 使强壮 be strong
HoS noun 力量;能量 strength, energy, power
HoSchem noun 能量场 energy field
HoS choHwI' noun 翻译者 transtator
HoSDo' noun 能量本质 energy beings
HoSghaj verb 使强大 be powerful
Hot verb 触摸;感触;感觉 touch, feel
Hotlh verb 放映 project, put on (screen)
Hotlh verb 扫描 scan
HotlhwI' noun 扫描仪 scanner
Hov noun 星 star
HovpoH noun 星历 stardate
Hovtay' noun 行星系统 star system
Hoy' verb 祝贺;庆祝 congratulate
Ho' verb 崇敬;钦佩 admire
Ho' noun 【俚语】偶像 idol [slang]
Ho' noun 牙齿 tooth
Ho' 'etlh noun 锯齿状的刀锋 serrated blade (e.g., kut'luch)
Ho''oy' noun 牙痛 toothache
Hu noun 动物园 zoo
Hub verb 保护;防守 defend
Hub noun 防卫 defense
HubneS verb 捍卫荣誉 honor-defend (suicide mission)
Huch noun 钱 money
HuchQeD noun 经济学 economics
HuD noun 山,山丘 mountain, hill
HuD beQ yoS noun Flat Mountain district(in Sakrej region) Flat Mountain district (in Sakrej region)
Hugh noun 喉咙 throat
HuH noun 胆汁;粘液 gall, bile, slime
Huj verb 使奇怪 be strange
Huj verb 收费 charge (up)
Hum verb 使…粘 be sticky
Human noun 人 human
Hun noun khrun,一种动物,运动很快 type of animal, khrun
Hung noun 安全 security
Hup verb 惩罚 punish
Huq verb 办理,处理 transact
Hur noun 外面 outside
HurDagh noun (统称)弦乐 stringed instrument (general term)
Hurgh verb 使黑暗 be dark
Hurgh noun 腌(黄瓜) pickle (cucumber)
Hur'Iq noun 【俚语】门外汉,外地人 outsider, foreigner [slang]
Hur'Iqngan noun Hur'q,人名 Hur'q (person)
HuS verb 悬挂 hang
HuS name Huss,人名 Huss
Hut numeral 九 nine
HutDIch numeral 第九 ninth
Hutvagh exclamation 这他妈的到中国了吧!(too many people/things in a place all at once) too many people/things in a place all at once
Hutlh verb 缺乏,没有 lack, be without, to not have
Huv verb 清楚;不隐讳 be clear, be not obstructed
Huy' noun 眉毛 eyebrow
Huy'Dung noun 前额 forehead [regional]
Hu' verb 起床 get up
Hu' noun (天)以前 days ago
Hu'tegh exclamation (骂人的话)草泥马 (general invective)
jab verb 提供(食物) serve (food)
jabbI'ID noun 数据传输 data transmission
jabwI' noun 服务员;侍者 food server, waiter, waitress
jach verb 尖叫;哭喊;大叫 scream, cry out, shout, yell
jaD verb 乱扔;乱掷 throw around, hurl about
jagh noun 敌人 enemy
jaH verb 旅行 go, travel
jaj noun 天(从黎明到黎明) day (from dawn to dawn)
jajlo' noun 黎明 dawn
jajlo' Qa' noun 一种动物,在黎明前会骚动 type of animal (makes a ruckus at dawn)
jajvam noun 今天 today
jan noun 设备 device
jan noun 乐器 musical instrument
janluq pIqarD name Jean-Luc Picard,人名 Jean-Luc Picard
jang verb 回答,回复 answer, reply
jaq verb 勇敢的做 be bold
jaqmoH verb 使大胆 embolden
jar noun (克林贡)月 month (Klingon)
jargh noun 前额 forehead [regional]
jaS adverbial 不同的 differently
jat noun 舌头 tongue
jat verb 【俚语】无条理的说;嘟囔 speak incoherently, mumble [slang]
jatyIn noun 精神财产 spiritual possession
jatlh verb 说 say, tell, speak
jav numeral 六 six
jav noun 克林贡音阶(共九个音)第六个音 sixth tone of nonatonic musical scale
jav noun 【俚语】囚犯 prisoner [slang]
javDIch numeral 第六 sixth
jaw verb 闲聊;聊天 chat
jaw noun 主人;上帝;主子 lord
jay noun j的发音 Klingon {j} sound
jay' adverbial (用于句末,表示强烈的咒骂)有木有!!! intensely (invective)
ja' verb 告诉,汇报 tell, report
ja'chuq verb 讨论;协商 discuss, confer
ja'chuq noun 【古】继位仪式 succession ritual (ancient)
je conjunction 也 also, and, too
jech verb 伪装 disguise
jech noun 伪装;服装 disguise, costume
jeD verb 使粘稠;使浓缩 be thick, be dense, be viscous
jegh verb 投降 surrender, give up
jeH verb 心不在焉地做 be absentminded
jej verb 使锋利 be sharp
jejHa' verb 使(刀刃)变钝 be dull, be blunt (of blades)
jemS tIy qIrq name James T. Kirk,人名 James T. Kirk
jen verb 使高耸 be high
jengva' noun 盘子 plate (for eating)
jeq verb 从…突出 protrude from
jeqqIj noun 棍棒 club, bludgeon
jeQ verb 使自信 be self-confident
jer verb 使颠簸;(飞船)突然前后摇晃 surge, suddenly move forward or backward (about aircraft)
jeS verb 参加 participate
jev verb 猛攻 storm
jev verb 喘息;呼哧呼哧的呼吸 wheeze, breathe nosily
jey verb 击败 defeat
jey noun 旅程;路线 itinerary
jey'naS noun 双头斧子 double-headed ax, ax with double head
je' verb 购买 buy, purchase
je' verb 喂养;使充实 feed (someone else)
jIb noun 头发 hair (on head)
jIH verb 显示器 monitor
jIH noun 看显示器 viewing screen
jIH pronoun 我 I, me
jIj verb 合作 cooperate
jIj verb 使合作 be cooperative
jIl noun 邻居 neighbor
jIm verb (飞船飞行高度)起伏 heave (about aircraft)
jIn verb 酿酒 brew
jInaq noun 护身符,象征一个女孩即将到来的年龄 amulet symbolizing a girl's coming of age
jInmol noun 工程,项目 project
jIp noun 罚金 penalty
jIr verb 旋转 rotate, twirl
jIrmoH verb 使bat'leth旋转 twirl bat'leth~, cause ~bat'leth to rotate
jIv verb 使无知 be ignorant
jo noun 资源;物力 resources
joch verb 造成损害 be harmful
joD verb 屈辱;弯腰;堕落 stoop
jogh noun 象限;四分之一圆 quadrant
joH noun 议会男女首领(Lord、Lady) Lady (female head of house), Lord (male head of house)
joj noun 之间 area between
jojlu' noun 领事 consul
jol verb (屋顶的)横梁 beam (aboard)
jol noun 传输光线 transport beam
jolpat noun 传输系统 transporter system
jolpa' noun 运输间 transport room
jolvoy' noun 传输者离子发生器单元 transporter ionizer unit
jom verb 安装(设备) install (a device)
jon verb 捕获 capture
jonpIn noun 轮机员 engineering officer
jonta' noun 引擎 engine
jonwI' noun 工程师 engineer
jop verb 刺 lunge, thrust
joq verb 摆动;拍打 flap, flutter, wave
joq conjunction 或者 or, and/or
joqwI' noun 旗帜 flag
joQ noun 肋骨 rib
joQ noun 取出susdek乐器中的填充物 strip of material in a susdek instrument
jor verb 爆炸 explode
jorneb noun (鱼雷的)弹头 warhead (of a torpedo)
jornub noun (鱼雷的)弹头 warhead (of a torpedo)
jorwI' noun 炸药 explosive
joS verb 八卦;闲谈;闲聊 gossip
joS noun 谣言;绯闻;八卦 rumor, gossip
jot verb 镇静 be calm
jotHa' verb 使不安 be uneasy
jotlh verb 拿下 take down
joy' verb 折磨 torture
jo' noun 机械 machinery
jub verb 使不朽;使永生 be immortal
jubbe' verb 使死亡 be mortal
juch verb 有…的宽(度) have a width of
juH noun 家 home
juHqo' noun 家的世界 home world
jul noun (通用术语)(星系中行星围绕的)恒星;太阳 sun (general term)
jum verb 使古怪 be odd
jun verb 逃避 evade, take evasive action
jungwoq noun 中国 China
jup noun 朋友 friend
juS verb 超过;超车 overtake, pass
juv verb 测量 measure
lab verb (从一个地方)传输数据 transmit data (away from a place)
lach verb 夸张 exaggerate
laD verb 读书 read
lagh verb 拆开 take apart, disassemble
lagh noun 旗;少尉 ensign
laH noun 能力;能耐 ability
laj verb 接受 accept
laj noun 接受 acceptance
lajQo' verb 拒绝 reject
lalDan noun 宗教 religion
lam verb 使肮脏;下流的做 be dirty
lam noun 肮脏 dirt
lan verb 安置;放任 place
lang verb 变薄;变瘦;变稀少 be thin
laq verb (鸟的翅膀)拍打 flap (bird's wings do this)
laQ verb 激励,(推进器)供给能量 fire, energize (e.g., thrusters)
largh verb 闻(气味) smell, sense odors
laSvargh noun 工厂 factory
lat noun 圣地;神龛 shrine
latlh noun 附加的一个;另一个 additional one, other one
lav noun 灌木丛 shrub
law' verb 非常多 be many, be numerous, be much
lay noun l的发音 Klingon {l} sound
lay' verb 承诺;许诺 promise
lay'Ha' verb 食言 break one's word
la' noun 指挥官 commander
la'quv noun 高级指挥官 Supreme Commander
la''a' noun 司令官 commandant
legh verb 看见 see
leH verb 维持 maintain
leH noun 维护;保持 maintenance
lel verb 拿出;取出;出去 get out, take out
lem noun 蹄子 hoof
len noun 休息;中断 recess, break
leng verb 流浪;漫步;旅行 roam, travel, rove
leng noun 旅行;旅途 trip, voyage
leng chaw' noun 护照 passport
lengwI' noun (文法术语)流浪汉 rover (grammatical term)
leQ noun 开关 switch
leS verb 休息 rest, relax
leS noun 从现在起…天 days from now
leSpal noun 一种弦乐器 type of stringed instrument
leSpoH noun 船员上岸假期或上岸许可 shore leave
leSSov noun 预示;预言 foresight
let verb 使坚硬 be hard (like a rock)
letlh noun 楼梯;阶梯 stairs, stairway
letlh noun 通向舱门的楼梯 stairway leading to door of a ship [regional]
lev verb 从垂直到水平移动bat'leth move bat'leth from vertical to horizontal orientation
lev noun 味蕾 roof of mouth, hard palate
ley' noun 鼻子 nose [regional]
le' verb 使特别;使异常 be special, be exceptional
le'be' verb 使普通 be unexceptional, be nonspecific
le'yo' noun 自豪;骄傲 pride
lIch verb 倾倒入 pour (into/onto something)
lIgh verb 骑 ride
lIghon noun 狮龙 Ligon
lIghon DuQwI' pogh noun glavin, Ligonian spike glove glavin, Ligonian spike glove
lIH verb 介绍 introduce
lIj verb 忘记 forget
lIm verb 使恐慌 panic
lInDab noun 间谍 espionage
lIng verb 农产品 produce
lIngta' noun lingta,一种动物,其腿是一种用于求爱的传统食物 type of animal, lingta
lIngwI' noun 发电机 generator
lIq verb 围捕 round up
lIr noun 一种夜间活动的鸟 type of bird (nocturnal)
lIS verb 调整 adjust
lIt verb 骑上(自行车、马等);(使)登上(车、船、飞机等) get on (to)
lItHa' verb 从(车、马等)下来 get off (of)
lIw noun 代替品;临时替代品 substitute, stand-in, temporary surrogate
lIy noun 彗星 comet
lI' verb 使有用 be useful
lI' verb 传送数据到(地方) transmit data (to a place)
lob verb 遵守;服从 obey
lobHa' verb 不遵守 disobey
loch noun 胡子 mustache
loD noun 男性 male, man
loDHom noun 男孩 boy
loDnal noun 丈夫 husband
loDnI' noun 兄弟 brother
loDnI'nal noun 姐夫;妹夫;内弟;内兄;小叔;大伯 brother-in-law
logh noun 外太空;空间 space
loghqam noun 长度单位,约1.25光年 (unit of length)
loH verb 管理;执行 administer
loH noun 管理;行政机构 administration
loj verb 全部没了 be all gone
lojmIt noun 门 door, gate
lol verb 保持某种立场、观点 be in an attitude, be in a stance, be in a pose
lol noun 特指Mok'bara立场 a specific Mok'bara position
lolchu' verb 有正确的态度 be in a correct attitude
lolchu'taH verb 保持正确的态度 maintain a correct attitude
lolmoH verb 调遣(飞船) maneuver (an aircraft)
lolSeHcha noun 心灵控制推进器 attitude-control thrusters
loltaH verb 保持态度 maintain an attitude
lom noun 尸体 corpse
lon verb 放弃 abandon
lop verb 观察;庆祝(一个仪式) observe, celebrate (a ritual)
lop noun 庆典 celebration
lopno' noun 聚会 party, celebration
loQ adverbial 轻微的,一点 slightly, a little bit
lor noun 堂兄弟姐妹,表兄弟姐妹 cousin (mother's brother's child or father's sister's child),
lorbe' noun 堂兄弟,外甥,侄子 male cousin (mother's brother's son or father's sister's son), nephew (a man's sister's son or a woman's brother's son)
loS verb 等待 wait (for)
loS numeral 四 four
loS noun 克林贡音阶(共九个音)第四个音 fourth tone of nonatonic musical scale
loSDIch numeral 第四 fourth
loSpev noun 小黑麦 quadrotriticale
lot noun 大灾难 catastrophe
lotlh verb 反叛 rebel
lotlhmoq noun 一种鸟,冲入水中抓取食物,但是不会游泳 type of bird (swoops into the water to catch food, but cannot swim)
lotlhwI' noun 反叛者 rebel
loy verb 猜 guess
lo' verb 用 use
lo' noun 用途 use
lo'laH verb 使贵重 be valuable
lo'laHbe' verb 使无用 be worthless
lo'laHbe'ghach noun 无用之物 worthlessness
lo'laHghach noun 价值 value
lo' law' noun 有许多用途 utility (preceeds noun it modifies)
lu verb 衰败 fall (suffer loss of status)
luch noun 装备;零件 equipment, gear
lugh verb 使正确 be right, be correct
luH verb 猛拉 yank
luH verb 【俚语】使某人承认或吐露秘密 cause (someone) to confess or reveal a secret, exact a confession [slang]
luH noun 肠 intestine
luHwI' tIH noun 牵引光束 tractor beam
luj verb 失败 fail, lose (not win)
lul verb (相对主要的)战斗 fight, battle (relatively major fight)
lulIgh noun 避难所 refuge
lum verb 推迟 postpone, procrastinate
lung noun 一种动物,(像蜥蜴的)龙 type of animal, dragon, loong (lizardlike)
lup verb 运输 transport
lup noun 秒 second (of time)
lupDujHom noun 航天飞机 shuttlecraft
lupwI' noun 小公共汽车;巴士 jitney, bus
lupwI' mIr noun 火车 train
luq exclamation (表示同意)好的 yes, okay, I will
lur noun 瞳孔 pupil (of eye)
lurDech noun 传统 tradition
lurgh noun 方向 direction (spatial)
lurSa' name Lursa,名字 Lursa
luSpet noun 黑洞 black hole (astronomical phenomenon)
lut noun 故事 story
lutlh verb 使原始 be primitive
lu' exclamation (表示同意)行 yes, okay, I will
mab noun 条约 treaty
mach verb 使变小 be small
maDyar noun 匈牙利 Hungary
magh verb 背叛 betray
maghwI' noun 叛徒 traitor
maH pronoun 我们 we, us
maH numeral 十 ten (number-forming element)
maHpIn noun 大碗 bowl (large)
maj exclamation 好(表示满意) good (expressing satisfaction)
majQa' exclamation 做的不错 well done, very good
malja' noun 商业 business
mang noun 士兵;战士 soldier (a warrior who is part of a unit)
mangghom noun 陆军;军队 army
mangHom noun 军官学校学生 cadet
maq verb 宣告 proclaim
maqoch noun 伙计;基友(男性的亲密男性朋友) buddy, pal, close male friend of a male
maQmIgh noun 黑色预兆;恶魔降临的标记 dark omen, sign of evil coming
mar verb 用大脚趾 use the big toe (first toe) [archaic]
mara name Mara,人名 Mara
martaq name Martok,人名 Martok
marwI' noun 大脚趾 big toe, first toe
maS verb 倾向于 prefer
maS noun 月亮 moon
maSIr noun 埃及 Egypt
maSwov noun 月光 moonlight
matHa' noun 炮手;枪手 gunner
matlh verb 效忠 be loyal
matlh name Maltz,人名 Maltz
matlhHa' verb 不忠 be disloyal
mavje' noun 居民 liver [regional]
mavjop noun 纸夹;回形针 paper clip
maw verb 冒犯 offend
maw' verb 发疯 be crazy
may verb 公平对待 be fair
may noun m的发音 Klingon {m} sound
may' noun 个人之间的战斗 battle (an individual battle)
may' bom noun 战歌 battle song
may'Duj noun 巡洋战舰 battle cruiser
may'luch noun 战斗装备;全套甲胄;全套武器装备 battle gear, panoply, complete set of armor and weapons
may'morgh noun 战斗序列 battle array
may'ron noun 六角手风琴 accordion, concertina
ma' verb 容纳;调解 accommodate
ma'veq noun 一种礼仪性的匕首 type of ceremonial knife, mevak (used in the Mauk-To'Vor
meb noun 客人 guest
mebpa'mey noun 宾馆,旅店 hotel
mech verb 贸易,交易 trade
megh noun 午饭 lunch
megh'an noun (棍、绳的)末端;与'er'In相对 end (of stick, piece of string etc.; opposite {'er'In})
meH noun 船桥 bridge (of a ship)
mej verb 离开 leave, depart
melchoQ noun 骨髓 marrow, bone marrow
mellota' name Melota,人名 Melota
mem noun 目录 catalog
menggho' naH noun 芒果 mango
mep noun 塑料 plastic
meq verb 推论;说服 reason
meq noun 原因;动机;逻辑思考 reason, motive, logical thinking
meqba' noun Mek'ba,一种法律诉讼程序,审判或上诉中审查证据 type of legal proceeding, Mek'ba
meqleH noun mek'leth,一种武器,类似于一种短剑 type of weapon, mek'leth
meqro'vaq noun Mekro'vak地区 Mekro'vak (region)
meQ verb 烧 burn
mer verb 使惊讶,震惊 surprise
meSchuS noun 大号角(一种乐器) large wind instrument
mev verb 停止 stop, cease
mevyap exclamation (惊呼)够了!停下!雅蠛蝶! stop, (it is) enough
meyIS tIr noun 甜玉米 sweet corn
meyrI' noun 广场 square (geometrical shape)
me' noun 姨母 aunt (mother's sister)
me'nal noun 舅母 aunt (mother's brother's wife)
mIch noun 部门,区域 sector, zone
mID noun 殖民地 colony
mIgh verb 邪恶 be evil
mIl verb 以前被人尊敬,现在被贬谪 be formerly honored but now disgraced
mIllogh noun 图片,图画,照片 picture (drawing, photo, cartoon, computer icons, etc)
mIl'oD noun 一种动物,马刀熊 type of animal, sabre bear
mIm verb 延迟 delay
mIn noun 眼睛 eye
mIp verb 使富有 be rich
mIp noun 富有 wealth, richness
mIqta' noun 机械 machinery
mIQ verb 油炸 fry, deep-fry
mIQ noun 前额 forehead [regional]
mIr noun 链条 chain
mIS verb 被困惑 be confused, be mixed up
mIS noun 迷惑;困惑 confusion
mISmoH verb 使混乱 confuse
mIStaq name 一个著名雕刻家 a famous sculptor
mIv noun 头盔 helmet
mIv noun 金属平底壶 metal flat-bottomed pot [regional]
mIv bargh noun 金属平底壶 metal flat-bottomed pot [regional]
mIv'a' noun 王冠 crown
mIw noun 步入;开始(一个阶段) step, stage (in a procedure or process)
mIy verb 吹牛 brag
mI' verb 跳舞;跑步;锻炼;做健美操 dance, run in place, do calisthenics, exercise
mI' noun 数字 number
mob verb 孤独 be alone
moch noun 上级;长官 superior
moD verb 匆忙 hurry
mogh verb 挫败 be frustrated
mogh name Mogh,名字 Mogh
moH verb 使丑陋 be ugly
moH verb 【俚语】运用不正当的影响力 influence, exert undue influence on [slang]
moHaq noun 前缀 prefix
moj verb 成为;变成 become
mojaq noun 后缀 suffix
mojaQ noun 后缀 suffix
mol verb 埋葬 bury
mol noun 墓穴 grave
molor name Molor,名字 Molor
mon verb 笑;嘲笑;讥笑 smile, grin, sneer
mon noun 首都 capital (of a place)
mong noun 脖子 neck
mongDech noun 衣领 collar
mop noun 长袍 robe
moq verb (用器具)打 beat (something with an implement)
moQ noun 球 sphere
moQ noun d'k tahg刀上钉满钉子的刀柄圆头 spiked pommel of a d'k tahg knife
moQbara' noun Mok'bara,武术形式 martial arts form, Mok'bara
morgh verb 抗议 protest
moS verb 妥协 compromise
motlh adverbial 通常;如预想的 usually, typically, as expected, expectedly
motlh verb 使正常;使通常一样 be usual, be normal, be standard
motlhbe' verb 使不正常;不寻常 be unusual
mov noun 脚面 top of foot
moy'bI' noun 弹弓 slingshot
mo' noun 笼子 cage
mo' noun 【俚语】动机;原因;理性 motive, motivation, grounds, reason, rationale [slang]
mub verb 使合法 be legal
much verb 提出;介绍;呈现 present
much verb 演奏(音乐) perform (music)
much noun 演讲;陈述 presentation
muchwI' noun 音乐家 musician
muD noun 气氛 atmosphere
muD noun (泛指)天气 weather (in general)
muD Dotlh noun (某一时刻的)天气 weather (at any given moment)
mugh verb 翻译 translate
mughato' noun mugato,一种动物 mugato
mughwI' noun 翻译员 translator
muH verb 执行死刑;处死 execute, put to death
muj verb 使错误 be wrong
mul verb 顽固;固执于 be stubborn
mum verb 品尝 taste, sense flavors
mun verb 干涉 intervene
mung noun 起源 origin
mup verb 影响;冲击;冲撞 impact, strike
mupwI' noun 锤子 hammer
mupwI'Hom noun 木槌(用于敲打乐器) mallet (for striking a musical instrument)
muq verb 有…大的体积 have a volume of
muS verb 憎恨 hate, detest
mut verb 使自私 be selfish
mut noun 物种;种类 species
muv verb 联合;加入 join
muvmoH verb 招募新兵 recruit
muvtay noun 启蒙 initiation
mu' noun 单词 word
mu'ghom noun 字典 dictionary
mu'mey Doy' noun 废弃的单词(用于指过去的克林贡语言) tired words (used to refer to older Klingons language)
mu'mey ghoQ noun 俚语(多用于克林贡青年) slang, "fresh words" (mostly used by younger Klingons)
mu'mey ru' noun 临时单词(不合文法的用法) temporary words (ungrammatical expression used for impact)
mu'qaD noun 诅咒 curse
mu'qaD veS noun 战争诅咒 curse warfare
mu'tay' noun 词汇 vocabulary
mu'tlhegh noun 句子 sentence
nab verb 计划 plan
nab noun 计划;步骤 plan, procedure
nach noun 头 head
naD verb 推荐;赞赏;同意 praise, commend, approve
naD noun 推荐 commendation
naDev noun 在这;附近一带 here, hereabouts
naDHa' verb 反对;不赞成 discommend, disapprove
naDHa'ghach noun 不推荐 discommendation
naDqa'ghach noun 再推荐 re-commendation
naD tetlh noun 推荐列表 Commendation List
nagh noun 石头 rock, stone
nagh noun 陶瓷材料 ceramic material
nagh beQ noun 石头拼贴画(艺术作品,类似于绘画) stone panel (artwork, similar to a painting)
naghboch noun 宝石 gemstone
nagh DIr noun (动物的)壳 shell (of an animal)
naH noun 水果,蔬菜 fruit, vegetable
naHjej noun (植)蓟 thistle
naHlet noun 坚果 nut, nuts
naHnagh noun (水果的)凹陷 pit (of fruit)
naH taj noun (小刀)水果刀,切蔬菜的刀 vegetable knife, fruit knife (small knife)
naj verb 做梦 dream
najmoHwI' noun 摇篮曲 lullaby
nalqaD noun mate challenge,对抗 mate challenge
namtun noun (歌曲的)开端;序曲 beginning (of song)
namwech noun 爪子 paw
nan verb 欺骗;用圆凿子抛 gouge
nan verb 【古】用第四个脚趾 use the fourth toe [archaic]
nan noun 一种武术招式,踢 type of martial arts kick
nanwI' noun 凿子 chisel
nanwI' noun 第四个脚趾 fourth toe
nap verb 使简单 be simple
naQ verb 完整 be full, be whole, be entire, be complete
naQ noun 凶手;职员 cain, staff
naQ noun 【俚语】马尾辫 ponytail [slang]
naQHom noun (用于敲打击乐器的)棒 stick (used to strike percussion instrument)
naQjej noun 矛 spear
nargh verb 出现 appear
nargh verb 逃离 escape
naS verb 使恶毒 be vicious
natlIS noun 列表中最后一个条目,表的末端 last entry in list, end of list
natlh verb 用光,消耗 use up, consume, expend
natlh verb 【俚语】应受谴责;可鄙 be reprehensible, be disgusting, be contemptible [slang]
nav noun 纸 paper
nav HablI' noun 传真机 fax machine
nawlogh noun 飞行中队 squadron
naw' verb 进入 access
naw' noun 通路;进入 access
nay verb (女性)嫁,出嫁 marry (wife does this)
nay noun n的发音 Klingon {n} sound
nay' noun (吃饭时的)一道菜 course, dish (at a meal)
na' verb 咸;难吃 be salty, be brackish
na' verb 【俚语】确信;肯定 be sure, be definite, be positive, be certain [slang]
na'ran noun 一种水果 type of fruit
neb noun 地方执行官;账单;法案 beak, bill
nech verb 横向移动;横向 be lateral, move laterally
negh noun 士兵 soldiers
neH adverbial 只;仅仅 only, merely, just, alone
neH verb 想要;渴望 want, desire
neHjej noun [植]蓟 thistle
neHmaH noun 中性区 neutral zone
nej verb 寻找;搜索 look for, seek, search for
nejwI' noun 探针;调查 probe
nem noun 距今…年 years from now
nen verb 使成熟;使长大 be mature, be grown-up, be adult
nen noun 成熟;生长 growth, maturation
nenchoH verb 成熟;生长 mature, grow up
nenghep noun Age of Ascension Age of Ascension
nentay noun Rite of Ascension,克林贡男孩到达一定年龄可以成为武士而举办的仪式 Rite of Ascension
nentay cha'DIch noun Second Rite of Ascension Second Rite of Ascension
nentay wa'DIch noun First Rite of Ascension First Rite of Ascension
nep verb 撒谎 lie, fib
nepwI' noun 骗子;说谎的人 liar
neSlo' noun (小)镜子 mirror (smaller)
net pronoun 表示之前的话题 that (previous topic)
netlh numeral 一万(数词元素) ten thousand (number-forming element)
nevDagh noun 有柄的水罐 type of pot with handles (used for food preparation)
ne' noun 自耕农 yeoman
ne'Derlan noun 荷兰 The Netherlands
nIb verb 使完全相同 be identical
nIbpoH noun déjà vu,似曾相识 déjà vu
nIch noun 弹药;军火 ammunition
nID verb 试图;尝试 attempt, try
nIH verb 偷窃 steal
nIH noun 右边 right (side)
nIHwI' noun 盗贼 thief
nIj verb 泄漏 leak
nIm noun 牛奶 milk
nImbuS wej noun Nimbus III Nimbus III
nIm tlhagh noun 黄油 butter
nIm wIb ngogh noun 奶酪 cheese
nIn noun 燃料 fuel
nIpon noun 日本 Japan
nIQ noun 早饭 breakfast
nIS verb 阻碍;干扰;打断 hinder, disrupt, interfere (with)
nISwI' noun 破坏者 disruptor
nISwI' beH noun 破坏者步枪 disruptor rifle
nISwI' DaH noun 破坏者坦克 disruptor banks
nISwI' HIch noun 破坏者手枪 disruptor pistol, hand-held disruptor
nISwI' tIH noun 破坏者光束 disruptor beam
nIt verb 使纯净;清白 be plain, be pure, be uncorrupted, be unsullied
nIteb adverbial 孤独;孤独的 alone, acting alone
nItebHa' adverbial 一起 together
nItlh noun 手指 finger
nItlh naQ noun 【俚语】颜料棒 pigment stick [slang]
nItlhpach noun 指甲 fingernail
nItlhpach noun (颜料棒末端)平 flat end of pigment stick
nIv verb 使优秀;使伟大 be superior, be great
nIvnav noun 睡衣 pajamas
nIvqu' verb 成为最好的 be best
nIyma' noun 幽灵 phantom, apparition
nI' verb 使漫长 be long, be lengthy (duration)
nob verb 给(钱) give
nob noun 礼物 gift
nobHa' verb 归还 give back, return
noch noun 传感器 sensor
noD verb 报复;复仇 retaliate, revenge, take vengeance
nogh verb 扭动;扭曲 writhe
noH verb 判决;估计 judge, estimate
noH noun 个人之间的战争 war (an individual war)
noHva'Dut noun No'hvadut(ett geografisk地区) No'hvadut (ett geografisk region)
noj verb 借 lend
nol noun 葬礼 funeral
nom adverbial 快,迅速 fast, quickly
non verb 被腐蚀;堕落 be rotten
nong verb 使有激情 be passionate
nop verb 省略 omit
noregh noun 挪威 Norway
norgh noun 一种像鲨鱼的海洋动物 type of animal, norg (sharklike sea creature)
noS verb 小口的吃;轻咬 eat in small mouthfuls, nibble
noSvagh noun 除臭剂 deodorant
not adverbial 永不 never
notqa' noun 一种黑色大鸟 type of bird (large, black)
notlh verb 被遗忘;被废弃 be obsolete
nov verb 被遗忘;被抛弃 be foreign, be alien
nov noun 外国人;外人 alien, foreigner, outsider
noy verb 广为人知 be famous, be well known
no' noun 祖先 ancestors
no' DIr noun 悬挂的祖先相片(一种墙饰) ancestor hanging (wall ornament)
no' Hol noun 古代语言 ancient language
no''och noun 前额 forehead [regional]
nub verb 怀疑 be suspect
nubwI' noun 前辈 predecessor
nuch noun 懦夫 coward
nuD verb 检查 examine
nugh noun 社会(一群人拥有共同的文化) society (group of people with shared culture)
nughI' verb 用肘夹别人的头 twist knuckle into someone's head
nuH noun 武器 weapon
nuH noun 可能性 possibility, option
nuH bey' noun Pride of Weapons Pride of Weapons
nuHHom noun 小武器 small arms
nuHmey noun 军械库 arsenal
nuHpIn noun 管理武器的军官 weapons officer
nuj noun 月 mouth
num verb 提升;促进 promote
nung verb 领先;在之前 precede
nup verb 减少;降低 decrease
nuq question word 什么? what?
nuqDaq question word 哪里? where?
nuqjatlh exclamation 你说啥? what did you say?, huh?, what?
nuqneH exclamation 你需要点什么? what do you want? (greeting)
nuQ verb 烦恼 annoy, bother
nur noun 尊严 dignity
nural noun 神经 Neural
nuralngan noun Neuralese Neuralese
nuS verb 嘲笑 ridicule
nuv noun 人;类人生物 person (humanoid)
nu'SIylan noun 新西兰 New Zealand
ngab verb 消失 disappear, vanish
ngach verb 辩论 debate
ngaD verb 平衡;稳定 be stable, be balanced
ngaDmoH verb 使稳定 stabilize
ngaDmoHwI' noun (船)稳定装置 stabilizer (component of a ship)
ngagh verb 与…配对 mate with
ngaj verb (时间)使短暂 be short (in duration)
ngal verb 难嚼 be chewy
ngan noun 居民 inhabitant
ngaq noun (军事术语)支援 support (military term)
ngaQ verb 锁住;焊封;固定 be locked, be sealed, be secured, be fastened
ngaS verb 包含 contain (have inside)
ngat noun 火药 gunpowder
ngat noun 用香料调味的软骨颗粒(用于准备食物) herbed granulated cartilage (for food preparation)
ngav noun writer's cramp writer's cramp
ngawDeq noun 末端平整像浆一样的搅拌棒 mixing stick with flattened, paddlelike end
ngay noun ng的发音 Klingon {ng} sound
nga'chuq verb 性交;做爱 have sex, perform sex
ngeb verb 赝品;假冒 be counterfeit, be false, be fake
ngech noun 峡谷 valley
ngech noun 女人的乳沟 woman's cleavage
ngeD verb 使安心 be easy
ngeH verb 发送 send
ngeHbej noun 宇宙 cosmos
ngej verb 感染 infect
ngem noun 树林 forest, woods
ngeng noun 湖泊 lake
ngep verb 推翻;践踏 override
ngep'oS noun 楼梯;阶梯(不通向船门) stairs, stairway (except at ship door) [regional]
ngeQ verb 泵入;跑入;碰撞 bump into, run into, collide with
nger noun 理论 theory
ngev verb 卖 sell
ngevwI' noun 卖家 seller
nge' verb 拿走 take away
ngIb noun 脚踝 ankle (also slang term of deprecation)
ngIj verb 粗鲁 be rowdy, be unruly
ngIl verb 敢;胆敢 dare
ngIm verb 使腐败 be putrid
ngIp verb 借 borrow
ngIq noun 单独一个 singular one, individual one
ngIv verb 巡逻 patrol
ngI' verb 有…重 have a weight of, weigh
ngoch noun 政策 policy
ngoD noun 事实 fact
ngogh noun 砖块 block, lump, brick
ngogh tun noun 枕头 pillow
ngoH verb 诽谤 smear
ngoH verb 用手指画 paint using fingers
ngoj verb 焦躁不安 be restless
ngong verb 试验;做实验 experiment
ngong noun 实验 experiment
ngop noun 盘子 plates (for eating)
ngoq noun 代码 code
ngoqDe' noun 加密信息 encoded message
ngoQ noun 目标;目的 goal, purpose
ngor verb 欺骗 cheat
ngoS verb 溶解 dissolve
ngotlh verb 使狂热 be fanatical
ngoy' verb 负责任 be responsible
ngo' verb 使破旧 be old (not new)
ngugh adverbial 那时;当时 then, at that time
ngujlep noun 一种吹奏的乐器 mouthpiece (of a wind instrument)
ngun verb 栖息 perch
ngup noun 披肩 cape (clothing)
ngup noun 【俚语】权利;有权的人 authority, power, one in authority or in charge [slang]
nguq verb 自负;傲慢 be arrogant, be haughty, be conceited
nguSDI' noun 发动机;汽车 motor
nguv verb 使玷污;使染色 be dyed, be stained, be tinted
nguvmoH verb 玷污染色 dye, stain, tint
ngu' verb 确认;识别 identify
pab verb 遵守(规则) follow (rules)
pab noun 语法 grammar
pabHa' verb 不遵守规则;错误的遵守规则 misfollow (rules), follow (rules) wrongly
pach noun (猫、鹰等)爪子 claw, talon
pagh conjunction 或者 or, either/or
pagh numeral 零 zero
pagh noun 没有;全不;没有一个 nothing, none, no one
paghDIch numeral 第零个(没有发生的事) zeroth (about something that has not occurred)
paghlogh adverbial 零次;没有 zero times, never (emphatic)
paH noun 长袍 gown
paj verb 辞职 resign
pan verb 放出火花 spark, emit sparks
pang verb 拉(弦乐) pluck (a stringed instrument)
paq noun 书 book
paQDI'norgh noun 教导 teachings
par verb 不喜欢 dislike
parbIng noun 一种鸟,体型中等,有极其艳丽的颜色 type of bird (mid-sized, with particularly garish coloring)
parHa' verb 喜欢 like
parmaq noun 爱;浪漫 love, romance
parmaqqay noun 爱情伴侣 romantic companion, romantic partner
paS verb 迟到 be late
paSlogh noun 袜子 socks
pat noun 系统 system
patat 'oQqar noun 土豆 potato
patlh noun (军事、政府等)等级 rank (military, governmental)
patlh noun 等级;级别;身份 level, layer, standing
pav verb 紧急 be urgent
paw verb 到达 arrive
paw' verb 碰撞 collide
paw' verb 屁股 butt heads [slang]
pay verb 后悔 regret
pay noun p的发音 Klingon {p} sound
pay' adverbial 突然的 suddenly
pa' noun 在那附近 there, over there, thereabouts
pa' noun 房屋;房间 room, chamber
pa' noun 【俚语】封闭地区 enclosed area [slang]
pa' beb noun 天花板 ceiling (of a room on the top story of a structure)
pa' reD noun 外部的墙的内表面 interior face of exterior wall
peb'ot noun 一种水果 type of fruit
peD verb 下雪 snow
pegh verb 成为秘密 be secret
pegh verb 把…当作秘密 keep something secret
pegh noun 秘密 secret
peghmey vIttlhegh noun 格言;谚语 secrecy proverb
peHghep noun Age of Inclusion Age of Inclusion
pej verb 拆除;破坏 demolish
pel'aQ noun (鸡蛋)壳 shell (of an egg)
pem noun 白天 daytime
pemjep noun 中午;正午 midday
peng noun 鱼雷;导弹 torpedo, missile
pep verb 提升 raise
peQ noun 磁性 magnetism
peQ chem noun 磁场 magnetic field
per verb 查明;探知;标注 label, ascertain, specify
per noun 标签 label
per naH noun 梨 pear
per yuD noun 代号 code name
petaQ exclamation 绰号 (epithet)
pey noun 酸 acid
pe' verb 切割 cut
pe'meH taj noun 刀切 cutting knife
pe'vIl adverbial 强制的 forcefully, by force
pe''egh verb 计分 keep score
pIch verb 责备 blame
pIch noun 过失 fault, blame
pID verb 用杂草覆盖(食物) coat (food) with herbed mixture
pIgh noun 废墟 ruins
pIH verb 期待 expect
pIH verb 怀疑 be suspicious
pIj adverbial 经常 often, frequently
pIjHa' adverbial 几乎不;从没有 seldom, infrequently
pIl verb 梅子;李子 plum
pIlmoH verb 刺激;激励;鼓励 stimulate, inspire, motivate
pIm verb 不同于 be different
pIn noun 老板 boss
pIn noun 【俚语】专家;权威 expert, authority [slang]
pIn tlhoy' noun 陆地上的墙 territorial wall (e.g. Berlin Wall)
pIn'a' noun 大师;师傅 master
pIp noun 脊柱 spine
pIpyuS noun 一种动物,爪子切碎后可以食用 pipius
pIq noun 迄今为止(时间) time period from now
pIqaD noun 克林贡书写系统 Klingon writing system
pIrmuS noun 在底部 bottom (underside of something, not interior bottom)
pItSa' chab noun 皮萨 pizza
pItlh exclamation 成了;做完了;完工 done, all done, all finished
pIv verb 使健康 be healthy
pIvchem noun 扭曲场 warp field
pIvghor noun 扭曲力 warp drive
pIvlob noun 扭曲参数 warp factor
pIw noun 气味 odor
pI' verb 变平 be fat
po noun 早晨 morning
pob noun 头发 hair (on body)
poch verb 种植 plant
poD verb 被剪贴 be clipped
poDmoH verb 修剪 clip
pogh noun 手套 glove
poH verb 计时 time
poH noun 一段(时间) period of time
poj verb 分析 analyze
poj noun 分析 analysis
pol verb 保存;保护 keep, save
polHa' verb 抛弃;放弃 discard
pom noun 痢疾 dysentery
pon verb 说服;劝服 persuade, convince
pong verb 命名;称呼 name, call
pong noun 名字 name
pop noun 奖励 reward, prize, honor, token of esteem (for an achievement)
poq noun 消化不良 indigestion
poQ verb 需要;要求 demand, require
por noun 叶子 leaf (of a plant)
porgh noun 身体 body
porgh mIw noun 人体功能 bodily function
porghQeD noun 生物学;解剖学 biology, anatomy (scientific study of bodily functions)
portughal noun 葡萄牙 Portugal
poS verb 使公开;使打开 be open, be opened
poS noun 左边 left (side)
poSmoH verb 打开 open
potlh verb 使重要 be important
potlh noun 重要的事物 consequential thing, something important, important thing
pov verb 使非常好 be excellent
pov noun 下午 afternoon
po' verb 成为专家;使熟练 be expert, be skilled
pub verb 煮沸 boil
puch noun 厕所 toilet
puchpa' noun 盥洗室 washroom
pugh noun 渣滓 dregs
puH noun 土地;地面 land
puH Duj noun 汽车 car
puj verb 使虚弱 be weak
pujmoH verb 虚弱 weaken
pujwI' noun 虚弱的人 weakling, weak one
pum verb 控告 accuse
pum noun 指控 accusation
pum verb 掉下;掉落 fall
pummoH verb 击倒 knock down
pung noun 仁慈 mercy
pup verb 使很棒 be perfect, be exact
pup verb 踢 kick
puq noun 孩子;后代 child, offspring
puqbe' noun 女儿 daughter
puq chonnaQ noun 叉子 fork
puq Hol noun 咿咿呀呀的话(儿童的话) baby talk (children's language)
puqloD noun 儿子 son
puqnI' noun 孙子;孙女 grandchild
puqnI'be' noun 孙女 granddaughter
puqnI'loD noun 孙子 grandson
puq poH noun 一代人 generation
puQ verb 厌倦 be fed up
pur verb 吸气 inhale
puS verb 使很少;少数 be few, be several, be a handful
puS verb (用瞄准镜)视野 sight (with gunsight)
puv verb 飞翔 fly
puy verb 破坏 wreck
puyjaq noun 新星 nova
pu' noun 相位器 phaser
pu'beH noun phaser rifle phaser rifle
pu'beq noun phaser crew phaser crew
pu'DaH noun phaser banks phaser banks
pu'HIch noun phaser pistol phaser pistol
pu'jIn noun 图纸;构造图 map, plan (architect's plan of a building etc.)
qab verb 变坏 be bad
qab noun 脸 face
qach noun 建筑;房屋;房子 building, structure, house
qaD verb 面对;对抗;抵抗 challenge, face, resist, oppose, confront
qaD noun 测试某人的能力 challenge, test of one's abilities
qagh verb 中断 interrupt
qagh noun 大蛇(作为食物) serpent worm (as food), gagh
qaghwI' noun ’的发音 Klingon {'} sound
qaH noun 先生(仅用于直接地址) sir (used only in direct address)
qaj verb 高飞;高涨 soar
qajunpaQ noun 勇气 courage, audacity
qal verb 被腐蚀 be corrupt
qalmoH verb 腐蚀;腐败 corrupt
qam noun 脚 foot
qama' noun 囚犯 prisoner
qamor name Kahmor,名字 Kahmor
qan verb 使老弱,不年轻 be old (not young)
qan verb 使用粉红色的小手指 use the pinky (little finger)
qanraD noun 一种鸟,因为歌声而出名 type of bird (noted for its song)
qanwI' noun 粉红色,小手指 pinky, little finger
qang verb 倒入(从一个容器到另一个容器) pour (from one container into another)
qang verb 【俚语】一直很合作;一直同意 always (or routinely) cooperate or agree with [slang]
qap verb 坚持 insist
qaq verb 使更好 be preferable, be better
qar verb 使精确 be accurate
qarDaS noun Cardassia Cardassia
qarDaSngan noun Cardassia,人名 Cardassian (person)
qarghan name Kargan,人名 Kargan
qaryoq noun 一种鸟,可以模仿说话 type of bird (capable of mimicking speech)
qaryoq'a' noun 一种鸟,很大,可以模仿说话 type of bird (large, capable of mimicking speech)
qaS verb 发生 occur, happen
qat verb 包裹 wrap, encase
qat verb 随着音乐伴唱 accompany (singing) with instrumental music
qatlh question word 为什么? why?
qaw verb 记住 remember
qawHaq noun 记忆银行;数据银行 memory banks, data banks (singular)
qawmoH verb 提醒 remind
qay verb 使用食指或中指 use the middle finger (second finger)
qay noun q的发音 Klingon {q} sound
qaywI' noun 中指;食指 middle finger, second finger
qay' verb 使成为问题,成为困难 be a problem, be a hassle
qa' noun 精神 spirit
qa'meH noun (永久)替换;替代 replacement (permanent)
qa'meH vIttlhegh noun 替换谚语 replacement proverb
qa'naDa' noun 加拿大 Canada
qa'rI' noun (一段空间,走廊、桥梁、通道的)结束 end (of a long bounded space, e.g. corridor, conduit, road, bridge,
qa'rol noun 一种黑色大鸟 type of bird (really big, black)
qa'vam noun 启示录 Genesis
qa'vaQ noun 画勾画叉,传统游戏 hoop-and-stick maneuver, qa'vak (traditional game)
qa'vIn noun 咖啡 coffee, type of beverage
qeb verb 一种风箱乐器 squeeze (windbag instrument)
qech noun 想法;概念 idea
qeD verb 搬出,空出 vacate
qegh noun (贮藏液体)大桶 vat, barrel (for storage of liquor)
qeH verb 怨恨 resent
qej verb 使不高兴;使刻薄 be grouchy, be mean
qel verb 思考,考虑 consider, take into account
qelI'qam noun 长度单位,约2公里 kellicam (unit of length)
qem verb 带来 bring
qempa' noun 祖先 ancestor
qen adverbial 最近,刚刚 recently, a short time ago
qeng verb 传达,带来 carry, convey
qeng name Kang,人名 Kang
qep noun 会议 meeting
qeq verb 锻炼,训练,准备 practice, train, prepare
qeq noun 军事训练 drill (military)
qeS verb 建议,劝告 advise
qeS noun 建议,忠告 advice
qet verb 跑步,慢跑 run, jog
qettlhup noun 一种酱油 type of sauce
qetlh verb 使无趣;使平淡 be dull, be uninteresting
qev verb 拥挤 crowd
qev noun 人群 crowd
qevaS noun kevas kevas
qevpob noun 面颊;脸颊 jowl, cheek
qew verb 使用无名指 use the ring finger (third finger)
qewwI' noun 无名指 ring finger, third finger
qeylIn name Kahlin,人名 Kahlin
qeylIS name Kahless Kahless
qeylIS betleH noun Sword of Kahless Sword of Kahless
qeylIS mInDu' noun Eyes of Kahless,一种猜谜游戏 Eyes of Kahless (a guessing game)
qeylor name Kahlor Kahlor
qe'rot 'oQqar noun 胡萝卜 carrot
qIb noun 星系 galaxy
qIbHeS noun 银河系边缘 galactic rim
qIch verb 谴责;声讨 condemn
qID verb 讲笑话 joke, make a joke, tell a joke
qID noun 笑话;梗 joke
qIgh noun 捷径 shortcut
qIH verb (初次)见面 meet (for the first time)
qIj verb 使变黑 be black
qIl verb 取消 cancel, abort
qIm verb 集中精力;注意 pay attention, concentrate
qImHa' verb 忽视;漠视 disregard
qImlaq name K'mlak K'mlak
qIp verb (用手、拳头、器械)打 hit (with hand, fist, implement)
qIQ verb 兵变 mutiny
qIrq name Kirk Kirk
qIt verb 使可能 be possible
qItI'nga' noun K'Tinga级(战舰) K'Tinga class (vessel)
qIv noun 膝盖 knee
qIvon noun 身体的某部分(没有指明) body part (not further identified)
qIvo'rIt noun K'Vort级(战舰) K'Vort class (vessel)
qI' verb 签署(条约) sign (a treaty)
qI'empeq name K'mpec K'mpec
qoch noun 伙伴;合伙人 partner
qoD noun 内部;在里面 inside, interior
qogh noun 腰带;安全带 belt
qogh noun 耳朵 ear (external, cartilaginous flap)
qoH noun 傻瓜 fool
qoj conjunction 或 or, and/or
qoj noun 悬崖 cliff
qolotlh name Koloth Koloth
qolqoS noun 核心;要点;精华 core, essence, essential part of something
qompogh noun 一种食物 type of food
qon verb 记录(任何一种记录手段) record (any kind of recording or writing)
qon verb 写作;构成 compose
qonwI' noun 歌曲作家;作曲家 songwriter, composer
qop verb 逮捕 arrest
qoq noun 机器人 robot
qor verb 打扫 scavenge
qor name Kor Kor
qorDu' noun 家庭 family
qoreQ name Korax Korax
qoS noun 生日 birthday
qotlh verb 瘙痒;使发痒 tickle
qotlh verb 应得;保证;担保 deserve, warrant
qoy' verb 借口;恳求 plead, beg
qo' noun 世界;领土 world, realm
qo'la' 'awje' noun 可乐 cola
qo'leq name Ko'lek Ko'lek
qo'qaD noun 痰 phlegm
qub verb 使稀少 be rare
quch verb 绑架 kidnap
quD noun 一种酱油 type of sauce
qugh verb 巡航 cruise
qughDo noun 巡航速率 cruising speed
qughDuj noun 巡航舰 cruiser
quH noun 遗产 heritage
quHvaj noun 头皮屑 dandruff
qul noun 火焰;火 fire
qul mI'wI' noun 火舞者 fire dancer
qul tuq name House of Fire,一个歌剧 "House of Fire" (an opera)
qum verb 管理;统治 govern
qum noun 政府 government
qumwI' noun 政府官员;统治者 governor
qun verb 责骂 scold
qun noun 历史 history
qung noun 乐器上的洞(例如长笛) hole in musical instrument (e.g. flute)
qup noun 老人;长辈 elder
quprIp noun Council of Elders Council of Elders
quq verb 同时发生 simultaneous, happen simultaneously
qur verb 使贪婪 be greedy
qurgh noun 豆子 bean, beans
quS noun 椅子 chair
qut noun 晶体;水晶 crystal (geologic formation)
qutluch noun 一种手持武器,传统的刺客匕首 type of hand weapon, kut'luch (traditional assassin's knife)
qutluch tay noun Kut'luch仪式 Kut'luch ceremony
qutlh verb 使便宜 be cheap
quv verb 被尊敬 be honored, be honorable
quv noun 尊敬;荣誉 honor
quv bey' noun honor display honor display
quvHa' verb 使受羞辱 be dishonored
quvHa'ghach noun 丢脸 dishonor
quvHa'moH verb 使羞辱 dishonor
quvmoH verb 尊敬;给予荣誉 honor
quy'Ip noun 呕吐物 vomit
qu' verb 使凶猛;使暴躁 be fierce
qu' verb 【俚语】使伟大;牛逼;非常好 be great, be wonderful, be excellent, be superlative, be splendid, be good [slang]
qu' exclamation 【俚语】太好了;牛逼啊 great, wonderful [slang]
Qab noun theragen theragen
Qach verb 挥舞(武器) wield, swing (a weapon)
QaD verb 使干燥;使枯萎 be dry, be dried out
QaD verb 【俚语】使安全 be safe, be protected [slang]
Qagh verb 错误;犯错误 err, be mistaken, make a mistake
Qagh noun 错误;失误 error, mistake
QaH verb 帮助;协助 help, aid
QaH noun 帮助 help
Qaj noun 一种动物,kradge type of animal, kradge
Qaj tlhuQ noun 一种食物,kradge尾巴 type of food, kradge tail
Qal noun 游泳 swim
Qam verb 站立 stand
Qan verb 保护 protect
Qang noun 总理 chancellor
Qap verb 运转;执行;运行,在运行中 work, function, succeed, operate, be in operation
Qap verb 赢得(竞争) win (a competition)
Qapla' noun 成功 success
Qaq verb 做某种行为以赢得荣誉 behave falsely honorably, behave in a falsely honorable manner
QaQ verb 使变好 be good
Qargh noun 裂缝 fissure
QaS noun 部队 troops
QaS name Kras Kras
Qat verb 使流行 be popular
Qatlh verb 使复杂;使困难 be complex, be difficult
Qav verb 使成为最后 be final, be last
Qaw' verb 破坏 destroy
Qay verb 转让;转移 transfer
Qay noun Q的发音 Klingon {Q} sound
Qay' verb 消气 blow one's top, lose one's temper
Qay' verb 使用小脚趾 use the little toe (fifth toe) [archaic]
Qay'wI' noun 小脚趾 little toe, fifth toe
Qa' noun 一种动物 type of animal
Qa'Hom noun 一种动物,比Qa'小 type of animal (similar to a Qa', but smaller)
Qa'raj noun 一种动物,ka'raj type of animal, ka'raj
Qeb noun 戒指 ring (for finger)
Qeb noun 【俚语】发卡 ponytail holder [slang]
QeD noun 科学 science
QeDpIn noun 科学官员 science officer
QeH verb 使生气 be angry, be mad
QeH noun 愤怒 anger
Qel noun 医生;医师 doctor, physician
Qel name Krell Krell
Qenvob noun 将干燥的混合物碾碎以酿茶 ground-up, dried-up mixture for brewing tea, tea-brewing mixture
Qep'It noun 身体内产生的气体(打嗝、胃胀气等) gas produced within the body (belch, flatulence etc.)
Qeq verb 打算;目标 aim
Qev verb 炖 stew
Qey verb 使变紧 be tight
QeyHa' verb 使变松 be loose
QeyHa'moH verb 松开 loosen
QeymoH verb 绷紧 tighten
Qe' noun 饭店 restaurant
QIb noun 影子 shadow
QIch noun 演讲 speech (vocal sounds)
QID verb 受伤;伤害 wound
QIghpej noun 受难者 Klingon agonizer
QIH verb 损毁;造成损毁 damage, cause damage
QIH verb 错误;不公平的对待 wrong, treat unjustly
QIH noun 破坏 damage, destruction
QIj verb 解释 explain
QIm noun 蛋 egg
QIn noun 信息;消息 message
QIn noun 矛头;锋利的尖端(例如笔尖) sharp end (e.g. on pen), spearhead
QIncha' noun 一种动物,krincha,短小而凶猛 type of animal, krincha
QIn pup noun 只有一个尖的矛 plain spearhead (with single sharp point)
QIn vagh noun 有多个尖的矛 spearhead (with multiple points)
QIp verb 使愚笨 be stupid
QIS noun 破浪形刃的刀子 wavy-bladed knife
QIt adverbial 缓慢的 slowly
QIv verb 使低下 be inferior
QI' noun 军事;军队 military
QI'lop noun 一个传统节日 a traditional holiday
QI'tomer noun Khitomer星 Khitomer (planet)
QI'tu' noun 天堂 Paradise
QI'yaH exclamation (诅咒的话)&×(%¥& *?!#@ (curse)
Qob verb 使危险 be dangerous
Qob noun 危险 danger
Qoch verb 不同意 disagree
Qochbe' verb 同意 agree
QoD verb 调遣 maneuver (engines)
Qogh noun 一种动物 type of animal
QoghIj noun 大脑 brain (organ)
Qoj verb 开战 make war
Qol verb 发射出去 beam away
Qom verb 经历地震或颤动 experience an earthquake or tremor
Qom verb 【俚语】使有危险 be hazardous, be perilous, be treacherous [slang]
QonoS noun 日记,日志 journal, log
Qong verb 睡觉 sleep
QongDaq noun 床 bed
QongDaq buq noun 枕头 pillow, bed pouch
QongDaq buqHom noun 枕头 pillow, bed pouch
Qop verb 被磨破 be worn out
Qop verb 【俚语】(食物)使死亡 be dead (referring to food) [slang]
QopmoH verb 磨破;耗尽 wear out
QoQ noun 音乐 music
QoQ jan noun 乐器 musical instrument
Qor verb (非常小的)战斗 fight, battle (very minor fight)
Qorgh verb 关心 take care of, care for
Qorwagh noun 窗户 window
QoS verb 使抱歉 be sorry
Qot verb 躺;卧倒 lie, recline
Qotmagh name Krotmag Krotmag
Qotmagh Sep noun Krotmag地区 Krotmag region
Qotlh verb 使残废 disable
Qovpatlh exclamation (绰号) (epithet)
Qoy verb 听见 hear
Qo' exclamation 不,我不同意。 no, I won't, I refuse, I disagree
Qo'noS noun Kronos(克林贡主星球) Kronos (the Klingon home world)
Qub verb 思考 think
Quch verb 使高兴;使快乐 be happy, be merry
Quch noun 前额 forehead
QuchHa' verb 使不高兴 be unhappy
QuD noun 暴乱;叛乱 insurrection
Qugh noun 灾难 disaster
Qugh name Kruge Kruge
Quj verb 玩游戏 play a game
Quj noun 游戏 game
Qul verb 研究 research
Qulpa' noun 科研实验室 research lab
Qum verb 通讯;交流 communicate
Qum noun 通讯 communication
QumpIn noun 通讯官员 communications officer
QumwI' noun 通讯员;通讯设备 communicator, communications device
Qun noun 上帝;超自然的生物 god, supernatural being
Qup verb 使年轻 be young
QuQ noun 发动机 engine
QuS verb 合谋 conspire
QuS noun 阴谋 conspiracy
Qut verb 使粗俗 be vulgar
Qutlh verb 支持 support
Quv noun 坐标 coordinates
Qu' noun 职责;责任;任务 duty, quest, mission, task, chore
Qu'vatlh exclamation (骂人的话)#*@! #*@! (general invective)
rach verb 加强;增强;使体力充沛 invigorate, fortify, strengthen
rachwI' noun 护士 nurse
raD verb 强制 force, compel
ragh verb 侵蚀;腐蚀 decay, rust, corrode
raHta' noun 一种食物 type of food, racht
ral verb 使暴力 be violent
ram verb 使不重要 be trivial, be trifling, be unimportant, be insignificant
ram noun 晚上 night
ramjep noun 午夜 midnight
rap verb 使相同 be the same
raQ verb 控制;用手操作 manipulate by hand, handle
raQ noun 营帐 camp (military term)
raQpo' noun 旅客;乘客 passenger
rar verb 连接;联系 connect
raS noun 桌子 table
raSber naH noun 覆盆子 raspberry
raSya' noun 俄罗斯 Russia
ratlh verb 保持;遗留;留下;剩余 remain
rav noun 地板 floor
rav noun 最小值 minimum
rav'eq noun 天花板 ceiling (of a room that has a room above it)
raw' noun 一种鸟,水生,羽毛艳丽 type of bird (aquatic, colorful plumage)
ray noun r的发音 Klingon {r} sound
ray' noun 目标 targets
ray' tIr noun 大米 rice
ra' verb 命令;指令 order, command
ra'ghomquv noun 最高指挥部 High Command
ra'taj noun 一种饮料,咖啡酒 coffee with liquor, type of beverage
ra'wI' noun 指挥官 commander
ra'wI' lupwI' noun 的士 taxi
rech verb 呼气;出气 exhale
reD noun 外表面 exterior wall
regh verb 流血 bleed
reghuluS noun 狮子座α星 Regulus
reghuluSngan noun Regulan Regulan
reghuluS 'Iwghargh noun Regulan红蚯蚓 Regulan bloodworm
reH adverbial 总是 always
reH verb 玩 play
rejmorgh noun 自寻烦恼的人;杞人忧天者 worrywart
rep noun 小时 hour
ret noun …(时间)以前 time period ago
ret'aq noun (刀、武器)饼;把手 handle, hilt (of knife, bat'leth)
retlh noun 在旁边 area beside, area next to
rewbe' noun 市民 citizen
rey verb 压拉风箱(乐器) squeeze and stretch out (windbag instrument)
rIgh verb 使跛行 be lame
rIH verb 激励;使活跃 energize
rIHwI' noun 激发器 energizer
rIl verb 用大拇指(一般指小孩) use the thumb (usually used to/about children)
rIl verb 吹(牛角) play (a horn instrument)
rIlwI' noun 大拇指(一般用于小孩) thumb (usually used to/about children)
rIn verb 使完成 be accomplished, be finished
rIp noun 议会 council, assembly
rIQ verb 使受伤 be injured
rIQmoH verb 受伤 injure
rItlh noun 颜料;燃料 pigment, paint, dye
rItlh naQ noun 颜料棒 pigment stick
rIvSo' noun 大使 embassy
rIymuS noun Remus Remus
rI' verb 下冰雹;致敬 hail
rI'Se' noun hailing frequency hailing frequency
ro noun 树干 trunk (of body)
roD adverbial 通常;习惯上 customarily, habitually, regularly
rogh verb 发酵 ferment
roghmoH verb 使发酵 cause to ferment
roghvaH noun 人口 population
roj verb 使和平 make peace
roj noun 和平 peace
rojHom noun 停战 truce
rojmab noun 和平协议 peace treaty
rol noun 胡须 beard
rom noun 符合,一致;协议 accord
romuluS noun 罗穆卢斯 Romulus
romuluSngan noun 罗慕伦人 Romulan
ron verb 轴;储库 bank, roll (about aircraft)
rop verb 使生病 be sick, be ill
rop noun 疾病 disease
ropyaH noun 医务室 infirmary
roQ verb 放下 put down
ror verb 使肥胖 be fat
roS verb 舔 lick
roS verb 使用第三个脚趾 use the third toe [archaic]
roSHa'moH verb 使瘫痪 paralyze
roSwI' noun 第三个脚趾 third toe
rotlh verb 使忍受 be tough
ro' noun 拳头 fist
ro'qegh'Iwchab noun rokeg血派 rokeg blood pie
ruch verb 执行;行动;做 proceed, go ahead, do it
rugh noun 反物质 antimatter
run verb 使变矮 be short (in stature)
runpI' noun 茶壶 teapot
rup verb 税,罚金 fine, tax
ruq verb 打嗝 belch, burp
ruq'e'vet noun Ruk'evet,Gevchok地区的城市 Ruk'evet (city in Gevchok region)
ruQ verb 手动控制 control manually, by hand
rur verb 类似,像 resemble
rura' pente' noun Rura Penthe Rura Penthe
ruStay noun bonding ritual bonding ritual
rut adverbial 有时,偶尔 sometimes, occasionally
rutlh noun 车轮;方向盘 wheel
ruv noun 正义 justice
ru' verb 使临时 be temporary
ru'Ha' verb 使永久 be permanent
Sab verb 降低;恶化 decline, deteriorate
Sach verb 扩展 expand
SaD numeral 一千 thousand (number-forming element)
Sagh verb 严肃 be serious
SaH verb 使展现 be present (not absent)
SaH verb 关系某物 care (about), be concerned (about)
Saj noun 宠物 pet
Sal verb 上升 ascend
Sam verb 定位,寻找到 locate, seek and find
San noun 命运 fate
SanID numeral 一千 thousand (number-forming element)
Sang verb 消灭,删除 obliterate
Sap verb 志愿 volunteer
Saq verb 土地;陆地 land (on ground)
Saqghom noun 登陆人员 landing party
Saqjan noun 登陆装备 landing gear
SaQ verb 哭 cry (not scream)
Sar verb 使不同 be varied, be various
Sar noun 多样 variety
Sargh noun 一种动物,sark,类似于马 type of animal, sark
SaS verb 使水平 be horizontal
SaS verb 【俚语】浅薄;表面化 be shallow, be superficial, be uncritical [slang]
SaS verb 【俚语】使不幸;不好 be unfortunate, be not good [slang]
Satlh noun 农业 agriculture
Saw verb 娶(妻) marry (husband does this)
Saw' verb 有…深 have a depth of
Say noun S的发音 Klingon {S} sound
Say' verb 变干净 be clean
Say'qu'moH verb 消毒 sterilize
Sa' noun 将军 general (rank)
Sa'Hut noun 屁股,臀部 ass, rear end, buttocks
Sa'Qej Sep noun Sakrej地区 Sakrej region
Sech noun 火把 torch
SeDveq noun 有刺的矛 barbed spearhead
Segh noun 种族,类型,类别 race (type, sort, class)
SeH verb 控制 control
SeHlaw noun 控制面板 control panel
Sen verb 使用大拇指(一般指成人) use the thumb (usually used to/about adults)
SenwI' noun 大拇指(一般指成人) thumb (usually used to/about adults)
Seng verb 带来麻烦 cause trouble
Seng noun 麻烦 trouble
Sep verb 饲养,繁殖 breed
Sep noun 地区,农村 region, country
Separ noun 一种宝石 type of gemstone, separ
Seq noun 断层 fault (seismic)
SeQ verb 使正式,仪式化 be formal, be ritualistic, be ceremonial
Ser noun 进展;进步 progress
SermanyuQ noun Sherman's Planet Sherman's Planet
Serrum noun 耳垢;耳屎 earwax
SeS noun 蒸汽 steam
Sev verb 牵制(敌军) contain (an enemy)
Sev noun 绷带 bandage
Sey verb 使激动 be excited
SeymoH verb 激动 excite
Se' noun (辐射)频率 frequency (radio)
SIbDoH noun 卫星 satellite
SIbI' adverbial 立即 immediately
SIch verb 到达 reach
SID noun 病人 patient
SIgh verb 影响;势力 influence
SIH verb 弯曲;屈服 bend
SIj verb 撕裂;猛砍 slit, slash
SIj verb 【俚语】使有洞察力;使聪明 be insightful, be clever, have a keen mind [slang]
SIjwI' noun 一种用于准备食物的刀 type of knife (used for food preparation)
SIla' noun 大镜子 mirror (larger)
SIm verb 计算 calculate
SIp noun 气体 gas
SIq verb 用大拇指 use the index finger (first finger)
SIqwI' noun 大拇指 index finger, first finger
SIQ verb 经历;忍受 endure, bear
SIQwI' noun 主持仪式的人;司仪神父;接收者 celebrant, recipient
SIrgh noun 线;细线 string, thread, filament
SIS verb 下雨 rain
SIv verb 想知道;怀疑 wonder
Soch numeral 七 seven
Soch noun 克林贡音阶第七个音 seventh tone of nonatonic musical scale
SochDIch numeral 第七 seventh
SoD verb 淹没 flood
SoD noun 洪水 flood
Sogh noun 中尉;副官 lieutenant
SoH pronoun 你;你们 you
Soj noun 食物 food
Soj noun 关心;关注;私事 matter, concern, affair (idiomatic use)
Soj naQ noun 筷子 chopstick
Soj qub noun 高级料理 haute cuisine
Sol verb 吵架 quarrel
Som noun 船体;果壳 hull
Somraw noun 肌肉 muscle
Son verb 解除;减轻;放心 relieve
SonchIy noun 死亡仪式(为了首领) death ritual (for a leader)
Sop verb 吃 eat
SopwI'pa' noun 食堂 mess hall
Soq verb 增加;获得 gain
SoQ verb 使关闭 be closed, be shut
SoQ noun 演讲;演说 speech, lecture, address
SoQmoH verb 树木 tree
Sorgh verb 破坏活动 sabotage
Sor Hap noun 木头 wood
Sor Hap 'In noun 木制打击乐器 percussion instrument made of wood
Sorya' noun 蜥蜴目 Sauria
SoS noun 母亲 mother
SoSbor noun 核心 core
SoSbor'a' noun 主要核心 main core
SoSnI' noun 祖母;外祖母 grandmother
Sot verb 使痛苦 be distressed, be in distress
Sotlaw' noun 遇险信号;求救呼号 distress call
Sov verb 了解;知道 know
Sov noun 知识 knowledge
Soy' verb 变笨拙 be clumsy
So' verb 隐藏;藏匿 hide, cloak
So'wI' noun 隐形设备 cloaking device
Sub verb 使成为固体 be solid
Sub noun 英雄 hero
Sub verb 使曾为英雄;使勇猛;使无畏 be brave, be heroic, be bold, be valiant, be intrepid [slang]
Subpu' vaS noun 英雄圣殿 Hall of Heroes
Such verb 访问 visit
SuD verb 成为绿色;成为蓝色;成为黄色 be green, be blue, be yellow
SuD verb 赌注;赌博;冒风险 gamble, take a chance, take a risk
Sugh verb 任命 install (in office)
SuH exclamation 准保;准备战斗 ready, standing by
Suj verb 打扰 disturb
Sum verb 在附近 be near, be nearby
Sun noun 纪律 discipline
Sung noun 本地人 native
Sup verb 跳 jump
Sup noun 资源;财力 resource
Supghew noun 一种弦乐器 type of stringed instrument
Suq verb 获取;获得;得到;抓住 acquire, obtain, get, catch
Suqqa' verb 用一种特定办法准备qud prepare qud in a specific way
SuQ verb 使中毒 be toxic
Surchem noun 原力场 force field
Surgh verb 剥皮 skin
SuS noun 风;微风 wind, breeze
SuS verb 吹(乐器)以发出声音 blow (into wind instrument) to produce sound
SuSDeq noun 风箱 windbag, bellows
Sut noun 衣服 clothing
Suto'vo'qor noun Sto-Vo-Kor,天堂 Sto-Vo-Kor
Sutra'ber naH noun 草莓 strawberry
Sutlh verb 谈判 negotiate
Suv verb 战斗 fight
Suvchu' verb 战斗到死 fight to the death
Suverya' noun 瑞典 Sweden
SuvwI' noun 武士 warrior
SuwomIy noun 芬兰 Finland
Suy noun 商人 merchant
SuyDuj noun 商船 merchant ship
Suy' noun 一种动物 type of animal, shooy
Su' exclamation 准备战斗 ready, standing by
Su'ghar qut noun 糖 sugar
Su'lop noun 一种食物 type of food
ta noun 记录 record
tach noun 酒吧;鸡尾酒会 bar, saloon, cocktail lounge
taD verb 使冷冻 be frozen
taDmoH verb 冻结;冷冻 freeze
tagh verb 初始;开始一个程序 begin a process, initiate proceedings
tagh noun 肺 lung
tagha' adverbial 最终;最后 finally, at last
taH verb 继续;坚持 continue, go on, endure, survive
taH verb 在一个负角度上 be at a negative angle
taHqeq exclamation (诨名) (epithet)
taj noun 匕首 knife, dagger
tajHommey noun d'k tahg刀上可回旋的小刀刃 retractable small blades on a d'k tahg knife
tajtIq noun 一种刀 type of knife
tajvaj noun 角度;角 angle
tal noun 大炮;加农炮 cannon
talarngan noun Talarian Talarian (person)
tam verb 使安静 be quiet
tam verb 交换 exchange, substitute
tammoH verb 安静;寂静 silence
tangqa' noun 一种动物,类似牛 type of animal (similar to a bull, used about both male and female ones)
tap verb 压扁;镇压 mash, squash
taq'ev noun Tak'ev(地区) Tak'ev (city or region)
taQ verb 使奇怪 be weird
taQbang noun 排气;废气 exhaust
tar noun 毒药 poison
targh noun targ targ
targh tIq noun 一种食物,targ的心脏 type of food, heart of targ
taS noun 溶液 solution (liquid)
tat noun 离子 ion
tatlh verb 归还 return (a thing to its origin or source)
tay verb 使开化的 be civilized
tay noun 仪式;典礼 ceremony, rite, ritual
tay noun t的发音 Klingon {t} sound
taymoH verb 使文明;开化 civilize
tayqeq noun 文明 civilization
tay' verb 使在一起 be together
ta' verb 完成;实现 accomplish
ta' noun 成就;契约 accomplishment, deed
ta' noun 皇帝;君主 emperor
ta' Hol noun 标准语 standard dialect
ta' tlhIngan Hol noun 标准语;普通话 standard dialect
teb verb 充满 fill
teblaw' noun 司法权 jurisdiction
tebwI' noun Dok'e快餐店 food server in a Dok'e (fast-food restaurant)
teghbat noun 一种动物 type of animal, teg'bat
teH verb 使确认 be true
tej noun 科学家 scientist
tel noun 翅膀;翼 wing
telun Hovtay' noun Tellun Star System Tellun Star System
tem verb 否认 deny
ten verb 从事;使上船 embark
tennuS noun 叔叔 uncle (father's brother)
tennuSnal noun 伯伯 uncle (father's sister's husband)
tengchaH noun 星际车站 space station
tep noun 货物 cargo, baggage
tepqengwI' noun 货梯 cargo carrier, cargo lift
teq verb 移走 remove, take off
tera' noun 地球 Earth
tera' na'ran noun 橙子 orange
tera' na'ran wIb noun 柠檬 lemon
tera' na'ran'a' noun 葡萄柚 grapefruit
tera'ngan noun 地球人 Terran, Earther
tera' peb'ot noun 黄瓜 cucumber
tera' yav 'atlhqam noun 蘑菇 mushroom
teS noun 耳朵 ear (internal, organ of hearing)
tet verb 融化 melt
tetlh noun 卷;卷轴;列表 roll, scroll, list
tev noun 奖品 prize
tey verb 刮 scrape
teywI' noun 文件 file
tey' verb 吐露 confide
tey' noun 堂兄弟 male cousin (father's brother's son or mother's sister's son), nephew (a man's brother's son or a woman's sister's son)
tI noun 植被 vegetation
tIb verb 使不安 be nervous, be uneasy
tIch verb 侮辱 insult
tIgh noun 习俗 custom
tIH noun 射线;光线 ray, beam
tIH noun 投掷(矛) shaft (of spear)
tIj verb 上船;登机 board, go aboard
tIjwI' noun 住宿生 boarder
tIjwI'ghom noun (水手)强行登船队 boarding party
tIl verb 分泌唾液 salivate
tIn verb 使变大 be big
tIng noun 西南地区 area southwestward, area towards the southwest
tIngDagh noun 一种弦乐 type of stringed instrument
tIq verb 使雍长 be long, be lengthy (of an object)
tIq noun 心脏 heart
tIqnagh noun 一种动物 type of animal, tknag
tIqnagh lemDu' noun 一种食物,tknag蹄 type of food, tknag hooves, (always referred to in plural)
tIQ verb 使古老 be ancient
tIr noun 谷物 grain
tIr ngogh noun 面包 bread
tIr ngogh QaD noun 吐司 toast
tIS verb 使变轻 be light (weight)
tIv verb 享乐;高兴 enjoy
tI' verb 修复 fix, repair
tI'ang name 一艘船名,T'Ong T'Ong (a ship)
tI'qa' vIghro' noun 一种动物,tika猫 type of animal, tika cat
tI'vIS name T'vis T'vis
tob verb 最后的证明 test conclusively, prove
toch noun 手掌 palm (of hand)
toD verb 救援;保护 save, rescue
toD noun 救援 rescue
toDDuj noun 救援船 rescue ship
toDSaH exclamation 绰号 (epithet)
toDuj noun 勇气 courage, bravery, mettle
togh verb 计数 count
toH exclamation 也 so, well
toj verb 欺骗;吓唬 deceive, trick, bluff
tomat naH noun 西红柿 tomato
tonSaw' noun 格斗术 fighting technique
tongDuj noun 货船 freighter
toplIn noun topaline topaline
toppa' noun 一种动物,topah type of animal, topah
toq verb 被占据的 be inhabited
toqvIr lung noun 一种动物,Tokvirian龙 type of animal, Tokvirian skink
toQ noun 一种猛禽 type of bird (bird of prey)
toQDuj noun 猛禽号(战舰) Bird of Prey (vessel)
tor verb 下跪 kneel
tor verb 投;掷;倾斜(飞船) pitch (about aircraft)
torgh name Torg Torg
toS verb 爬 climb
totlh noun 准将 commodore
tova'Daq noun 心灵共享 mind sharing
toy' verb 侍奉(主人) serve (a master)
toy'wI' noun 仆人 servant
toy'wI''a' noun 奴隶 slave
to' noun 策略;战术 tactics
to'baj noun 一种动物 type of animal, tobbaj
to'waQ noun 腱;纽带 ligament, tendon
tuch verb 禁止 forbid
tugh adverbial 不久;一会 soon
tuH verb 使惭愧 be ashamed
tuH noun (军事术语)演习;调遣 maneuver (military term)
tuHmoH verb 丢脸;羞愧 shame
tuj verb 使变热 be hot
tuj noun 热量 heat
tuj muvwI' noun 热缝合 thermo-suture
tul verb 希望 hope
tum noun 代理 agency
tun verb 使变软 be soft
tung verb 阻止;使气馁 discourage
tungHa' verb 鼓励 encourage
tup noun 时间 minute (of time)
tuq noun 部落;议会;原始群落 tribe, house, ancestral unit
tuq Degh noun 家族纹章 family crest
tuqjIjQa' noun 英国 United Kingdom
tuqnIgh noun 议会成员;议员 member of a house
tuqvol noun 前额 forehead [regional]
tuQ verb 穿着(衣服) wear (clothes)
tuQDoq noun mind sifter (Klingon psychic probe) mind sifter (Klingon psychic probe)
tuQHa'moH verb 脱衣服;脱下 undress, take off (clothes)
tuQmoH verb 穿衣服 dress, put on (clothes)
turIqya' noun 土耳其 Turkey
tuS verb 咳嗽 cough
tut noun 纵队;列 column
tuv verb 使耐心 be patient
tuy' verb 吐出(液体) spit out (liquids)
tu' verb 发现;找到 discover, find, observe, notice
tu'HomI'raH noun 没用的东西;毫无用处的物品 something useless, useless thing
tu'lum noun 茶杯 teacup [older or upper-class word]
tu'lu' verb 在这 someone/something finds it, there is
tlhab verb 使独立;使自由 be free, be independent
tlhab noun 独立;自由 freedom, independence
tlhach noun 宗派;派别 sect, faction
tlhach mu'mey noun 行话;术语;暗号 argot, jargon
tlhagh noun 油;动物脂肪 fat, animal fat
tlhagh patat 'oQqar naQHommey noun 炸薯条 french fries
tlham noun 重力 gravity
tlham noun 【俚语】(社会的)秩序;结构; order, structure (societal) [slang]
tlhap verb 拿;获取 take
tlhaptIH noun 牵引光束 tractor beam
tlhaq noun 航海经纬仪 chronometer
tlhaQ verb 使搞笑 be funny
tlharghDuj noun 侦察舰 scout (vessel)
tlhaS verb (比较小的)战斗;战争 fight, battle (relatively minor fight)
tlhatlh noun 一种食物 type of food, gladst
tlhaw' verb 用拳头击打(打击乐器) hit (percussion instrument) with fist
tlhay noun 袖子 sleeve
tlhay noun tlh的发音 Klingon {tlh} sound
tlha' verb 追踪;跟随 chase, follow
tlha'a name Klaa Klaa
tlheD verb 离开 depart
tlhegh noun 线;绳子 line, rope
tlhej verb 陪伴;伴随 accompany, be with
tlhepQe' noun 唾液 saliva
tlher verb 变粗笨 be lumpy
tlhetlh verb 进步 progress
tlhevjaQ noun 用辅助工具标准投掷长矛 spear thrown with aid of a special tool
tlhe' verb 转向;变弯 turn
tlhIb verb 使不能胜任 be incompetent
tlhIch noun 烟 smoke
tlhIH pronoun 你们 you (plural)
tlhIj verb 道歉 apologize
tlhIl verb 开矿 mine
tlhIl noun 矿物 mineral
tlhIlHal noun 矿 mine
tlhIlwI' noun 矿工 miner
tlhImqaH noun 一种食物 type of food, zilm'kach
tlhIngan noun 克林贡 Klingon
tlhIngan Hubbeq noun 克林贡抵抗力量 Klingon Defense Force
tlhIngan jIH name 我是克林贡人(著名歌剧) I am a Klingon (famous opera)
tlhIngan wo' noun 克林贡帝国 Klingon Empire
tlhIngan yejquv noun 克林贡上议院 Klingon High Council
tlhIng yoS noun Kling区 Kling district
tlhIq noun 炖 stew
tlhIS verb 吐出(固体的东西) spit out (solid thing)
tlhIv verb 不顺从 be insubordinate
tlhob verb 恳求,请求 ask, request, plead
tlhoch verb 反驳;否定 contradict
tlhogh noun 结婚 marriage
tlhoj verb 意识到 realize
tlhol verb 原材料;没有加工 be raw, be unprocessed
tlhombuS noun 一种食物 type of food
tlhon noun 鼻孔 nostril
tlhong verb 阻碍 barter, bargain
tlhop noun 前面 front, area in front of
tlhoQ noun 聚集;凝聚 conglomeration
tlhorgh verb (食物)使辛辣 be pungent (referring to food)
tlhorghHa' verb (食物)乏味 be bland (referring to food)
tlhoS adverbial 差不多,几乎 almost, nearly, virtually, not quite
tlhot verb 着陆(到水面) land (on water, like a bird)
tlhov verb 喘息 wheeze
tlhoy adverbial 极度的,非常多 overly, to an excessive degree, too much
tlhoy' noun 墙,内墙,外墙的内表面 wall, interior wall, interior face of exterior wall, territorial wall
tlhoy' SaS noun 楼层之间的天花板或地板 ceiling/floor between stories
tlho' verb 谢谢 thank
tlho' noun 欣赏;感激;感谢 appreciation, gratitude
tlho'ren noun 体积单位,约为一升 (unit of volume)
tlhuch verb 排气,出气 exhaust
tlhuD verb 放射(能量、射线等) emit (energy, radiation, etc.)
tlhuH verb 呼吸;喘气 breathe
tlhuH verb 【俚语】使兴奋;激励 be exhilarated, be stimulated, be invigorated [slang]
tlhuH noun 呼吸 breath
tlhup verb 耳语 whisper
tlhuQ noun 尾巴 tail
tlhutlh verb 喝 drink
tlhu' verb 有兴趣 be tempted
tlhu'moH verb 诱惑 tempt
va exclamation 表示咒骂 (general invective)
vaD verb 使灵活 be flexible
vagh numeral 五 five
vagh noun 克林贡音阶的第五个音 fifth tone of nonatonic musical scale
vaghDIch numeral 第五 fifth
vaH noun 手枪皮套;剑鞘;刀鞘 holster, sheath, knife case
vaHbo' noun 岩浆 lava
vaj adverbial 因此,如此,那么 so, then, thus, in that case
vaj noun 武士 warrior (as a concept)
val verb 使聪明;机智 be clever, be smart, be intelligent
valQIS name Valkris名字 Valkris
van verb 行礼,致礼 salute
van verb (一个事件,旅行,战斗,歌曲等)结束 end (an event, e.g. a voyage, battle, song)
van noun 致礼;贡品 salute, tribute
van bom noun 国歌,赞歌 anthem, hymn
van'a' noun 奖励 award
vang verb 行动,采取行动 act, take action
vaq verb 嘲弄 mock
vaQ verb 使好斗;使有精力 be aggressive, be effective, be vigorous
vaS noun 大厅 hall, assembly hall
vaS'a' noun 大礼堂 Great Hall
vatlh numeral 一百 hundred (number-forming element)
vatlh DIS poH noun 世纪 century
vatlhvI' noun 百分比 percent
vav noun 父亲 father
vavnI' noun 祖父,外祖父 grandfather
vay verb (比较凶残的)战斗,战争 fight, battle (midlevel ferocity)
vay noun v的发音 Klingon {v} sound
vay' noun 某人,某物,任何人,任何物 somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything
va'nuch noun 脚后跟 heel
veb verb 下一个 be next (in a series, sequence)
veD noun 绒毛 fur
veDDIr noun 毛皮(皮肤上有绒毛) pelt (skin with fur still attached)
vegh verb 穿过(门,隧道等) go through (an open door, a tunnel, etc.)
veH noun 边界;界限 boundary
veH tIn noun 大堡礁 Great Barrier
vem verb 起床,停止睡觉 wake up, cease sleeping
vemmoH verb 叫某人起床 wake (someone) up
vem'eq noun 一种鸟,几乎依靠蛇为生 type of bird (feeds almost exclusively on the serpent worm from which gagh is made)
veng noun 城市 city
vengHom noun 村庄 village
veng wa'DIch noun 第一城,Kronos首都 First City (capital of Kronos)
veng wa'DIch Sep noun First City region First City region
veqlargh noun 恶魔,Fek'lhr devil, demon, Fek'lhr
veQ noun 垃圾 garbage
veQDuj noun 垃圾驳船 garbage scow
veragh noun 铆钉 rivet
verengan noun Ferengi Ferengi
verengan Ha'DIbaH noun Ferengi狗(侮辱) Ferengi dog
vergh verb 使靠码头;停泊 dock, park
vergh noun 码头 dock
veS noun (概念)战争 war, warfare (as a concept)
veSDuj noun 战舰 warship
vetlh noun 蟑螂 cockroach
vID verb 好战 be belligerent
vID'Ir noun 挡板 baffle
vIghro' noun 一种类似于猫的动物 type of animal, v'gro (like a cat)
vIH verb 运动;运转 move, be in motion
vIj noun 推进器 thruster
vIl verb 隆起 be ridgy
vIl noun 隆起物,肿块;山脊 ridge, bump
vIlInHoD noun 一种鸟,可以模仿说话 type of bird (capable of mimicking speech)
vIlle' noun 奴才;宠臣 minion
vIn noun 同兄弟姐妹;外甥(女);侄子(女) cousin, niece, nephew
vIno'va' qurgh noun finova豆子 finova beans
vIng verb 抱怨;牢骚 whine
vIq noun (一种概念)战斗;对抗 battle, combat (as a concept)
vIqSIS name Vixis,人名 Vixis
vIraS noun 法国 France
vIt verb 说真话 tell the truth
vIt noun 真实;真相 truth
vItHay' noun 真相测试;测谎 the truth test
vIttlhegh noun 谚语 proverb
vIychorgh noun 汁;果汁;树液 juice, sap of a plant
vI' verb 积累 accumulate
vI' noun 射击术;精准的射击 sharpshooting, marksmanship
vI' noun 小数点 decimal point
voDleH noun 皇帝;君主 emperor
vogh noun 某处 somewhere
voHDajbo' noun 赎金 ransom
volchaH noun 肩膀 shoulder
von verb 诱捕;陷入困境 trap, entrap
vonlu' verb 【俚语】完败;彻底失败 fail utterly [slang]
vong verb 使着迷 hypnotize
voq verb 信任;对…有信心 trust, have faith in
voqHa' verb 不信任 distrust
voQ verb 窒息;呛 choke
voQSIp noun 氮 nitrogen
vor verb 治愈 cure
voSpegh Sep noun Vospeg地区 Vospeg region
vo' verb 推进 propel
vub noun 人质 hostage
vuD noun 选项 opinion
vul verb 使无意识 be unconscious
vulchoH verb 昏厥 faint
vulqan noun 祝融星 Vulcan (planet)
vulqangan noun Vulcan,人名 Vulcan (person)
vum verb 辛苦工作 work, toil
vup verb 怜惜,同情 pity
vuQ verb 使着迷 fascinate
vuS verb 限制 limit
vut verb 做饭 cook
vutmeH 'un noun 用于准备食物的平底壶 flat-bottomed pot for food preparation [regional]
vutpa' noun 船上的厨房 galley
vut'un noun 用于准备食物的平底壶 flat-bottomed pot for food preparation [regional]
vuv verb 尊重 respect
vu' verb 管理 manage
vu'wI' noun 经理;管理员 manager
wab noun 声音,噪音 sound, noise
wagh verb 使昂贵 be expensive
waH verb 实验,尝试 try out, test, use experimentally
waH verb 品尝食物 taste, try out (food)
wam verb 打猎 hunt
wamwI' noun 狩猎者 hunter
wanI' noun 现象;时间;经历;事件 phenomenon, event, occurrence, experience
waq noun 鞋 shoe
waqboch noun 一种有很长的喙的鸟 type of bird (with a very long beak)
waQ verb 阻碍;阻塞 obstruct
waQ noun 到今天有…月 months from now
warjun noun 一种刀,用于准备食物 type of knife (used for food preparation)
watlh verb 使纯净 be pure
wav verb 分开 divide
waw' noun (军事术语)基地 base (military term)
way noun w的发音 Klingon {w} sound
way' verb 将戳挡开 parry, deflect a lunge
wa' numeral 一 one
wa'DIch numeral 首先;起初;开始 first, beginning, start
wa'Hu' noun 昨天 yesterday
wa'leS noun 明天 tomorrow
wa'logh adverbial 一次;曾经 once
wa'maH numeral 十 ten
wa'maHDIch numeral 第十 tenth
web verb 使耻辱 be disgraced
wech verb 提供发酵食物 serve fermented food at its peak
wegh verb 限制 confine
weH verb 袭击 raid
wej adverbial 还没有 not yet
wej numeral 三 three
wejDIch numeral 第三 third
wejpuH exclamation (表示讽刺)迷人 charming (used only ironically)
wel verb 欠(某人) owe (someone)
wem verb 违反;亵渎 violate
wem noun 侵犯;违反;强奸 violation
wen noun …月之前 months ago
wep noun 外套,上衣 jacket, coat
wep noun 有袖的T恤 shirt with sleeves [regional]
wep buq noun 上衣口袋 jacket pouch, coat pocket
weq verb 用手击打(乐器) hit (percussion instrument) with palm
weQ noun 蜡烛 candle
wew verb 发热;洋溢 glow
wey noun (军事术语)连队 company (military unit)
wIb verb 使苦涩;使…变酸 be sour, be bitter, be tart
wIch noun 神话 myth
wIgh noun 天才 genius
wIH verb 无情 be ruthless
wIj verb 农场 farm
wIlpuq noun 布丁 pudding
wItlh verb 打断;突然停止 break (something) off
wIv verb 选择 choose, select
wIv noun 选项 choice
wIy noun 战术显示 tactical display (on monitor)
wob verb 扔长矛 hurl a spear by means of a chetvi
woch verb 使高大 be tall
woD verb 抛弃 throw away, discard
wogh verb 违反;超越限制 transgress, do more than acceptable, go to far
woH verb 捡起 pick up
woj verb 消毒 sterilize
woj noun 辐射 radiation
woj choHwI' noun 反应器 reactor
wom verb 啄 peck
woQ noun 权利;政治力量 authority, political power
wornagh noun 克林贡麦芽酒 warnog, Klingon ale
woS noun 下巴 chin
wot noun 动词 verb
wov verb 使光亮 be light, be bright
wovmoHwI' noun 光(用于照明) light (for illumination)
wo' noun 帝国 empire
wo'rIv name Worf,人名 Worf
wuD verb 打鼾 snore
wup verb 突然唱歌 burst into song
wuq verb 决定 decide (upon)
wuQ verb 犯(头痛) have a headache
wuS noun 嘴唇 lip
wutlh noun 地下 underground
wuv verb 依靠,依赖 depend on, rely on
ya noun 战术官 tactical officer
yab noun 大脑;思想 mind, brain
yach verb 抚摸,轻拍 pet, stroke
yach verb 漫不经心的弹奏 strum (a stringed instrument)
yaD noun 脚趾 toe
yaD noun 【俚语】剑 sword [slang]
yagh noun 有机物 organism
yaH verb 被拿走 be taken away
yaH noun 岗位 duty station, station
yaj verb 理解 understand
yajHa' verb 误解 misinterpret
yan verb 耍,舞(剑) wield, use, manipulate (a sword)
yan noun 剑 sword
yanwI' noun 剑士 swordfighter
yap verb 足够 be enough, be sufficient
yaS noun 船长 officer
yaS cha'DIch noun (船上的)二副 second officer (on a ship)
yaS wa'DIch noun (船上的)大副 first officer (on a ship)
yatqap noun 一种鸟,灰色,有时白色,可以长距离迁徙而不休息 type of bird (gray, sometimes white, travel long distances without pausing)
yatlh verb 使怀孕 be pregnant
yav noun 土地 ground
yay noun 胜利;凯旋 victory, triumph
yay noun y的发音 Klingon {y} sound
yay' verb 使震惊 be shocked, be dumbfounded
yeb noun 手腕 wrist (also slang term of deprecation)
yej noun 理事会;议会 assembly, council
yejHaD noun 协会;学院 institute, institution
yejquv noun 上议院 High Council
yej'an noun 社区 society (e.g., scholarly society)
yem verb 犯罪 sin
yep verb 使细心 be careful
yepHa' verb 使粗心 be careless
yeq verb 合作 cooperate
yer noun 领土 domain, holdings, territory
yergho noun 城市的围墙 city wall
yev verb 暂停 pause
yIb noun 出口,通风口 vent
yIH noun 晾纸机架 tribble
yIn verb 生活 live
yIn noun 生命 life
yInroH noun 生命迹象 life signs
yInSIp noun 氧气 oxygen
yIntagh noun 生命维持系统 life-support system
yIntagh exclamation 绰号 (epithet)
yIQ verb 使…湿了 be wet
yIr verb 收集 gather
yIrIDngan noun Yiridian,人名 Yiridian (person)
yISra'el noun 以色列 Israel
yIt verb 走路 walk
yIv verb 咀嚼 chew
yIv verb 【俚语】烦恼;讨厌 annoy, bother, irk, irritate [slang]
yIvbeH noun 束腰外衣 tunic
yIvbeH noun 无袖T恤 sleeveless shirt [regional]
yob verb 丰收 harvest
yoD verb 保护 shield
yoD noun 盾 shield
yoD'egh verb 保护自己 shield oneself
yoH verb 使勇敢 be brave
yoHwI' noun 勇敢的人 brave one
yoj noun 评价;裁判 judgment
yol noun 冲突 conflict
yon verb 使满足 be satisfied
yonmoH verb 满意 satisfy
yong verb 进入,上车 get in
yopwaH noun 裤子 pants, trousers
yopwaH buq noun 裤子口袋 pants pouch, trouser pocket
yoq noun 类人动物 humanoid
yor noun 上面(物体表面) top (side or face of an object)
yoS noun (国家)地区;区域 district, area (within a country)
yot verb 侵略 invade
yot noun 入侵;侵略 invasion
yotlh noun 场地 field (of land)
yov verb 填充炮弹 charge (military term)
yoy verb 翻转;颠倒 be upside down
yo' noun 舰队 fleet (of ships)
yo'SeH yaHnIv noun Operations Command Operations Command
yu noun 克林贡音阶第一个(和最后一个)音符 first (and last) tone of nonatonic musical scale
yub noun 果皮;果壳 husk, rind, peel, shell (of fruit, nut)
yuch noun 巧克力 chocolate
yuch ngogh noun 巧克力棒 chocolate bar
yuD verb 不诚实 be dishonest
yuDHa' verb 诚实 be honest
yupma' noun 节日 festival
yuQ noun 星球 planet
yuQHom noun 小行星 planetoid
yuQjIjDIvI' noun 宇宙联邦 United Federation of Planets
yuQjIjQa' noun 宇宙联邦 United Federation of Planets
yur noun 远房侄子侄女;远房外甥外甥女 distant cousin, distant niece, distant nephew (second cousin, grandnephew, etc.)
yuv verb 推 push
yuvtlhe' noun 盖子 top, lid, cover, cap
yu' verb 质问;讯问;审问 question, interrogate
yu'egh noun 波浪 wave
'a conjunction 但是;然而 but, nevertheless, even so, however
'ab verb 有…长/重 have a length/height of
'ach conjunction 但是;然而 but, nevertheless, even so, however
'aD verb 有…长,测量 have a length of, measure
'aD noun 血管 vein
'agh verb 展示;证明;显示 show, demonstrate, display
'aH noun 全部有关的事物 paraphernalia
'aj noun 旗舰司令;上将 admiral
'alngegh noun 尾部有钉子的斧子 ax with spike at end
'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa' noun 美国 United States of America, USA
'ampaS noun 学院 academy
'anyan 'oQqar noun 洋葱 onion
'ang verb 展示;显示 show, reveal
'aqleH noun 一种武器,一半是斧子,一半是bat'leth type of weapon (half ax, half bat'leth)
'aqnaw noun (统称)刀 type of knife (general purpose)
'aqroS noun (内部)顶部 top (inside or downturned surface)
'aqroS noun 最大数 maximum
'aqtu' name Aktuh,名字 Aktuh
'aqtu' mellota' je name Aktuh and Melota,著名戏剧 Aktuh and Melota (famous opera)
'aQlo' noun 前额 forehead [regional]
'ar question word 多少? how many?, how much?
'argh verb 恶化 worsen
'arlogh question word 多少次? how many times?
'aSralya' noun 澳大利亚 Australia
'at noun a的发音 Klingon {a} sound
'atrom name A'trom,名字 A'trom
'atlhqam noun 一种真菌 type of fungus
'av verb 守护 guard
'avwI' noun 守卫 guard
'awje' noun 沙士,一种酒 type of beverage (root beer)
'aw' verb 刺痛;刺 sting
'ay' noun 部分 section, part, component, piece
'eb noun 机会;机遇 opportunity, chance, opening
'ech noun 准将 brigadier
'eDjen noun 狂傲的人;自大的人 arrogant person, haughty person
'eDSeHcha noun 起落推进器 take-off/landing thrusters (plural form)
'egh noun 克林贡音阶第三个音符 third tone of nonatonic musical scale
'eH exclamation 准备 ready
'ej conjunction 和 and
'ejDo' noun 星际飞船 starship, starship class
'ejyo' noun 星际舰队 Starfleet
'ejyo'waw' noun 星球基地 star base
'el verb 进入 enter, go in
'elaDya' noun 希腊 Greece
'elaS noun Elas星球 Elas (planet)
'elI'jaH noun 不速之客 unexpected visitor, uninvited guest
'elpI' noun 上一大盘 serving platter
'em verb 呕吐 vomit
'em noun 在后面 behind, area behind
'entepray' name 事业号(一艘船) Enterprise (a ship)
'eng noun 云彩 cloud
'ep verb 喝汤 consume soup, eat soup
'epIl naH noun 苹果 apple
'eq verb 早 be early
'er noun 一种动物 type of animal
'er'In noun (棍、绳的)末段 end (of stick, piece of string etc.; opposite {megh'an})
'eS verb 使变低 be low
'eSpanya' noun 西班牙 Spain
'et noun 前部 fore
'et noun e的发音 Klingon {e} sound
'etlh noun 剑;刀锋 sword, blade
'ev noun 西北方向 area northwestward, area towards the northwest
'evnagh noun 子空间 subspace
'ey verb 好吃;美味 be good, be delicious, be tasty, be harmonious
'e' pronoun 表示之前的话题 that (previous topic)
'e'mam noun 姑姑 aunt (father's sister)
'e'mamnal noun 姑妈 aunt (father's brother's wife)
'e'nal noun 进入家族的人(不知道确切关系) someone who married into the family (does not specify the exact relationship)
'Ib noun 浴盆 tub
'Igh verb 【俚语】被诅咒;倒霉 be cursed, be jinxed [slang]
'IghvaH noun 一种动物 type of animal, igvah
'IH verb 使变漂亮;变帅 be beautiful, be handsome
'Ij verb 听 listen
'Il verb 使真诚 be sincere
'Im verb 呈现;煮沸 render, boil fat
'In noun 打击乐器(铃、鼓) percussion instrument (drum, bell)
'Ip verb 发誓,宣誓 vow, swear
'Ip noun 誓言 oath
'Iq verb 太多;非常多;相当多 be too many, be too much
'IqnaH noun 粘液 mucus
'IqnaH QaD noun 干的粘液 dry mucus
'IQ verb 使难过 be sad
'IrneH noun 舅舅 uncle (mother's brother)
'IrneHnal noun 姨夫 uncle (mother's sister's husband)
'ISjaH noun 日历 calendar
'It verb 使沮丧 be depressed
'It noun I的发音 Klingon {I} sound
'Italya' noun 意大利 Italy
'Itlh verb 高度发展的;高度先进的 be advanced, be highly developed
'Iv question word 谁? who?
'Iv noun 高度 altitude
'Iw noun 血 blood
'Iwghargh noun 一种动物 type of animal, bloodworm
'Iw 'Ip ghomey name Blood Oath Circles,著名雕像 Blood Oath Circles (famous sculpture)
'I' noun 腋窝 armpit
'o exclamation 啊! O (before a name in direct address)
'obe' noun 规定;秩序 order, group officially recognized by government
'obmaQ noun 斧子 ax
'och noun 导管;管道 tunnel, conduit
'oD verb 仲裁;调停 arbitrate, mediate
'oDwI' noun 仲裁人 arbitrator
'ogh verb 发明;设计 invent, devise
'oH pronoun 它 it
'oj verb 口渴;渴望 be thirsty
'ol verb 核实 verify
'om verb 抵抗;击退 resist, fend off
'ong verb 狡猾 be cunning, be sly
'op noun 一些(不知道确切数目) some, an unknown or unspecified quantity
'oQqar noun 块茎;根 root, tuber
'or verb 操作(飞船) pilot, operate (an aircraft)
'orghen noun Organia Organia
'orghen rojmab noun Organian Peace Treaty Organian Peace Treaty
'orghenya' noun Organian Organia
'orghenya'ngan noun Organian Organian
'orghenya' rojmab noun Organian Peace Treaty Organian Peace Treaty
'orghengan noun Organian,人名 Organian
'orwI' noun 飞行员 pilot, one who operates (an aircraft)
'oS verb 代表 represent
'oSwI' noun 使者 emissary
'ot noun o的发音 Klingon {o} sound
'otlh noun 光子 photon
'ov verb 竞赛;竞争 compete
'oy' verb 痛 ache, hurt, be sore
'oy' noun 痛;疼痛 ache, pain, sore, hurt
'oy'naQ noun painstik painstik
'o' noun 自动存取款 aft
'o'lav noun 一种鼓 type of drum
'o'megh noun (歌曲)结束 end (of song)
'uch verb 抓;拿 hold, grasp
'uchHa' verb 离开 let go of
'uD noun 激光 laser
'uD Haqtaj noun 激光手术刀 laser scalpel
'uD'a' noun 激光 laser
'ugh verb 使沉重 be heavy
'uH verb 宿醉 have a hangover, be hung over
'uj noun 长度单位,约35厘米 uj (unit of length)
'uj'a' noun 长度单位,大约9uj,315厘米 big uj (unit of length)
'ul noun 电 electricity
'um verb 使合格 be qualified
'un noun (用于准备食物的)壶;盆;罐子 pot (for food preparation, general term)
'un naQ noun 搅拌棒 stirring stick, mixing stick
'un quD noun 人工生产的酱油 artificially produced qud
'up verb 令人厌倦;令人作呕 be unsavory, be disgusting, be repugnant, be loathsome, be icky
'uQ noun 晚饭 dinner
'uQ'a' noun 盛宴 banquet, feast
'ur verb 叛国 treason, commit treason
'urmang noun 不忠,叛国罪 treason
'urwI' noun 叛徒 traitor
'uS noun 腿 leg
'uSgheb noun 一种鸟,黎明前比公鸡还喧闹 type of bird (makes a ruckus at dawn, fiercer than a rooster)
'uSu' noun sauce for gladst sauce for gladst
'ut verb 使必须;成为本质 be essential, be necessary
'ut noun u的发音 Klingon {u} sound
'utlh noun 退休官员 officer emeritus, retired officer
'uy verb 按下 press down
'uy' numeral 百万 million (number-forming element)
'u' noun 宇宙 universe
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