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Last active May 13, 2018 00:26
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Bind feature with Swift from scratch
import UIKit
public class Variable<T: Equatable> {
public var value: T {
didSet {
obserbers.forEach {
public init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
public func update(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
public typealias Observer = (T) -> ()
var obserbers: [Observer] = []
public func observe(_ observer: @escaping Observer) {
public class UIControlObserver <T: UIControl & Bindable>: NSObject {
deinit {
subscribers.forEach { (subscriber) in
value.removeTarget(self, action: #selector(handle(control:)), for:
public let value: T
public init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
public typealias Subscriber = (events: UIControlEvents, handler: (T) -> ())
var subscribers: [Subscriber] = []
public func observe(for events: UIControlEvents, and handler: @escaping (T) -> ()) {
value.addTarget(self, action: #selector(handle(control:)), for: events)
subscribers.append((events, handler))
value.sendActions(for: events)
public func bind(to variable: Variable<T.BindingType>, events: UIControlEvents = .allEditingEvents) {
self.observe(for: events) { [weak variable] (value) in
@objc private func handle(control: UIControl) {
subscribers.forEach { (subscriber) in
public protocol Bindable: NSObjectProtocol {
associatedtype BindingType: Equatable
func observingValue() -> BindingType
func updateValue(with value: BindingType)
extension UITextField : Bindable {
public typealias BindingType = String
public func observingValue() -> String {
return self.text ?? ""
public func updateValue(with value: String) {
self.text = value
extension UITextView : Bindable {
public typealias BindingType = String
public func observingValue() -> String {
return self.text
public func updateValue(with value: String) {
self.text = value
extension UISwitch : Bindable {
public typealias BindingType = Bool
public func observingValue() -> Bool {
return self.isOn
public func updateValue(with value: Bool) {
self.isOn = value
extension UISlider : Bindable {
public typealias BindingType = Float
public func observingValue() -> Float {
return self.value
public func updateValue(with value: Float) {
self.value = value
extension UIStepper : Bindable {
public typealias BindingType = Double
public func observingValue() -> Double {
return self.value
public func updateValue(with value: Double) {
self.value = value
let textField = UIControlObserver<UITextField>(UITextField())
let text = Variable<String>("")
textField.bind(to: text)
textField.value.text = "hello"
textField.value.sendActions(for: .editingChanged)
textField.value.text = "world"
textField.value.sendActions(for: .editingChanged)
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