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Created May 31, 2020 13:18
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List members of union in PureScript
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Enum
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Effect
import TryPureScript
data Size = Small | Medium | Large
instance showSize :: Show Size where
show Small = "small"
show Medium = "medium"
show Large = "large"
derive instance eqSize :: Eq Size
derive instance ordSize :: Ord Size
instance enumSize :: Enum Size where
succ Small = Just Medium
succ Medium = Just Large
succ Large = Nothing
pred Small = Nothing
pred Medium = Just Small
pred Large = Just Medium
instance boundedSize :: Bounded Size where
bottom = Small
top = Large
main :: Effect Unit
main =
render $ list (map textSize sizes)
sizes :: List Size
sizes = enumFromTo bottom top
textSize size = text (show size)
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