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Last active July 22, 2024 03:29
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Jsonify TypeScript helper type
// based on this blog:
type Invalid = undefined | Function | symbol;
export type Jsonify<T> = T extends { toJSON(): infer U }
? U
: T extends BigInt | Invalid
? never
: T extends Number
? number
: T extends String
? string
: T extends Boolean
? boolean
: T extends Array<infer v>
? Array<Jsonify<v extends Invalid ? null : v>>
: T extends object
? {
[k in keyof T as k extends symbol
? never
: T[k] extends Invalid
? never
: k]: Jsonify<T[k]>;
: T;
import { test } from "vitest";
import type { TypeEqual } from "ts-expect";
import { expectType } from "ts-expect";
import type { Jsonify } from "./jsonify";
test("jsonify works", () => {
function jsonRoundTrip<T>(x: T): Jsonify<T> {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(x));
const o = {
x: 5,
y: 6,
toJSON() {
return this.x + this.y;
expectType<TypeEqual<never, Jsonify<bigint>>>(true);
const bucket = {
n: new Number(3),
s: new String("false"),
b: new Boolean(false),
expectType<{ n: number; s: string; b: boolean }>(jsonRoundTrip(bucket));
const u = undefined;
expectType<TypeEqual<never, Jsonify<undefined>>>(true);
const f = () => {};
expectType<TypeEqual<never, Jsonify<Function>>>(true);
const s: symbol = Symbol.for("hello");
expectType<TypeEqual<never, Jsonify<symbol>>>(true);
const obj = { u, f, s, keep: "this" };
expectType<{ keep: string }>(jsonRoundTrip(obj));
const x7 = jsonRoundTrip([u]);
const x8 = jsonRoundTrip([f]);
const x9 = jsonRoundTrip([s]);
const x10 = jsonRoundTrip({ [s]: "hello", keep: "this" });
expectType<{ keep: string }>(x10);
// NOTE: this can't work with TS 4.7.2 or earlier
// const x11 = jsonRoundTrip(Infinity);
// expectType<null>(x11);
// NOTE: this can't work with TS 4.7.2 or earlier
// const x12 = jsonRoundTrip(NaN);
// expectType<null>(x12);
const x13 = jsonRoundTrip(null);
// const x14 = jsonRoundTrip([
// new Int8Array([1]),
// new Int16Array([1]),
// new Int32Array([1]),
// ]);
// NOTE: what should happen here?
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