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Created August 6, 2021 09:06
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class AnimatorSpy: Animator {
var invokedAnimate = false
var invokedAnimateCount = 0
var invokedAnimateParameters: (duration: TimeInterval, Void)?
var invokedAnimateParametersList = [(duration: TimeInterval, Void)]()
var shouldInvokeAnimateAnimations = false
var stubbedAnimateCompletionResult: (Bool, Void)?
var stubbedAnimateResult: Bool! = false
func animate(duration: TimeInterval, animations: () -> (), completion: (Bool) -> ()) -> Bool {
invokedAnimate = true
invokedAnimateCount += 1
invokedAnimateParameters = (duration, ())
invokedAnimateParametersList.append((duration, ()))
if shouldInvokeAnimateAnimations {
if let result = stubbedAnimateCompletionResult {
return stubbedAnimateResult
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