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Last active November 2, 2023 13:45
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Hacker News Comments Filter


Copy/paste index.js into your browser console. Then,

// Non-Angular Javascript contract positions in London or remote
  hn.or(/(javascript|typescript)/i, /ES\d/, 'JS'),
  hn.or(hn.and('ONSITE', /london/i), 'REMOTE')

(note hn.and() is applied implicitly to hn.filter() arguments)

Custom functions are welcome too:

hn.filter(commentEl => commentEl.textContent.length < 1000); // TL;DR

Pass nothing to remove any filtering (or simply reload the page):



Based on

hn = (() => {
const filter = (...matcherLikes) => {
const stats = { shown: 0, total: 0 };
document.querySelectorAll('.comtr').forEach(commentEl => {
const show = buildMatcher(matcherLikes)(commentEl); = show ? 'block' : 'none';;
if (show) stats.shown++;
return stats;
const buildMatcher = matcherLike => {
if (Array.isArray(matcherLike)) return buildAndMatcher(...matcherLike);
if (typeof matcherLike == 'string') return buildStringMatcher(matcherLike);
if (matcherLike instanceof RegExp) return buildRegexpMatcher(matcherLike);
return matcherLike;
const buildStringMatcher = string => el => el.textContent.includes(string);
const buildRegexpMatcher = regexp => el => regexp.test(el.textContent);
const buildAndMatcher = (...matcherLikes) => el => matcherLikes.every(matcherLike => buildMatcher(matcherLike)(el));
const buildOrMatcher = (...matcherLikes) => el => matcherLikes.some(matcherLike => buildMatcher(matcherLike)(el));
const buildNotMatcher = matcherLikes => el => !buildMatcher(matcherLikes)(el);
return {
and: buildAndMatcher,
or: buildOrMatcher,
not: buildNotMatcher
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