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Created June 30, 2020 16:51
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import re
import sys
# nvptx preprocessor definitions.
SM_80 = "sm_80"
SM_75 = "sm_75|" + SM_80
SM_72 = "sm_72|" + SM_75
SM_70 = "sm_70|" + SM_72
SM_60 = "sm_60|sm_61|sm_62|" + SM_70
PTX70 = "ptx70"
PTX65 = "ptx65|" + PTX70
PTX64 = "ptx64|" + PTX65
PTX63 = "ptx63|" + PTX64
PTX61 = "ptx61|" + PTX63
PTX60 = "ptx60|" + PTX61
preprocessor_features = {
"PTX60": PTX60,
"SM": None,
"60": None,
"SM_60": SM_60,
"HVXV65": None,
"HVXV60": None,
"HVXV62": None,
"HVXV66": None,
"V5": None,
"V67": None,
"V66": None,
"V60": None,
"V62": None,
"V65": None,
"AND\\(SM_70,PTX60\\)": SM_70 + "|" + PTX60,
"AND\\(SM_70,PTX61\\)": SM_70 + "|" + PTX61,
"AND\\(SM_70,PTX63\\)": SM_70 + "|" + PTX63,
"AND\\(SM_72,PTX63\\)": SM_72 + "|" + PTX63,
"AND\\(SM_75,PTX63\\)": SM_75 + "|" + PTX63,
name_re = "(?P<name>[^, ]+)"
type_re = "(?P<type>\"[^\"]*\")"
attr_re = "(?P<attr>\"[^\"]*\")"
# The alternatives here are a hack to catch NVPTX and other preprocessor macro users.
feat_re = "(?P<feat>\"[^\"]*\"|%s)" % '|'.join(preprocessor_features.keys())
head_re = "(?P<head>\"[^\"]+\")"
lang_re = "(?P<lang>[A-Z0-9_]+)"
def regex_for(macro, *args):
# Anchor so BUILTIN doesn't get confused with TARGET_BUILTIN or similar.
return re.compile("^%s\\(%s\\)(?P<trailing>.*)" % (macro, " *, *".join(args)))
BUILTIN = regex_for('BUILTIN', name_re, type_re, attr_re)
ATOMIC_BUILTIN = regex_for('ATOMIC_BUILTIN', name_re, type_re, attr_re)
LIBBUILTIN = regex_for('LIBBUILTIN', name_re, type_re, attr_re, head_re, lang_re)
LANGBUILTIN = regex_for('LANGBUILTIN', name_re, type_re, attr_re, lang_re)
TARGET_BUILTIN = regex_for('TARGET_BUILTIN', name_re, type_re, attr_re, feat_re)
TARGET_HEADER_BUILTIN = regex_for('TARGET_HEADER_BUILTIN', name_re, type_re, attr_re, head_re, lang_re, feat_re)
lang_subs = {
"GNU_LANG": "GnuLang",
"C_LANG": "CLang",
"CXX_LANG": "CxxLang",
"OBJC_LANG": "ObjcLang",
"MS_LANG": "MsLang",
"OCLC20_LANG": "OCLC20Lang",
"OCLC1X_LANG": "OCLC1xLang",
"OMP_LANG": "OMPLang",
"ALL_LANGUAGES": "AllLanguages",
"ALL_MS_LANGUAGES": "AllMSLanguages",
"ALL_GNU_LANGUAGES": "AllGnuLanguages",
Builtin = "def {name} : Builtin<{type}, {attr}>;{trailing}"
AtomicBuiltin = "def {name} : Builtin<{type}, {attr}>;{trailing}"
LibBuiltin = "def {name} : LibraryBuiltin<{type}, {attr}, {head}, {lang}>;{trailing}"
LangBuiltin = "def {name} : LangBuiltin<{type}, {attr}, {lang}>;{trailing}"
TargetBuiltin = "def {name} : TargetBuiltin<{type}, {attr}, {feat}>;{trailing}"
TargetHeaderBuiltin = "def {name} : TargetHeaderBuiltin<{type}, {attr}, {head}, {lang}, {feat}>;{trailing}"
builtins = {
TARGET_BUILTIN: TargetBuiltin,
BUILTIN: Builtin,
ATOMIC_BUILTIN: AtomicBuiltin,
builtins_file = sys.argv[1]
# Remove "Builtins" prefix and ".def" suffix.
arch = builtins_file[8:-4]
builtins_file = open(builtins_file, 'r')
# Try to handle converting the generic builtins just like architecture ones.
print_target_arch_wrap = arch != ""
have_seen_first_def = False
processing_atomic = False
for line in builtins_file.readlines():
line = line.rstrip()
# Skip preprocessor macros.
if line.startswith('#'):
# Two steps to avoid calling re.match twice.
matched = [(re.match(regex, line), regex, tablegen)
for (regex, tablegen) in builtins.items()]
matched = [x for x in matched if x[0]]
if not matched:
print line
(m, regex, tablegen) = matched[0]
fields = m.groupdict()
if regex is ATOMIC_BUILTIN:
if not processing_atomic:
processing_atomic = True
print 'let Atomic = 1 in {'
if processing_atomic:
processing_atomic = False
print '}'
# Translate language enums to tablegen definitions.
if 'lang' in fields:
fields['lang'] = lang_subs[fields['lang']]
# We should really be rewriting 'feat' according to preprocessor_features,
# above, but that's not complete yet -- and we probably really want to
# translate the preprocessor macros into tablegen definitions anyway. Just
# turn things into strings if they're not already strings.
if 'feat' in fields and not fields['feat'].startswith('"'):
fields['feat'] = '"%s"' % fields['feat']
def_line = tablegen.format(**fields)
if processing_atomic:
def_line = ' ' + def_line
if not have_seen_first_def:
print 'include ""'
print ''
if print_target_arch_wrap:
print 'let TargetArch = "%s" in {' % arch
have_seen_first_def = True
print def_line
if have_seen_first_def:
if print_target_arch_wrap:
print '}'
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