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Created November 9, 2015 17:31
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module Saints where
import Http
import Html exposing (Html)
import Task exposing (Task, andThen, toResult)
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))
-- queries postgres for authentication token
-- displays token
-- successful query comes back with 201 status and body {"token": "longSecretToken"}
-- failure comes back with 401 status and body {"message": "Failed authentication."}
main: Signal Html
main = Html.text readme.signal
port fetchToken: Task Http.Error ()
port fetchToken =
(Http.string """{"id": "username", "pass":"password"}""")
`andThen` report
type alias Token = { token: String }
getToken: Json.Decoder Token
getToken =
Json.object1 Token ("token" := Json.string)
report: Token -> Task Http.Error ()
report token =
Signal.send readme.address token.token
readme: Signal.Mailbox String
readme =
Signal.mailbox "Blork"
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