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Created September 25, 2018 12:13
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# welp nearly grammar
const moo = require("moo");
// FYI \u201C - left curly quote; \u201D - right curly quote
const lexer = moo.compile({
ws: {match: /[ \t\n\r]+/, lineBreaks: true},
number: /[0-9]+/,
letters: /[a-zA-Z]+/,
times: /\*|x/,
colon: /\:/,
hack: /\'/,
dash: /-/,
eosentence: /[\.\!\?][\s]?/,
punc: /[\,\;\:\*]/,
star: /\*/,
quote: /[\"\u201C\u201D]/
function justText(d, ofType) {
var flatd = [].concat.apply([], d).filter(v=>v); // flatten and then filter nulls
return { ofType: ofType, text: flatd.reduce(function(acc, el){ return acc += el.text; }, "") };
# passlexer object using @lexar option:
@lexer lexer
main ->
| scripture
| sentences
| quotation
| fragment
| words
| word
| chapVs
scripture ->
sentences ref {% ([scripture, ref]) => { return { ofType: 'scripture', text: scripture.text, ref: ref.text } } %}
ref ->
%number:? %ws:? words %ws chapVs {% d => justText(d, 'ref') %}
sentences ->
fragment %eosentence {% d => justText(d, 'sentences') %}
| fragment %punc %ws:? quotation {% d => justText(d, 'sentences') %}
quotation ->
%quote fragment %quote {% d => justText(d, 'quotation') %}
| %quote fragment %eosentence %quote {% d => justText(d, 'quotation') %}
fragment ->
words {% d => justText(d, 'fragment') %}
| words %punc %ws words {% d => justText(d, 'fragment') %}
words ->
word {% d => justText(d, 'words') %}
| words %ws words {% d => justText(d, 'words') %}
word ->
%letters %hack %letters {% d => justText(d, 'word') %}
| %letters %dash %letters {% d => justText(d, 'word') %}
| %letters {% d => justText(d, 'word') %}
chapVs ->
%number %colon %number %ws:? %dash %number {% d => justText(d, 'chapVs') %}
| %number %colon %number {% d => justText(d, 'chapVs') %}
| %number {% d => justText(d, 'chapVs') %}
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