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Created August 23, 2012 13:21
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// Determine integer size of image
NSInteger imageIntWidth = ceilf(imageSize.width);
NSInteger imageIntHeight = ceilf(imageSize.height);
// Determine coordinate maxima
assert(zoomFactor > 0.0f);
float coordMaxX = coordMinX + imageIntWidth / zoomFactor;
float coordMaxY = coordMinY + imageIntHeight / zoomFactor;
float deltaX = (coordMaxX - coordMinX) / imageIntWidth;
float deltaY = (coordMaxY - coordMinY) / imageIntHeight;
// Create image buffer
NSInteger nx = imageIntWidth;
NSInteger ny = imageIntHeight;
UInt8 *imageBuffer = malloc(nx * ny * 3 * sizeof(UInt8));
// Fill buffer using Mandelbrot calculation
float logMaxIterations = log(MBMaxMandelbrotIterations);
NSUInteger ix, iy;
for ( ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++ ) {
float cReal = coordMinX + ix * deltaX;
for ( iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++ ) {
float cImag = coordMinY + iy * deltaY;
// Perform Mandelbrot iterations to see if point leads to escape
NSUInteger iterationIndex;
float zReal = 0.0f;
float zImag = 0.0f;
float zRealNew;
for( iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < MBMaxMandelbrotIterations &&
fabs(zReal) < MBEscapeDistance && fabs(zImag) < MBEscapeDistance; iterationIndex++ ) {
zRealNew = (zReal * zReal) - (zImag * zImag) + cReal;
zImag = (2.0 * zReal * zImag ) + cImag;
zReal = zRealNew;
// Determine corresponding color and store in buffer
float logIterations = log(iterationIndex);
float depthRatio = logIterations / logMaxIterations;
NSUInteger imageOffset = iy * nx * 3 + ix * 3;
imageBuffer[imageOffset] = 255 * (1.0f - depthRatio);
imageBuffer[imageOffset+1] = 255 * (1.0f - depthRatio);
imageBuffer[imageOffset+2] = 255 * (1.0f - depthRatio);
// Create image from buffer
[self setImageForBuffer:imageBuffer pixelsX:nx pixelsY:ny];
-(void)setImageForBuffer:(UInt8 *)buffer pixelsX:(NSUInteger)nx pixelsY:(NSUInteger)ny
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData( NULL, buffer, nx*ny*3, BrotMakerReleaseImageData );
CGImageRef newImage = CGImageCreate( nx, ny, 8, 24, nx * 3, [[NSColorSpace genericRGBColorSpace] CGColorSpace], kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault, provider, NULL, NO, kCGRenderingIntentDefault );
CGDataProviderRelease( provider );
self.image = newImage;
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