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Last active October 25, 2021 14:31
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(ns aero2.core-with-path
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[ :as io]
[clojure.walk :as walk])
[ PushbackReader StringReader]))
;; An unpolished, crude re-implementation of Juxt's brilliant config
;; library Aero, in 200 fewer lines and more than twice as fast.
;; Aero is excellent at doing one thing and doing it well. It is one
;; of my favorite utility libraries, but reading the source code I
;; struggled to follow the flow of execution. Thus, out of own
;; ignorance rather than need, I decided to rewrite the core routines
;; for expanding tagged literals, focusing on the JVM. There is no
;; meaningful error handling. Circular dependencies give a warning. It
;; passes the Aero test suite.
;; ================
;; Three details of the design:
;; ================
;; 1) Instead of using a queue, we walk the entire config map
;; depth-first using modifed walk/postwalk, map and reduce that carry
;; along an environment map. This environment map contains info about
;; the original config, the current path, resolved tagged literals and
;; user options.
;; 2) Each tagged literal is resolved upon first encounter, and the
;; value is cached at that path. I contemplated caching just the
;; return value, but Aero allows side-effecting expansion so this is
;; not possible.
;; 3) The API for multimethods on aero.core/reader remains identical.
;; The API for aero.core/eval-tagged-literal is slightly different,
;; and there are some tradeoffs. The 'ref tag now does a little more
;; heavy lifting, but the 'or is significantly simpler and reads more
;; like one would expect. The case-based macros are almost identical
;; in implementation.
;; ================
;; Drawbacks of this design:
;; ================
;; 1) This map-from-hell style of passing state around, though
;; convenient for quickly developing more features, can soon get
;; cumbersome. An earlier version that didn't detect circular
;; dependencies didn't need the :path key, but when I wanted track the
;; path it was trivial to add without breaking other stuff.
;; 2) No (recur) or iteration when walking nested structures, only
;; recursion. Deeply nested configs will consume a lot of stack.
;; However this depends only on the nesting factor, not size (number
;; of elements is seqs, maps, vectors) of the config.
;; ================
;; I wanted to use something like a state monad to avoid carrying the
;; whole env map around, instead saving up all effects till the end.
;; But because of the #ref tag this would probably require building up
;; a dependency graph, and I wanted to avoid that.
;;; utils
(defrecord Deferred [delegate])
(defmacro deferred [& expr]
`(->Deferred (delay ~@expr)))
(defn string-reader [s]
(-> s StringReader. PushbackReader.))
(defn- merge-in
"The keys of m2 are keysets (as in arguments to assoc-in) pointing
where to assoc in the corresponding values to m1."
[m1 m2]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc-in m k v))
m1 m2))
(defn- get-opts
([env] (:opts env))
([env k & [default]] (get-in env [:opts k] default)))
(defn- get-in-opts
[env ks & [default]]
(get-in env (concat [:opts] ks) default))
(defn- get-env [s]
(System/getenv (str s)))
(defn relative-resolver [source include]
(let [fl
(if (.isAbsolute (io/file include))
(io/file include)
(when-let [source-file
(try (io/file source)
;; Handle the case where the source isn't file compatible:
(catch java.lang.IllegalArgumentException _ nil))]
(io/file (.getParent ^ source-file) include)))]
(if (and fl (.exists fl))
(StringReader. (pr-str {:aero/missing-include include})))))
(defn resource-resolver [_ include]
(io/resource include)
(StringReader. (pr-str {:aero/missing-include include}))))
(defn root-resolver [_ include]
(defn adaptive-resolver [source include]
(let [include (or (io/resource include)
(if (string? include)
(relative-resolver source include)
(def default-opts
{:profile :default
:resolver adaptive-resolver})
;;; Multimethods for evaluating tagged literals
#_(do ;for repl use
(def reader nil)
(def eval-tagged-literal nil)
(defmulti reader (fn [_opts tag _value] tag))
(defmulti eval-tagged-literal
"The idea here is to allow macros to choose if/when to expand their
(fn [[val _env]] (:tag val)))
;;; reader defmethods
(declare read-config)
(defmethod reader :default [_ tag value]
;; Given tagification, we now must check data-readers
(contains? *data-readers* tag)
((get *data-readers* tag) value)
(contains? default-data-readers tag)
((get default-data-readers tag) value)
(throw (ex-info (format "No reader for tag %s" tag) {:tag tag :value value}))))
(defmethod reader 'env [_opts _tag value]
(get-env value))
(defmethod reader 'host [_opts _tag value]
(get-env value))
(defmethod reader 'env
[opts tag value]
(get-env value))
(defmethod reader 'envf
[opts tag value]
(let [[fmt & args] value]
(apply format fmt
(map #(str (get-env (str %))) args))))
(defmethod reader 'prop
[opts tag value]
(System/getProperty (str value)))
(defmethod reader 'long
[opts tag value]
(Long/parseLong (str value)))
(defmethod reader 'double
[opts tag value]
(Double/parseDouble (str value)))
(defmethod reader 'keyword
[opts tag value]
(if (keyword? value)
(keyword (str value))))
(defmethod reader 'boolean
[opts tag value]
(Boolean/parseBoolean (str value)))
(defmethod reader 'include
[{:keys [resolver source] :as opts} tag value]
(if (map? resolver)
(get resolver value)
(resolver source value))
(defmethod reader 'join
[opts tag value]
(apply str value))
(defmethod reader 'read-edn
[opts tag value]
(some-> value str edn/read-string))
(defmethod reader 'merge
[opts tag values]
(apply merge values))
(defmethod reader 'host [_opts _tag value]
(get-env value))
;;; eval-tagged-literal defmethods
(declare expand expand-tl)
(defmethod eval-tagged-literal :default
[[{:keys [tag form] :as tl} env]]
(let [[val env] (expand form env)]
[(reader (get-opts env) tag val) env]))
(defn starts-with? [x y]
(loop [[x & xnext] (seq x)
[y & ynext] (seq y)]
(not y) true
(= x y) (recur xnext ynext)
:else false)))
(defmethod eval-tagged-literal 'ref
[[{:keys [tag form] :as tl} {:keys [cur-path cur-refs] :as env}]]
(let [[ks env] (expand form env)
v (get-in (:config env) ks)]
(if (seq (filter #(starts-with? % ks) cur-refs))
(do ;circular dependency
(println "WARNING: Unable to resolve" tl "at" cur-path)
[nil (assoc-in env (cons :config ks) nil)])
(let [[res env]
(expand v (-> env
(assoc :cur-path ks)
(update :cur-refs (fnil conj #{}) cur-path)))]
[res (assoc env :cur-refs cur-refs)]))))
(defmethod eval-tagged-literal 'or
[[{:keys [tag form] :as tl} env]]
(loop [s (seq form)]
(if-let [[x & more] s]
(let [[res env] (expand x env)]
(if res
[res env]
(recur more)))
[nil env])))
(defn expand-set-keys [m]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(if (set? k)
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 v) m k)
(assoc m k v)))
{} m))
(defn expand-case [case-value form env]
(let [set-keys-expanded (-> form
(update-keys #(first (expand %1 env)))
(expand (get set-keys-expanded case-value
(get set-keys-expanded :default))
(defmethod eval-tagged-literal 'profile
[[{:keys [tag form] :as tl} env]]
(expand-case (get-opts env :profile) form env))
(defmethod eval-tagged-literal 'hostname
[[{:keys [tag form] :as tl} env]]
(let [hostname (or (get-opts env :hostname)
(get-env "HOSTNAME"))]
(expand-case hostname form env)))
(defmethod eval-tagged-literal 'user
[[{:keys [tag form] :as tl} env]]
(let [user (or (get-opts env :user)
(get-env "USER"))]
(expand-case user form env)))
;;; ================================================================
;;; Core expand functionality
;; Result of inner has to return [val env]. And outer has to grab the
;; env, and insert the val into the structure.
;; env always contains the original config under :config.
(defn- update-path-fn [x]
(if (vector? x)
(fn [path idx] (conj path idx))
(defn- reduce-with-env
"Given f, returns an env transform that transforms env over
coll according to f, and returns [final-val env]."
[f init coll env]
(let [old-path (:cur-path env)
[init-path update-path] (if (vector? init)
[(conj old-path -1) #(conj (pop %) (inc (peek %)))]
[old-path identity])
[res env] (reduce
(fn [[res env] x]
(let [[val env] (f [x (update env :cur-path update-path)])]
[(conj res val) env]))
[init (assoc env :cur-path init-path)]
[res (assoc env :cur-path old-path)]))
(defn- map-entry-walk [inner k v env]
(let [old-path (:cur-path env)
[k-res env] (inner [k env])
[v-res env] (inner [v (update env :cur-path conj k-res)])]
[(clojure.lang.MapEntry/create k-res v-res) (assoc env :cur-path old-path)]))
(defn- map-with-env
"Don't use this with associative things, only lists and seqs."
[f coll env]
(let [step (fn step [s env]
(loop [res (), [x & more] s, env env]
(if x
(let [[val env] (f [x env])]
(recur (cons val res) more env))
[(reverse res) env])))]
(step coll env)))
(defn- walk-with-env
"Same as usual walk, except we carry an env around with us."
[inner outer [form env]]
(let [[res env]
(list? form) (outer (map-with-env inner form env))
(instance? clojure.lang.IMapEntry form)
(outer (map-entry-walk inner (key form) (val form) env))
(seq? form) (outer (map-with-env inner form env))
(instance? clojure.lang.IRecord form)
(outer (reduce-with-env inner form form env))
(coll? form) (reduce-with-env inner (empty form) form env)
:else (outer [form env]))]
(let [res (if (instance? clojure.lang.IObj res)
(with-meta res (merge (meta form) (meta res)))
[res env])))
(defn- prewalk-with-env [f [form env]]
;;(println "trace pwe: " form)
(walk-with-env (partial prewalk-with-env f) f [form env]))
(defn- expand-tl [[val {:keys [visited cur-path] :as env}]]
(if (tagged-literal? val)
(let [tag (:tag val)
form (:form val)]
(if-let [v (visited cur-path)]
[v env]
(let [[v env] (eval-tagged-literal [val env])]
[v (-> env
(update :visited conj [(:cur-path env) v]) ;caching path val
(assoc :cur-path cur-path))])))
[val env]))
(defn run-expand [config opts]
(expand config {:config config
:cur-path []
:visited {}
:opts opts}))
(defn expand
"config will be expanded according to the literal tags it contains.
env is a map for internal use, and contains the following keys:
:config the original unexpanded config value
:cur-path the path at the current point of expansion
:visited paths within config that already have been expanded
:opts the opions provided by read-config, given to reader multimethods."
([config env]
(prewalk-with-env expand-tl [config env])))
;;; ================================================================
;;; Reader functionality
(defn- realize-deferreds
(postwalk (fn [x] (if (instance? Deferred x) @(:delegate x) x)) config))
(defn- preserving-meta [f form]
(fn [x]
(let [res (f x)]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.IObj res)
(with-meta res (merge (meta form) (meta res)))
(defn- postwalk
"Same as walk/postwalk, but preserves meta."
[f form]
(walk/walk (partial postwalk f)
(preserving-meta f form)
(defn- ref-meta-to-tagged-literal
(fn [v]
(cond (tagged-literal? v)
(tagged-literal (:tag v) (ref-meta-to-tagged-literal (:form v)))
(contains? (meta v) :ref)
(tagged-literal 'ref v)
:else v))
(defn tagged-literal-map
(reduce-kv (fn [res tag _]
(assoc res tag (partial tagged-literal tag)))
{} (merge default-data-readers *data-readers*)))
(defn- read-pr-into-tagged-literal
(->> pr
{:eof nil
:readers (tagged-literal-map)
:default tagged-literal})
(defn- read-config-into-tagged-literal
(let [pr (-> source io/reader clojure.lang.LineNumberingPushbackReader.)]
(read-pr-into-tagged-literal pr))))
(defn read-config
"First argument is a string URL to the file. To read from the
current directory just put the file name. To read from the classpath
call on the string before passing it into
this function.
Optional second argument is a map that can include
the following keys:
:profile - indicates the profile to use for #profile extension
:user - manually set the user for the #user extension
:resolver - a function or map used to resolve includes."
([source] (read-config source {}))
([source opts]
(let [config (read-config-into-tagged-literal source)
opts (merge default-opts opts {:source source})]
(-> (first (run-expand config opts))
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