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Created October 20, 2016 13:52
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{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding (radius)
import Diagrams.Backend.PGF.CmdLine
import Data.List
--f x | x < -1 = x * sin x
-- | x < 0 = 5 * x
-- | x < 2 = x * (x + 2) * (x - 2)
-- | otherwise = 1
--specialf d = [ jumpLeft f (-1), (Corner,0), jumpLeft f 2 ] -- f
--g x | x < -1 = ((x + 2)^2+1)/2
-- | x < 2 = fromIntegral $ floor (-sin x) + 1
-- | x == 2 = 4
-- | otherwise = x*(x-2)*(x-3)
--specialg d = [ (Corner,-1), jumpRight g 0, (Removable (g (2-eps)),2) ] -- g
--h x | x < -2 = x * sin x + (2 + 2*sin(-2))
-- | x == -2 = 3
-- | x < 0 = -(x+2)
-- | otherwise = cos x
--specialh d = [ jumpRem h (-2), jumpLeft h 0 ]
-- s t = (64-16*(t-1)^2) / 6
f x | x < -2 = 5 * cos x
| x < -1 = -3*x-4
| x <= 1 = -abs (x+1/2) - (1/2)
| otherwise = sin (-4*x)
specialf d = [jumpLeft f (-2), jumpRight f 1]
--integrate eps f l h =
-- where
-- w = h - l
-- n = w / eps
-- is = [i | i <- [0..n-1]]
eps = 0.0001
radius = 0.10 :: Double
data Special
= JumpLeft Double
| JumpRight Double
| JumpRem Double Double
| Removable Double
| Corner
| Stop
| Hole (Double,Double)
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
jumpLeft :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> (Special, Double)
jumpLeft f x = (JumpLeft (f (x - eps)), x)
jumpRight :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> (Special, Double)
jumpRight f x = (JumpRight (f (x + eps)), x)
jumpRem f x = (JumpRem (f (x-eps)) (f (x+eps)), x)
-- Search for special points.
--special :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double, Double) -> [(Special, Double)]
getThree :: (Double,Double) -> Double -> Double -> (P2 Double,P2 Double,P2 Double)
getThree p@(x,y) y' y'' = (p2 p, p2 (x,y'), p2 (x,y''))
getTwo :: (Double,Double) -> Double -> (P2 Double,P2 Double)
getTwo p@(x,y) y' = (p2 p, p2 (x,y'))
getOne :: (Double,Double) -> P2 Double
getOne = p2
hole, closed :: Diagram B -> Diagram B
closed = fc black
hole = lwG (radius/2)
plotSpecial :: Special -> (Double, Double) -> Diagram B
plotSpecial (JumpLeft y) p = circle radius `place` p' # closed
<> circle radius `place` q' # hole
where (p',q') = getTwo p y
plotSpecial (JumpRight y) p = circle radius `place` p' # closed
<> circle radius `place` q' # hole
where (p',q') = getTwo p y
plotSpecial (JumpRem y y') p = circle radius `place` p' # closed
<> circle radius `place` q' # hole
<> circle radius `place` q'' # hole
where (p',q',q'') = getThree p y y'
plotSpecial (Removable y) p = circle radius `place` p' # closed
<> circle radius `place` q' # hole
where (p',q') = getTwo p y
plotSpecial Corner p = mempty -- circle radius `place` (getOne p) # closed
plotSpecial Stop p = circle radius `place` (getOne p) # closed
plotSpecial (Hole p) _ = circle radius `place` (getOne p) # hole
plotCont :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Diagram B
plotCont f (xl,xh) (yl,yh)
| w < 0 = mempty
| otherwise = cubicSpline False ps # sty
sty = lwG (radius / 2)
w = xh - xl -- - radius/2
f' = dfdx f
ps = [ p2 (x, f x)
| let al = atan (f' (xl + eps))
ah = atan (f' (xh - eps))
xl' = xl + radius * cos al
xh' = xh - radius * cos ah
, x <- step xl' (w/128) xh'
step l s h = go l
go x | x - h > 0 = [h]
| h - x < (s/2) = [h]
| otherwise = x : go (x + s)
glueAll :: (Floating n, Ord n, Metric v) => [Located (Trail' Line v n)] -> Located (Trail' Loop v n)
glueAll [] = error "Need at least one line"
glueAll ts@(t:_) = (glueLine . lineFromSegments . concatMap (lineSegments . unLoc) $ ts) `at` loc t
shadeBetween :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double -> Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Diagram B
shadeBetween f g (xl,xh) (yl,yh)
| w < 0 = mempty
| otherwise = sty . stroke . toPath $ glueAll
[ cubicSpline False (ps f)
, (xh ^& f xh) ~~ (xh ^& g xh)
, reverseLocLine $ cubicSpline False (ps g)
, (xl ^& g xl) ~~ (xl ^& f xl)
sty = lw none . fc silver -- lwG (radius / 2)
w = xh - xl
ps f = [ p2 (x, f x)
| x <- step xl (w/128) xh
step l s h = go l
go x | x - h > 0 = [h]
| h - x < (s/2) = [h]
| otherwise = x : go (x + s)
shade :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Diagram B
shade f (xl,xh) (yl,yh)
| w < 0 = mempty
| otherwise = sty . stroke . toPath $ glueAll
[ cubicSpline False ps
, (xh ^& f xh) ~~ (xh ^& 0 )
, (xh ^& 0 ) ~~ (xl ^& 0 )
, (xl ^& 0 ) ~~ (xl ^& f xl)
sty = lw none . fc silver -- lwG (radius / 2)
w = xh - xl
ps = [ p2 (x, f x)
| x <- step xl (w/128) xh
step l s h = go l
go x | x - h > 0 = [h]
| h - x < (s/2) = [h]
| otherwise = x : go (x + s)
-- plot :: (Double -> Double) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Diagram B
plot arrows f special d@(xl,xh) r@(yl,lh) = as <> mconcat specials <> mconcat ps
ss = special d
cs = zip<*>tail $ nub (xl : map snd ss ++ [xh])
ps = [plotCont f c r | c <- cs]
specials = [plotSpecial s p | (s,x) <- ss, let p = (x, f x)]
as | arrows = arrowl f xl <> arrowr f xh
| otherwise = mempty
arrowl, arrowr :: (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Diagram B
arrowl = arrowhead (triangleHead # rotate ( 90 @@ deg))
arrowr = arrowhead (triangleHead # rotate (-90 @@ deg))
triangleHead = triangle (radius*2) # fc black # translateY (-radius) # scaleX 0.5
arrowhead :: Diagram B -> (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Diagram B
arrowhead s f x = s # fc black # rotate (a @@ rad) # moveTo (p2 (x, f x))
a = atan (f' x)
f' = dfdx f
dfdx f x = (f (x + 0.0000001) - f x) / 0.0000001
axes :: (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) -> Diagram B
axes (xl,xh) (yl,yh) = v1 ~~ v2 # sty
<> h1 ~~ h2 # sty
<> mconcat hts
<> mconcat vts
<> labels # fontSize 8
<> as
v1 = p2 (0,yl)
v2 = p2 (0,yh)
h1 = p2 (xl,0)
h2 = p2 (xh,0)
sty = lwG (radius / 4)
r = radius
as = (triangleHead # rotateBy (1/4)) `place` p2 (xl,0)
<> (triangleHead # rotateBy (1/4) # reflectX) `place` p2 (xh,0)
<> (triangleHead # reflectY) `place` p2 (0,yl)
<> triangleHead `place` p2 (0,yh)
hts = [p2 (-r,y) ~~ p2 (r,y) # sty | y <- [yl+1..yh-1] \\ [0]]
vts = [p2 (x,-r) ~~ p2 (x,r) # sty | x <- [xl+1..xh-1] \\ [0]]
labels = mempty
-- text "12" `place` p2 (12, -1.1)
-- <> text "$x=40-6y^2-y^3$" `place` p2 ( 8, 3)
-- <> text "$x=y^3-26y+10$" `place` p2 (-7,-4)
labelsS = text "1" `place` p2 (1, -0.5)
<> text "3" `place` p2 (3, -0.5)
<> text "64" `place` p2 (-0.5, 64/6)
<> text "32" `place` p2 (-0.5, 32/6)
-- main = mainWith ((plot True f specialf (-2.5,3) (-4,4) <> axes (-4,4) (-4,4)) # centerXY # pad 1.1)
main = mainWith ((plot True f specialf (-5.75,5.75) (-6,6) <> axes (-6,6) (-6,6)) # centerXY # pad 1.1)
-- main = mainWith ((plot g specialg (-6,4) (-10,10) <> axes (-10,10) (-10,10)) # centerXY # pad 1.1)
-- main = mainWith ((plot h specialh (-10,10) (-10,10) <> axes (-10,10) (-10,10)) # centerXY # pad 1.1)
-- main = mainWith ((plot s (const []) (0,3) (-1,64/6) <> axes (-1,4) (-1,72/6)) # centerXY # pad 1.1)
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