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Created November 8, 2014 19:18
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Tests for `arcDCCW` and `arcDCW`
import Control.Monad
import Diagrams.Coordinates
import Diagrams.BoundingBox
-- import Diagrams.Backend.Postscript.CmdLine
-- import Diagrams.Backend.SVG.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.CmdLine
import Diagrams.Backend.CmdLine
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split
-- > [1,2,3,4,5,6,...]
-- Wrap after 'n' elements into a new row.
-- > [ [1,2,3]
-- > , [4,5,6]
-- > , ...
-- > ]
type DB b = D (V b) (N b)
tableOf :: Int -> [Diagram B] -> Diagram B
tableOf = tableOf' def
tableOf' :: CatOpts (N B) -> Int -> [Diagram B] -> Diagram B
tableOf' opts n ds = vcat' opts
(map (hcat' opts) [[sized w h d | (w,d) <- zip widths row] | (h,row) <- zip heights rows])
rows = chunksOf n ds
cols = transpose rows
heights = map (abs . (^._y) . boxExtents . boundingBox) rows
widths = map (abs . (^._x) . boxExtents . boundingBox) cols
sized ((/2)->w) ((/2)->h) = centerXY . withEnvelope (fromPoints [(-w) ^& (-h), (w ^& h)]) . centerXY
half = (/2)
tests :: V2 (N B) -> [(String,Diagram B)]
tests start
= [ (name, pad 1.1 . centerXY $ tableOf' (with & sep.~0.1) 4 (generate test))
| (test,name) <- [ (diaCCW, "DCCW")
, (diaCW, "DCW")
vectors u v = arrowBetween 0 (0 .+^ u) # lc red
<> arrowBetween 0 (0 .+^ v) # lc green
diaCCW u v = arcDCCW (direction u) (direction v) # strokeLocTrail <> vectors u v
diaCW u v = arcDCW (direction u) (direction v) # strokeLocTrail <> vectors u v
generate test =
[ withEnvelope (circle 1 :: DB B) $ test start (f start)
| f <- map (rotate . (@@ turn) . (/16) . fromIntegral) [0..15]
-- main = mainWith (tests unitX)
-- Rasterific
main = gifMain [(bg white . snd . last $ tests (f unitX), 4)
| f <- map (rotate . (@@ turn) . (/32) . fromIntegral) [0..31]
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