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Last active September 19, 2019 19:56
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Polka Typescript definitions
* Potential candidate for @types/polka.
// Type definitions for polka 1.0.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Freek Zijlmans <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 3.0
/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="trouter" />
import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http';
import { Server } from 'net'
import Trouter from 'trouter';
declare function polka(options?: polka.Options): polka.Polka;
declare namespace polka {
type NextHandler = (err?: Error | string) => void;
type RequestHandler = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next?: NextHandler) => void;
type Middleware = Polka | RequestHandler;
type ErrorHandler = (err: Error | string, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next: NextHandler) => void;
interface Options {
onError?: ErrorHandler;
onNoMatch?: RequestHandler;
server?: typeof Server;
interface URLDescription {
_raw: string;
href: string;
path: string;
pathname: string;
query: string | null;
search: string | null;
interface Polka extends Trouter<RequestHandler> {
readonly server: typeof Server;
readonly wares: RequestHandler[];
readonly onError: ErrorHandler;
readonly onNoMatch: RequestHandler;
attach: (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void;
parse: (req: IncomingMessage) => URLDescription | void;
use(...handlers: Middleware[]): this;
use(pattern: string, ...handlers: Middleware[]): this;
readonly handler: RequestHandler
listen: Server['listen'];
export = polka;
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lukeed commented Mar 28, 2019

Overlooked some things~

  1. A true next handler receives a string or Error. You have this correctly defined in your RequestHandler type, but for clarity, it should be extracted as its own NextHandler type.

    // new NextHandler
    type NextHandler = (err?: Error | string) => void;
    // updated RequestHandler – "next" is always optional
    type RequestHandler = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next?: NextHandler) => void;
  2. That means the existing NextHandler should be renamed, probably to PolkaOrHandler? And it should only be for use() methods.

  3. Polka itself only accepts a RequestHandler (the new one, from #1)

    export class Polka extends Trouter<RequestHandler> {
      // ...
  4. In the new Polka, the 3rd argument is no longer info. Instead, it's now also an optional next? arg:

    handler(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next?: NextHandler) => void;

    Is there any way to say handler = RequestHandler? Because the signature is the same

  5. The onNoMatch handler is just a regular RequestHandler (the new one)

import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse, Server } from 'http';
import Trouter from 'trouter';

declare function polka(options?: polka.Options): polka.Polka;

declare namespace polka {
	type NextHandler = (err?: Error | string) => void;
	type RequestHandler = (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next?: NextHandler) => void;

	type UseHandler = RequestHandler | Polka;
	type ErrorHandler = (err: Error | string, req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next?: NextHandler) => void;

	interface Options {
		onError?: ErrorHandler;
		onNoMatch?: RequestHandler;
		server?: typeof Server;

	interface URLDescription {
		path: string;
		pathname: string;
		query: string | null;
		search: string | null;
		href: string;
		_raw: string;

	export class Polka extends Trouter<RequestHandler> {
		readonly server: typeof Server;
		readonly wares: RequestHandler[];
		readonly onError: ErrorHandler;
		readonly onNoMatch: RequestHandler;

		parse: (req: IncomingMessage) => URLDescription | void;

		use(...handlers: UseHandler[]): this;
		use(pattern: string, ...handlers: UseHandler[]): this;

		attach: (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => void;
		handler(req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse, next?: NextHandler): void;

		listen(port: number, callback?: (err?: Error) => void): this;
		listen(port: number, hostname: string, callback?: (err?: Error) => void): this;

export = polka

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lukeed commented May 2, 2019

Hey hey 👋

Checking in to let you know that wares has been removed

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