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Created May 23, 2017 07:41
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Javascript's Console functions in Swift.
// Fuck it.
private func makeString(prefix: String? = nil, values: [Any]) -> String {
var str = prefix ?? ""
for val in values {
str += "\(val) "
return str
public final class Console {
private var timesTable: [String : CFTimeInterval] = [:]
private var labels: [String : Int] = [:]
func log(_ vals: Any...) -> Self {
print(makeString(values: vals))
return self
func count(_ label: String) -> Self {
if let count = labels[label] {
labels[label] = count + 1
print("\(label): \(count + 1)")
else {
labels[label] = 1
print("\(label): 1")
return self
func info(_ vals: Any...) -> Self {
print(makeString(prefix: "ℹ️", values: vals))
return self
func warn(_ vals: Any...) -> Self {
print(makeString(prefix: "⚠️", values: vals))
return self
func error(_ vals: Any...) -> Self {
print(makeString(prefix: "🛑", values: vals))
return self
func time(_ label: String) -> Self {
timesTable[label] = CACurrentMediaTime()
return self
func timeEnd(_ label: String) -> Self {
if let time = timesTable[label] {
let now = CACurrentMediaTime()
print("🕐 \(now - time)")
return self
public let console = Console()
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