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Last active April 12, 2024 12:39
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import {KafkaConsumer} from "./kafkaConsumer";
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
export class ServiceConsumer{
private kafkaConsumer: KafkaConsumer;
//Create the Kafka consumer instance and subscribe to the topics
this.kafkaConsumer = new KafkaConsumer([
], 'serviceGroupRelatedId'); //Use something like 'paymentsServiceGroup' or 'com.yourdomain.paymentsServiceGroup'
//Bind the processMessage method to the class
this.processMessage = this.processMessage.bind(this);
//Start consuming messages
//Message processor callback.
async processMessage(message: {value: {data: any, user: {id: string, role: string}} | Buffer, key: string | Buffer}, topic: string){
if(!message || !message.value){
//This logic depends on how you want to handle malformed messages
//You can log the error and return false, throw an error to kill the process or send a message to a dead-letter queue
throw new Error('Missing payload');
//The message consists of a key and a value. The value is the actual payload. Check the producer to see how the message is being created.
//The payload contains two properties: data and user.
//In this example if message is a Buffer, we're throwing an error.
//This logic depends on how you want to handle malformed messages
if (message.value instanceof Buffer) {
throw new Error('Invalid message format');
//Remember, the data comes in string format
const {data, user} = JSON.parse(message.value);
if(!data || !user){
//This logic depends on how you want to handle malformed messages
//You can log the error and return false, throw an error to kill the process or send a message to a dead-letter queue
throw new Error('Missing data in provided payload');
//Perform user authentication here
//In this example, the user data provided is in JWT format, so you can decode it using a JWT library
//It is always useful to verify the identity of the user that has produced the message, to prevent unauthorized messages from being processed.
const userData = jwt.verify(user, process.env.JWT_KEY!);
if (!userData || ! || !userData.role) {
//This logic depends on how you want to handle unauthorized messages
//You can log the error and return false, throw an error to kill the process or send a message to a dead-letter queue
throw new Error('Unauthorized user');
let response: boolean = false;
switch (topic) {
case "topic1":
//Your service-related logic here to process topic 1
case "topic2":
//Your service-related logic here to process topic 2
//We're returning false if the message was not processed successfully.
return response;
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