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Created April 13, 2017 12:27
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Work in progress
Pull build versions into PSObjects from the super-useful
#$Blog = Invoke-WebRequest
$TablesHtml = [regex]::Matches(
'<table .+?>\n' +
'<tr><th>Build<th class=h>SQLSERVR.EXE Build<th>File version<th class=h>Q<th class=h>KB<th width=580>KB / Description<th width=125>Release Date</tr>' +
'.+?' +
) | select -ExpandProperty Value
$Tables = @()
foreach ($TableHtml in $TablesHtml) {
$Rows = [regex]::Matches(
) | select -ExpandProperty Value
$HeaderRow = $Rows[0]
$Rows = $Rows | select -Skip 1
$Headers = [regex]::Matches(
) | foreach {
#$Output = @()
foreach ($Row in $Rows[1..11]) {
$Properties = `
) | foreach {
$_.Value -replace '^(<td.*?>)'
$Obj = New-Object psobject -Property @{
Build = $Properties[0];
FileVersion = $Properties[1];
Q = $Properties[2];
KB = $Properties[3];
KBDescription = $Properties[4];
ReleaseDate = $Properties[5];
$Tables += $Obj
$Tables | ft
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