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Last active July 8, 2022 11:36
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FM Sorting Column Headers

WARNING: in development

Togles sort order for a given column in current layout, with one click alternate sort order

Warning: this is pure experimentation and, as usual with FileMaker, a really ridiculous-complex workaround for a simple basic functionality. But, you know what…

# togles sort order for a given column in current layout

# created by 2021

# dependencies:
	(CF) Split()
	(PLUGIN) BaseElements +4.1
# expected parameter
# { field : fablename::fieldname }

Set Variable [ $PARAMS; Value:Get(ScriptParameter) ]
Set Variable [ $TABLE; Value:GetValue ( Split ( $PARAMS ; "::" ) ; 1 ) ]
Set Variable [ $FIELD; Value:GetValue ( Split ( $PARAMS ; "::" ) ; 2 ) ]
Set Variable [ $SORT_MODE ]
If [ Get(SortState)<>0 ]
    #some sorting present... get it generating a fm snapshot link file (let me know about some better hack) 
    Set Variable [ $PATH; Value:Get(TemporaryPath) & Get(UUID) & ".fmpsl" ]
    Save Records as Snapshot Link [ File Name: “$PATH”; Create folders:No; Records being browsed ]
    Set Variable [ $FILE ]
    Set Variable [ $FILE_EXISTS ] 
    Set Variable [ $SIZE ]
    Set Variable [ $FILE_ID ]
    Set Variable [ $DATA ]
    Get File Exists [ “$PATH” ; Target: $FILE_EXISTS ] 
    If [ $FILE_EXISTS ]
        Open Data File [ “$PATH” ; Target: $FILE_ID ]
        Get File Size [ “$PATH” ; Target: $SIZE ]
        Read from Data File [ File ID: $FILE_ID ; Amount (bytes): $SIZE ; Target: $DATA ; Read as: UTF-8 ] Close Data File [ File ID: $FILE_ID ]
        Show Custom Dialog [ 
            Title: "ERROR";
            Message: "File " & $PATH & " doesn't exists"; 
            Default Button: “OK”, 
            Commit: “Yes” ]
        Exit Script [ Result: 0 ]
    End If

    Set Variable [ 
            Value:BE_XPath( $$DATA ; "//Sort[ (PrimaryField/Field/@name=" & Quote($FIELD) & ") and (PrimaryField/Field/@table=" & Quote($TABLE) & ") ]/@type" )

    # temporary debug
    Set Variable [ $$DATA; Value:$DATA ]

    # check if current clicked column header (field name) is in the sort list
    Set Variable [ 
        Value: Case( $SORT_ORDER = "Ascending"; "Descending" ; "Ascending") ] 
        Sort Records [ ]
End If
  • Multicolumn sorting
  • Multicolumn & reverse mixin
  • Rest
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