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Created January 24, 2022 13:11
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import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Tools to manage pseudo-binary data.
* A pseudo-binary data, or ''pseudobin''. Is a (almost) readable binary
* format. It is not as optimized of pure binary format, but it is
* easier to analyse and more optimized than the fully readable formats
* like JSON, CSV, or XML. pseudobin is designed to be a predictable
* format.
* Features
* - Numbers are readable
* - Booleans are readable
* - Strings are prefixed by its size
* - Arrays are prefixed by the number of elements
* - Nullable value is prefixed by an flag indicating if value is
* present
* Limitations
* - The space reserved for numbers allows to represent them with
* their sign if they are negative. But there a risk that in this
* space you have a non valid numbers. For example, short integers
* are represented over 6 characters. But, if you have `999999`,
* this will produce an exception during the deserialization.
object pseudobin {
* Serialization/deserialization tool for pseudobin.
* In the companion object some serdes are declared:
* - Integers: `INT`, `SHORT`, `LONG`
* - Real: `DOUBLE`
* - `STRING`
* - Parameterized: `ARRAY` (for List), `NULLABLE` (for Option)
* To create an serde instance from a parameterized serde, you have to
* provide the serde of the underlying type. Eg. `ARRAY(INT)` creates
* a serde instance for `List[Int]`.
* If you want a serde for a case class, you have to create a
* companion object for your case class and create an instance of
* serde. For example
* {{{
* case class Message(content: String, criticality: Int)
* object Message {
* val serde: PseudobinSerde[Message] = new PseudobinSerde {
* override def toPseudobin(value: Message): String =
* STRING.toPseudobin(value.content) + INT.toPseudobin(value.criticality)
* override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(A, Input)] =
* for {
* (content, input1) <- STRING.fromPseudoBin(data)
* (criticality, input2) <- INT.fromPseudoBin(input1)
* } yield (Message(content, criticality), input2)
* }
* }
* }}}
* Then, when you run `Message.serde.toPseudobin(Message("hello",
* 1))`, you get (where `.` is used in place of space character)
* {{{
* ".....5hello..........1"
* }}}
trait PseudobinSerde[A] {
def toPseudobin(value: A): String
def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(A, Input)]
def fromPseudobin(data: String): Try[(A, Input)] = fromPseudobin(Input(data, 0))
object PseudobinSerde {
object INT extends PseudobinSerde[Int] {
val size = 11
override def toPseudobin(value: Int): String = leftPad(value.toString, size, " ")
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(Int, Input)] =
for {
raw <- Try(data.get(size))
value <- Try(raw.trim.toInt)
} yield (value, data.advance(size))
object SHORT extends PseudobinSerde[Short] {
val size = 6
override def toPseudobin(value: Short): String = leftPad(value.toString, size, " ")
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(Short, Input)] =
for {
raw <- Try(data.get(size))
value <- Try(raw.trim.toShort)
} yield (value, data.advance(size))
object LONG extends PseudobinSerde[Long] {
val size = 20
override def toPseudobin(value: Long): String = leftPad(value.toString, size, " ")
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(Long, Input)] =
for {
raw <- Try(data.get(size))
value <- Try(raw.trim.toLong)
} yield (value, data.advance(size))
object DOUBLE extends PseudobinSerde[Double] {
val size = 24
override def toPseudobin(value: Double): String = leftPad(value.toString, size, " ")
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(Double, Input)] =
for {
raw <- Try(data.get(size))
value <- Try(raw.trim.toDouble)
} yield (value, data.advance(size))
object BOOLEAN extends PseudobinSerde[Boolean] {
val size = 5
override def toPseudobin(value: Boolean): String = {
val raw = if (value) "true" else "false"
leftPad(raw, size, " ")
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(Boolean, Input)] =
for {
raw <- Try(data.get(size))
value <-
raw.trim match {
case "true" => Success(true)
case "false" => Success(false)
case raw => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Boolean should be true or false. Got: $raw"))
} yield (value, data.advance(size))
object STRING extends PseudobinSerde[String] {
override def toPseudobin(data: String): String = {
val size = data.length.toShort
SHORT.toPseudobin(size) + data
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(String, Input)] =
for {
(size, newInput) <- SHORT.fromPseudobin(data)
raw <- Try(newInput.get(size))
} yield (raw, newInput.advance(size))
class ARRAY[A](serde: PseudobinSerde[A]) extends PseudobinSerde[List[A]] {
override def toPseudobin(value: List[A]): String = {
val size = value.length.toShort
SHORT.toPseudobin(size) +"")
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(List[A], Input)] =
for {
(size, newInput) <- SHORT.fromPseudobin(data)
result <-
(0 until size).foldLeft(Try((List.empty[A], newInput))) {
case (Success((array, input)), index) =>
for {
(value, nextInput) <- serde.fromPseudobin(input)
} yield (array :+ value, nextInput)
case (f @ Failure(_), _) => f
} yield result
object ARRAY {
def apply[A](serde: PseudobinSerde[A]): PseudobinSerde[List[A]] = new ARRAY(serde)
class NULLABLE[A](serde: PseudobinSerde[A]) extends PseudobinSerde[Option[A]] {
override def toPseudobin(value: Option[A]): String =
value match {
case None => "0"
case Some(v) => "1" + serde.toPseudobin(v)
override def fromPseudobin(data: Input): Try[(Option[A], Input)] =
for {
(indicator, newInput) <- Try((data.get(1), data.advance(1)))
result <-
indicator match {
case "0" => Success(Option.empty[A], newInput)
case "1" => serde.fromPseudobin(newInput).map { case (v, i) => (Option(v), i) }
case raw =>
Failure(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Nullable value should have indicator to 0 or 1. Got: $raw"))
} yield result
object NULLABLE {
def apply[A](serde: PseudobinSerde[A]): PseudobinSerde[Option[A]] = new NULLABLE(serde)
* Represent input data during a deserialization process.
* @param data
* data to deserialize
* @param offset
* current offset in the data to deserialize
case class Input(data: String, offset: Int) {
* Move current location in data forward.
* @param n
* number of characters to move current location over
def advance(n: Int): Input = copy(offset = offset + n)
* Get the `n` following characters in the input.
* @param n
* number of character to extract
* @return
* a subset of the data
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
* when `n` is bigger than the count of remaining characters.
def get(n: Int): String = data.substring(offset, offset + n)
def leftPad(s: String, toSize: Int, pattern: String): String =
if (toSize < s.length) s
else {
val delta = toSize - s.length
val count = delta / pattern.length
val padding = pattern * count
val remaining = delta % pattern.length
padding + pattern.substring(pattern.length - remaining) + s
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