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Forked from codeninja/openOrderMonitor.js
Last active July 20, 2018 17:34
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Node JS Script to check Binance for open orders and notify when they are filled.
// This script will monitor your open orders on Binance.
// You'll get alerted (in Terminal and via voice prompt) when an order changes status (e,g, filled, canceled).
// Save locally, add your api key, and run with "node <script name>" in Terminal.
// If you don't have node installed:
// brew install node
// Install other packages used:
// npm i requirejs binance-api-node say dateformat
binanceNode = require('binance-api-node')["default"];
const api = binanceNode({apiKey: '*****', apiSecret: '****'});
const say = require('say'); // for voice prompts
const df = require('dateformat'); // for human-readable time stamps
var frequency = 60*1000; // 60 secs - frequency at which to update orders
var orders = {};
var openOrders = async function(){
// api query wrapped in try/catch to prevent crashing
try {
var res = await api.openOrders();
} catch (err) {
console.log('ERROR in openOrders, trying again:', err);
setTimeout(openOrders, frequency); // retry
return false;
for( i in res){
// save the open order that we
var order = res[i];
var orderId = order['orderId'];
if (!(orderId in orders)) {
orders[orderId] = order;
// check back in 'frequency' seconds, offsetting each order by 1/10 sec to avoid rate limits
setTimeout(checkOrderStatus, frequency+i*100, orderId);
console.log(df(new Date(), 'HH:MM:ss.l'), '---', Object.keys(orders).length, 'orders');
// recheck our open orders every n seconds
setTimeout(openOrders, frequency);
// updates an order and notifies when it's status changes.
var checkOrderStatus = async function(orderId){
var o = orders[orderId];
// api query wrapped in try/catch to prevent crashing
try {
var res = await api.getOrder({symbol:o['symbol'], orderId: orderId});
} catch (err) {
console.log('ERROR in checkOrderStatus, trying again:', err);
setTimeout(checkOrderStatus, frequency, orderId); // retry
return false;
// alert if our status has changed.
if(res['status'] != o['status']){
say.speak('buynance order '+res['status']);
console.log(res['status'], '---', o['orderId'], o['side'], o['origQty'], o['symbol'], 'at', o['price'])
o[orderId] = res;
// call ourselves in 10 more seconds if the status isn't filled
if(res['status'].includes('NEW', "PARTIALLY_FILLED")){
setTimeout(checkOrderStatus, frequency, orderId)
} else {
delete orders[orderId]
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