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Last active April 3, 2017 17:37
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  • Save fschutt/9a728d55f0d347ca5172be37390738b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fschutt/9a728d55f0d347ca5172be37390738b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap
%%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit)
%%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit)
%%BeginResource: CMap (Adobe-Identity-UCS)
%%Title: (Adobe-Identity-UCS Adobe Identity 0)
%%Version: 1
/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
3 dict dup begin
/Registry (Adobe) def
/Ordering (Identity) def
/Supplement 0 def
end def
/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
/CMapVersion 1 def
/CMapType 0 def
/WMode 0 def
2 begincodespacerange
<20> <20>
<0000> <19FF>
1469 begincidchar
<20> 1469
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
<< /Registry (FontSpecific)
/Ordering ({0})
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /FontSpecific-{0} def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
<0000> <FFFF>
1 beginbfchar
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
//! Crate for exporting a map to a PDF
extern crate lopdf;
extern crate unicode_normalization as unic;
extern crate lcms2;
extern crate freetype as ft;
use lopdf::{Document, Object, ObjectId, Dictionary, Stream, StringFormat};
use lopdf::content::{Content, Operation};
use Object::*;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::str;
use std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use lcms2::*;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::string::String;
use ft::tt_os2::TrueTypeOS2Table;
/// Converts millimeter into points
macro_rules! pt {
($mm: expr) => ($mm * 2.834646);
/// Document used for creating PDF map documents
pub struct MapDocument {
doc: Document,
catalog: Dictionary,
pages: Dictionary,
page: Dictionary,
content: Vec<Content>, /* TODO: content should be a vector of layers */
resources: Dictionary,
objects: Vec<Object>,
fonts: HashMap<String, Dictionary>,
width_pt: f64,
height_pt: f64,
// Examples of how points, lines and Polygons may be structured
// The line has a boolean value to indicate if the next point should use arcTo instead of lineTo
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Point { x: f64, y: f64 }
pub struct Line { points: Vec<(Point, bool)> }
pub struct Polygon { lines: Vec<Line> }
impl PartialEq for Point {
// custom compare function because of floating point inaccuracy
fn eq(&self, other: &Point) -> bool {
if self.x.is_normal() && other.x.is_normal() &&
self.y.is_normal() && other.y.is_normal() {
// four floating point numbers have to match
let x_eq = (self.x * 1000.0).round() == (other.x * 1000.0).round();
if !x_eq { return false; }
let y_eq = (self.y * 1000.0).round() == (other.y * 1000.0).round();
if y_eq { return true; }
return false;
/// CMYK color
pub struct CMYK{ c: f64, m: f64, y: f64, k: f64, }
impl MapDocument {
//----------------- LEVEL 1 ABSTRATION OVER IOPDF ----------------//
/// Create a new document with one page
pub fn new(width: u32, height: u32, icc_path: &str) -> Result<MapDocument, std::io::Error> {
let width_f_mm = width as f64;
let height_f_mm = height as f64;
let mut doc = Document::new();
doc.version = "1.4".to_string();
// Create the necessary dictionaries
// They can be pushed to and queried - they are only written to the document object on save
let pages = Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("Type", "Pages".into()),
("Count", 1.into()),
("MediaBox", vec![0.into(), 0.into(), pt!(width_f_mm).into(), pt!(height_f_mm).into()].into()),
/* Kids and Resources missing */
let catalog = Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("Type", "Catalog".into()),
("PageLayout", "OneColumn".into()),
("PageMode", "Use0".into()),
let page = Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("Type", "Page".into()),
let objects = Vec::<Object>::new();
let mut content = Vec::<Content>::new();
content.push( Content{ operations: Vec::<Operation>::new()} );
content[0].operations.push(Operation::new("cs", vec![Name("ISOcoated_v2_300_eci".into())] ));
content[0].operations.push(Operation::new("CS", vec![Name("ISOcoated_v2_300_eci".into())] ));
// Start embedding color profile in resources
let mut icc_ref: std::option::Option<Object> = None;
if let Ok(mut icc_profile_file_handle) = File::open(icc_path){
let mut icc_buf = Vec::<u8>::new();
if let Ok(_) = icc_profile_file_handle.read_to_end(&mut icc_buf){
let icc = Stream::new(Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("N", Integer(4)).into(),
("Alternate", Name("DeviceCMYK".into())).into(),
("Length", Integer(icc_buf.len() as i64).into())]),
icc_ref = Some(Reference(doc.add_object(Stream(icc))));
let mut resources = Dictionary::new();
if let Some(icc_reference) = icc_ref {
resources = Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("ColorSpace", Dictionary(Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
/*sRGB Gray*/
("DefaultGray", Array(vec![
Name("CalGray".into()), Dictionary(Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("WhitePoint", Array(vec![Real(0.9505), Integer(1), Real(1.089)])),
("Gamma", Real(2.2)),
("DefaultRGB", Array(vec![
Name("CalRGB".into()), Dictionary(Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("WhitePoint", Array(vec![Real(0.9505), Integer(1), Real(1.089)])),
("Matrix", Array(vec![Real(0.4124), Real(0.2126), Real(0.0193),
Real(0.3576), Real(0.7152), Real(0.1192),
Real(0.1805), Real(0.0722), Real(0.9505),])),
("Gamma", Array(vec![Real(2.2), Real(2.2), Real(2.2)])),
/*usually ISO Coated v2 300 ECI*/
("ISOcoated_v2_300_eci", Array(vec![Name("ICCBased".into()), icc_reference])),
} else {
println!("WARNING: Could not embed color profile");
// End embedding color profile into resources
Ok(MapDocument {
doc: doc,
pages: pages,
content: content,
catalog: catalog,
page: page,
resources: resources,
objects: objects,
fonts: HashMap::<String, Dictionary>::new(),
width_pt: pt!(width_f_mm),
height_pt: pt!(height_f_mm),
/// Saves a MapDocument while writing all the necessary objects
pub fn save_map(mut self, path: &str) {
// Write root element
let start = self.doc.new_object_id();
self.catalog.set("Pages", Reference(start));"Parent", Reference(start));
// Write layers
let content_id = self.doc.add_object(Stream::new(Dictionary::new(), self.content[0].encode().unwrap()));<String, Object>("Contents".into(), vec![Reference(content_id)].into());
// Create font dictionary
let mut font_dict_inner = Dictionary::new();
for (key, val) in self.fonts {
font_dict_inner.set(key, Reference(self.doc.add_object(val)));
self.resources.set::<String, Dictionary>("Font".into(), font_dict_inner);
self.pages.set::<String, Dictionary>("Resources".into(), self.resources);
// Write page
let page_id = self.doc.add_object(;
self.pages.set::<String, Object>("Kids".into(), vec![Reference(page_id)].into());
self.doc.objects.insert(start, Object::Dictionary(self.pages));
let catalog_id = self.doc.add_object(self.catalog);
self.doc.trailer.set("Root", Reference(catalog_id));
/// Writes a free object into the PDF. Resources cannot be referenced or reused,
/// they are "final content"
pub fn add_object(&mut self, d: Dictionary) -> ObjectId {
let object_id = self.doc.add_object(d);
/// Takes a vector of graphical operations and pushes it into self.content
pub fn push(&mut self, key: &str, value: Vec<Object>){
self.content[0].operations.push(Operation::new(key, value));
/// Takes a font and embeds it into the document as a resource
/// The font can later be referred to it by the "nice name"
pub fn add_ttf(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<String, std::io::Error>{
// Load font
let mut font_buf = Vec::<u8>::new();
let mut font_file = File::open(path)?;
let _ = font_file.read_to_end(&mut font_buf);
let font_buf_ref: Box<[u8]> = font_buf.into_boxed_slice();
let library = ft::Library::init().unwrap();
let face = library.new_memory_face(&*font_buf_ref, 0).unwrap();
// Extract basic font information
// TODO: return specific error when returning
let face_name = face.postscript_name().unwrap();
let face_metrics = face.size_metrics().unwrap();
let font_stream = Stream::new(
/*("Length1", Integer(font_buf_ref.len() as i64)),*/
("Subtype", Name("CIDFontType0C".into())),
// Begin setting required font attributes
let mut font_vec: Vec<(String, Object)> = vec![
("Type".into(), Name("Font".into())),
("Subtype".into(), Name("Type0".into())),
("BaseFont".into(), Name(face_name.clone())),
("Encoding".into(), Name("Identity-H".into())),
let mut font_descriptor_vec: Vec<(String, Object)> = vec![
("Type".into(), Name("FontDescriptor".into())),
("FontName".into(), Name(face_name.clone())),
("Ascent".into(), Integer(face_metrics.ascender)),
("Descent".into(), Integer(face_metrics.descender)),
("CapHeight".into(), Integer(face_metrics.ascender)),
("ItalicAngle".into(), Integer(0)),
("Flags".into(), Integer(32)),
("StemV".into(), Integer(80)),
// End setting required font arguments
let mut max_height = 0; // Maximum height of the font
let mut total_width = 0; // Total width of all characters
let mut widths = Vec::<Object>::new(); // Widths of the individual characters
let mut cmap = BTreeMap::<u32, (u32, u32)>::new(); // Glyph IDs - (Unicode IDs - character width)
cmap.insert(0, (0, 1000));
for unicode in 0x0000..0xffff {
let glyph_id = face.get_char_index(unicode);
if glyph_id != 0 {
// this should not fail - if we can get the glyph id, we can get the glyph itself
if face.load_glyph(glyph_id, ft::face::NO_SCALE).is_ok() {
let glyph_slot = face.glyph();
let glyph_metrics = glyph_slot.metrics();
if glyph_metrics.height > max_height{
max_height = glyph_metrics.height;
total_width += glyph_metrics.width;
cmap.insert(glyph_id, (unicode as u32, glyph_metrics.width as u32));
// Maps the character index to a unicode value
// Add this to the "ToUnicode" dictionary
// To explain this structure: Glyph IDs have to be in segments where the first byte of the
// first and last element have to be the same. A range from 0x1000 - 0x10FF is valid
// but a range from 0x1000 - 0x12FF is not (0x10 != 0x12)
// Plus, the maximum number of Glyph-IDs in one range is 100
// Since the glyph IDs are sequential, all we really have to do is to enumerate the vector
// and create buckets of 100 / rest to 256 if needed
let mut cid_to_unicode_map = format!(include_str!("gid_to_unicode_beg.txt"), face_name.clone());
let mut cur_block_id: u32 = 0; // ID of the block, to be used it {} beginbfchar
let mut cur_first_bit: u16 = 0_u16; // current first bit of the glyph id (0x10 or 0x12) for example
let mut last_block_begin: u32 = 0; // glyph ID of the start of the current block,
// to satisfy the "less than 100 entries per block" rule
for (glyph_id, unicode_width_tuple) in cmap.iter() {
if (*glyph_id >> 8) as u16 != cur_first_bit || *glyph_id > last_block_begin + 100 {
cur_block_id += 1;
last_block_begin = *glyph_id;
cur_first_bit = (*glyph_id >> 8) as u16;
cid_to_unicode_map.push_str(format!("{} beginbfchar\r\n", cur_block_id).as_str());
let unicode = unicode_width_tuple.0;
let width = unicode_width_tuple.1;
cid_to_unicode_map.push_str(format!("<{:04x}> <{:04x}>\n", glyph_id, unicode).as_str());
widths.push(Integer(width as i64));
if cmap.len() % 256 != 0 || cmap.len() % 100 != 0 {
let cid_to_unicode_map_stream = Stream::new(Dictionary::new(), cid_to_unicode_map.as_bytes().to_vec());
let mut desc_fonts = Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("Type", Name("Font".into())),
("Subtype", Name("CIDFontType0".into())),
("BaseFont", Name(face_name.clone().into())),
("W", Array(vec![Integer(1), Array(widths)])),
("CIDSystemInfo", Dictionary(Dictionary::from_iter(vec![
("Registry", String("Adobe".into(), StringFormat::Literal)),
("Ordering", String("Identity".into(), StringFormat::Literal)),
("Supplement", Integer(0)),
/*("CIDToGIDMap", Reference(*cid_system_info_id)),*/
let font_bbox = vec![ Integer(0), Integer(max_height), Integer(total_width), Integer(max_height) ];
font_descriptor_vec.push(("FontBBox".into(), Array(font_bbox)));
let font_stream_id = &self.doc.add_object(font_stream);
font_descriptor_vec.push(("FontFile3".into(), Reference(*font_stream_id)));
// Create dictionaries and add to DOM
let font_descriptor_id = &self.doc.add_object(Dictionary::from_iter(font_descriptor_vec));
desc_fonts.set("FontDescriptor".to_string(), Reference(*font_descriptor_id));
// Embed character ids
let cid_to_unicode_map_stream_id = &self.doc.add_object(Stream(cid_to_unicode_map_stream));
font_vec.push(("ToUnicode".into(), Reference(*cid_to_unicode_map_stream_id)));
// let char_to_cid_map_stream_id = &self.doc.add_object(Stream(char_to_cid_map_stream));
// font_vec.push(("Encoding".into(), Name("Identity-H".into())));
let desc_fonts_id = &self.doc.add_object(Array(vec![Dictionary(desc_fonts)]));
font_vec.push(("DescendantFonts".into(), Reference(*desc_fonts_id)));
let font = Dictionary::from_iter(font_vec);
&self.fonts.insert(face_name.clone(), font);
//------------ LEVEL 2 ABSTRATION -----------//
/// Add text to document
pub fn add_text(&mut self, string: &str, size_pt: i64, position: &Point, rotation: u16, font: String) {
// take utf8 string, encode to utf16be
// convert to glyph ID
// Load font
let mut font_buf = Vec::<u8>::new();
if let Ok(mut font_file) = File::open("Asimov.otf") {
let _ = font_file.read_to_end(&mut font_buf);
let font_buf_ref: Box<[u8]> = font_buf.into_boxed_slice();
let library = ft::Library::init().unwrap();
let face = library.new_memory_face(&*font_buf_ref, 0).unwrap();
let str_test = string.to_string();
let list_gid: Vec<u16> = str_test.chars().map(|x| face.get_char_index(x as usize) as u16).collect();
// let str: Vec<u16> = string.encode_utf16().collect();
let bytes: Vec<u8> = list_gid.iter()
.flat_map(|x| vec!((x >> 8) as u8, (x & 255) as u8))
// rotation missing
&self.push("BT", vec![]);
&self.push("Tf", vec![font.into(), size_pt.into()]);
&self.push("Td", vec![position.x.into(), position.y.into()]);
&self.push("Tj", vec![Object::String(bytes, StringFormat::Hexadecimal)]);
&self.push("ET", vec![]);
/// Draw a line
/// TODO: support resetting of outline to
pub fn draw_line(&mut self,
line: &Line,
outline_col: Option<&CMYK>,
outline_pt: Option<i64>,
fill_col: Option<&CMYK>){
if line.points.is_empty() { return; };
// Set color space and width|c| self.push("SCN", vec![c.c.into(), c.m.into(), c.y.into(), c.k.into()]));|c| self.push("scn", vec![c.c.into(), c.m.into(), c.y.into(), c.k.into()]));|w| self.push("w", vec![w.into()]));
self.push("m", vec![line.points[0].0.x.into(), line.points[0].0.y.into()]);
// Skip first element
let mut current = 1;
let max_len = line.points.len();
// Loop over every points, determine if v, y, c or l operation should be used and build
// curve / line accordingly
while current < max_len {
let p1 = &line.points[current - 1]; // prev pt
let p2 = &line.points[current]; // current pt
if p1.1 && p2.1 {
// current point is a bezier handle
// valid bezier curve must have two sequential bezier handles
// we also can"t build a valid cubic bezier curve if the cuve contains less than
// four points. If p3 or p4 is marked as "next point is bezier handle" or not, doesn"t matter
if let Some(p3) = line.points.get(current + 1){
if let Some(p4) = line.points.get(current + 2){
if p1.0 == p2.0 {
// first control point coincides with initial point of curve
self.push("v", vec![p3.0.x.into(), p3.0.y.into(), p4.0.x.into(), p4.0.y.into()]);
}else if p2.0 == p3.0 {
// first control point coincides with final point of curve
self.push("y", vec![p2.0.x.into(), p2.0.y.into(), p4.0.x.into(), p4.0.y.into()]);
// regular bezier curve with four points
self.push("c", vec![p2.0.x.into(), p2.0.y.into(), p3.0.x.into(), p3.0.y.into(), p4.0.x.into(), p4.0.y.into()]);
current += 3;
// normal straight line
self.push("l", vec![p2.0.x.into(), p2.0.y.into()]);
current += 1;
//todo set color beforehand
match fill_col {
Some(_) => {self.push("b", vec![]);},
None => {self.push("S", vec![]);},
fn main() {
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let mut doc = MapDocument::new(1000, 1000, "ISOcoated_v2_300_eci.icc").unwrap();
let roboto_font_ref = doc.add_ttf("Roboto.otf").unwrap();
// line drawing
let a = Point { x: 200.0, y: 50.0 };
let b = Point { x: 500.0, y: 295.0 };
let c = Point { x: 300.0, y: 26.0 };
let d = Point { x: 400.0, y: 560.0 };
let e = Point { x: 900.0, y: 29.0 };
let f = Point { x: 150.0, y: 650.0 };
// todo: make creation functions for this
let line = Line{ points: vec![(a, true), (a, true), (b, true), (c, false), (d, false), (e, false), (f, false)], };
let color = CMYK { c: 1.0, m: 0.75, y: 0.0, k: 0.0 };
doc.draw_line(&line, Some(&color), Some(10), Some(&color));
// text drawing
let text_pos = Point { x: 10.0, y: 40.0, };
doc.add_text("Hello", 48, &text_pos, 20, roboto_font_ref);
println!("FINISHED IN {} ms", now.elapsed().subsec_nanos() / 1000000);
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fschutt commented Apr 3, 2017

you will need the font Roboto and a color profile to execute this

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