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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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This is the code required to convert the network from the old pickled format to just storing the networks as dataframes in an hdf5 file (pandas style)
import pandas as pd
import cPickle
import sys
args = sys.argv[1:]
assert len(args) == 2, " <infile.jar> <outfile.h5>"
d = cPickle.load(open(args[0]))
nodes = pd.DataFrame(d['nodes'], index=d['nodeids'])
nodes.columns = ['x', 'y']
edges = pd.DataFrame(d['edges'], index=d['edgeids'])
edges.columns = ['from', 'to']
edges['weight'] = d['edgeweights']
for col in ['from', 'to']:
# not pretty - pandas isn't really designed for using offsets
edges[col] = nodes.reset_index().iloc[edges[col]]["index"].values
print edges.describe()
# test is out
import pandana as pdna
pdna.Network(nodes["x"], nodes["y"], edges["from"], edges["to"],
# write it out
store = pd.HDFStore(args[1])
store["nodes"] = nodes
store["edges"] = edges
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